Search Results - "Stellino, Megan B"
An observational study of recess quality and physical activity in urban primary schools
Published in BMC public health (27-05-2020)“…To date, there is scant literature that examines the recess context concurrent with, but separate from, levels of physical activity. The primary purpose of the…”
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Parents’ perceptions of school recess policies and practices
Published in BMC public health (19-08-2022)“…Background Previous research has shown that school recess can provide children with physical, social and cognitive benefits; yet, recess opportunities and…”
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Development of the great recess framework - observational tool to measure contextual and behavioral components of elementary school recess
Published in BMC public health (22-03-2018)“…Physical activity (PA) remains the primary behavioral outcome associated with school recess, while many other potentially relevant indicators of recess remain…”
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Observations of playground play during elementary school recess
Published in BMC research notes (23-10-2018)“…The purpose of the current study was to examine reliability and validity evidence for an observational measure of playground play during recess. Observational…”
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Individual and environmental correlates of school-based recess engagement
Published in Preventive medicine reports (01-09-2018)“…AbstractThe purpose of this study was to examine individual variables associated with children's levels of recess physical activity (PA), as well as…”
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"Well You Know...": Parents' Perceptions of Morality in AAA Youth Ice Hockey
Published in Qualitative report (01-12-2023)“…Parents’ involvement patterns serve as a catalyst to their children’s moral development (Bandura, 1991). Yet, sport culture may convolute parents’ authentic…”
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Examination of the Responsiveness of the Great Recess Framework-Observational Tool
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (28-12-2019)“…The purpose of this study was to test the responsiveness of the great recess framework-observational tool (GRF-OT) to detect changes in recess quality. GRF-OT…”
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Impact of a Peer-Led Campus Recreation Program to Improve Student Wellbeing: Exploring Participation Outcomes of the Fitness Buddies Program
Published in Recreational sports journal (30-05-2024)“…College students are experiencing substantial mental health challenges including depression, anxiety, and loneliness, while spending less time being physically…”
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The impact of a multi-component physical activity programme in low-income elementary schools
Published in Health education journal (01-08-2017)“…Objective: To identify the effects of a structured and multifaceted physical activity and recess intervention on student and adult behaviour in school. Design:…”
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Gender Identity and Health-related Outcomes in a National Sample of College Students
Published in American journal of health education (01-11-2020)“…Background: College health education professionals need a comprehensive understanding of student health outcomes to promote health for all students. Purpose:…”
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Evidence-Based Strategies for Socially, Emotionally and Physically Beneficial School Recess
Published in Journal of physical education, recreation & dance (01-01-2018)“…Health and education disparities continue to persist in low-income communities, and in communities with a high proportion of racial and ethnic minorities…”
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Sport Parents' Attitudes, Intentions, And Experiences With Youth Sport Injuries: 434
Published in Medicine and science in sports and exercise (01-10-2024)Get full text
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