Search Results - "Stepan, George J."

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    Clinical targeting of HIV capsid protein with a long-acting small molecule by Link, John O., Rhee, Martin S., Tse, Winston C., Zheng, Jim, Somoza, John R., Rowe, William, Begley, Rebecca, Chiu, Anna, Mulato, Andrew, Hansen, Derek, Singer, Eric, Tsai, Luong K., Bam, Rujuta A., Chou, Chien-Hung, Canales, Eda, Brizgys, Gediminas, Zhang, Jennifer R., Li, Jiayao, Graupe, Michael, Morganelli, Philip, Liu, Qi, Wu, Qiaoyin, Halcomb, Randall L., Saito, Roland D., Schroeder, Scott D., Lazerwith, Scott E., Bondy, Steven, Jin, Debi, Hung, Magdeleine, Novikov, Nikolai, Liu, Xiaohong, Villaseñor, Armando G., Cannizzaro, Carina E., Hu, Eric Y., Anderson, Robert L., Appleby, Todd C., Lu, Bing, Mwangi, Judy, Liclican, Albert, Niedziela-Majka, Anita, Papalia, Giuseppe A., Wong, Melanie H., Leavitt, Stephanie A., Xu, Yili, Koditek, David, Stepan, George J., Yu, Helen, Pagratis, Nikos, Clancy, Sheila, Ahmadyar, Shekeba, Cai, Terrence Z., Sellers, Scott, Wolckenhauer, Scott A., Ling, John, Callebaut, Christian, Margot, Nicolas, Ram, Renee R., Liu, Ya-Pei, Hyland, Rob, Sinclair, Gary I., Ruane, Peter J., Crofoot, Gordon E., McDonald, Cheryl K., Brainard, Diana M., Lad, Latesh, Swaminathan, Swami, Sundquist, Wesley I., Sakowicz, Roman, Chester, Anne E., Lee, William E., Daar, Eric S., Yant, Stephen R., Cihlar, Tomas

    Published in Nature (London) (27-08-2020)
    “…Oral antiretroviral agents provide life-saving treatments for millions of people living with HIV, and can prevent new infections via pre-exposure prophylaxis 1…”
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