Search Results - "Steiner, Andrea Quirino"
Globalization, Technology and Female Empowerment: Breaking Rights or Connecting Opportunities?
Published in Social indicators research (01-09-2017)“…What are the main impacts of globalization and new information and communication technologies (ICTs) on female empowerment? The first part of this paper…”
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Assessing the impact of social trust on attitudes towards immigrants: evidence from Brazil
Published in DISCOVER GLOBAL SOCIETY (18-09-2024)“…Since the 2000s, the number of immigrants has been growing in Brazil, as well as the cases of xenophobia. There are multiple explanations in the literature on…”
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Marriage of convenience, love at first sight? A brief manual for teaching international relations in Brazil and beyond
Published in Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional (01-01-2022)“…Professors may start teaching either out of love or out of convenience, with limited resources. This article provides a brief manual for planning, designing…”
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As mulheres na carreira diplomática brasileira: considerações sobre admissão, hierarquia e ascensão profissional
Published in Monções (23-09-2017)“…Este trabalho foca nas experiências e desafios particulares das mulheres na carreira diplomática brasileira. Através de entrevistas e análise documental,…”
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From Tegucigalpa to Teheran: Brazil's diplomacy as an emerging Western country
Published in Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional (01-01-2014)“…This paper reviews Brazil's pursuit for international insertion by: discussing its search for new partners; presenting an overview of the historical, cultural,…”
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Zonação de recifes emersos da Área de Proteção Ambiental Costa dos Corais, Nordeste do Brasil
Published in Iheringia: Série Zoologia (01-06-2015)“…RESUMO A zonação dos ambientes recifais permite avaliar possíveis impactos antropogênicos e subsidiar futuros planos de manejo. Este estudo teve por objetivo…”
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International governance of marine socioecological systems (SES): a case study of South America
Published in Monções (01-12-2020)“…How does marine governance occur in South America? In order to answer this question, we envision the marine environment based on a framework on socioecological…”
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As organizações internacionais na difusão de políticas de proteção à infância e adolescência no Brasil: um estudo de caso do Selo UNICEF – Município Aprovado
Published in Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas e Internacionais (01-01-2019)“…Com base na ideia de interdependência, o seguinte trabalho trata da influência que as organizações internacionais podem exercer na política interna dos…”
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A governança internacional de sistemas sócio-ecológicos (SSE) marinhos: um estudo de caso da América do Sul
Published in Monções (30-12-2020)“…Como se dá a governança marinha na América do Sul? A fim de responder essa questão, vislumbramos o ambiente marinho a partir de um framework sobre sistemas…”
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Zonação de recifes emersos da Área de Proteção Ambiental Costa dos Corais, Nordeste do Brasil
Published in Iheringia. Série zoologia (01-06-2015)“…RESUMO A zonação dos ambientes recifais permite avaliar possíveis impactos antropogênicos e subsidiar futuros planos de manejo. Este estudo teve por objetivo…”
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Spatial distribution of benthic macroorganisms on reef flats at Porto de Galinhas Beach (northeastern Brazil), with special focus on corals and calcified hydroids
Published in Biotemas (01-06-2010)“…Despite their ecological and social-economic importance, coral reefs are under constant threat and thus require proper management practices. Data on the…”
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Corals and calcified hydroids of the Manuel Luiz Marine State Park (State of Maranhao, Northeast Brazil)
Published in Biota neotropica (01-01-2007)“…This study aimed to collect information on the diversity of corals and calcified hydroids of the Manuel Luiz Marine State Park (state of Maranhao, Northeast…”
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Spatial distribution of benthic macroorganisms on reef flats at Porto de Galinhas Beach (northeastern Brazil), with special focus on corals and calcified hydroids
Published in Biotemas (01-04-2010)“…Distribuição espacial dos macroorganismos bentônicos nos recifes da Praia de Porto de Galinhas (nordeste do Brasil) com atenção especial aos corais e hidróides…”
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