Search Results - "Steelman, Toddi"
U.S. wildfire governance as social-ecological problem
Published in Ecology and society (01-12-2016)“…There are fundamental spatial and temporal disconnects between the specific policies that have been crafted to address our wildfire challenges. The biophysical…”
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Best practices in risk and crisis communication: Implications for natural hazards management
Published in Natural hazards (Dordrecht) (2013)“…As societies evolve, often the most appropriate response to the hazard must also evolve. However, such shifts in appropriate response to a hazard, whether at…”
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The Structure of Effective Governance of Disaster Response Networks: Insights From the Field
Published in American review of public administration (01-10-2018)“…There is significant debate about the appropriate governance structure in a disaster response. Complex disasters exhibit both networked and hierarchical…”
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Wildfire risk as a socioecological pathology
Published in Frontiers in ecology and the environment (01-06-2016)“…Wildfire risk in temperate forests has become a nearly intractable problem that can be characterized as a socioecological âpathologyâ: that is, a set of…”
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What information do people use, trust, and find useful during a disaster? Evidence from five large wildfires
Published in Natural hazards (Dordrecht) (01-03-2015)“…The communication system through which information flows during a disaster can be conceived of as a set of relationships among sources and recipients who are…”
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Conflict and Collaboration in Wildfire Management: The Role of Mission Alignment
Published in Public administration review (01-05-2015)“…Responding to large wildfires requires actors from multiple jurisdictions and multiple levels of government to work collaboratively. The missions and…”
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What Is Limiting More Flexible Fire Management--Public or Agency Pressure?
Published in Journal of forestry (01-12-2011)“…Conventional wisdom within American federal fire management agencies suggests that external influence such as community or political pressure for aggressive…”
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Damming Knowledge Flows: POWER as a Constraint on Knowledge Pluralism in River Flow Decision-making in the Saskatchewan River Delta
Published in Society & natural resources (03-08-2018)“…Rivers and dams are increasingly contested venues where knowledge pluralism is critical for effective governance. To navigate change, decision-makers can adopt…”
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Understanding Information Exchange During Disaster Response: Methodological Insights From Infocentric Analysis
Published in Administration & society (01-08-2014)“…We leverage economic theory, network theory, and social network analytical techniques to bring greater conceptual and methodological rigor to understand how…”
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Climate change and adaptive decision making: Responses from North Carolina coastal officials
Published in Ocean & coastal management (01-01-2017)“…While climate change is a global phenomenon, adaptive action starts at the local level. Understanding how local decision makers make sense of climate change…”
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A global outlook on increasing wildfire risk: Current policy situation and future pathways
Published in Trees, Forests and People (Online) (01-12-2023)“…•The need for effective policies to mitigate the impacts of wildfires.•There is no one-size-fits-all solution, emphasizing the importance of tailored…”
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Identifying transformational space for transdisciplinarity: using art to access the hidden third
Published in Sustainability science (01-05-2019)“…A challenge for transdisciplinary sustainability science is learning how to bridge diverse worldviews among collaborators in respectful ways. A temptation in…”
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Practicing the science of sustainability: the challenges of transdisciplinarity in a developing world context
Published in Sustainability science (01-10-2015)“…Questions related to how we practice sustainability science remain salient in the face of the failure to achieve broad-scale sustainability objectives…”
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Patterns of preference and practice: bridging actors in wildfire response networks in the American Northwest
Published in Disasters (01-07-2017)“…The roles of bridging actors in emergency response networks can be important to disaster response outcomes. This paper is based on an evaluation of wildfire…”
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Understanding what can be accomplished through interorganizational innovations The importance of typologies, context and management strategies
Published in Public management review (01-06-2003)“…There has been increasing interest in collaborations, partnerships and networks as they have emerged as interorganizational innovations to address the…”
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Serving the Common Interest in U.S. Forest Policy: A Case Study of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act
Published in Environmental management (New York) (01-03-2009)“…In the United States, the common interest often is conceived as a by-product of the pluralist, interest-group-driven democratic process. Special interests…”
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Mobilizing transdisciplinary sustainability science in place-based communities: Evaluating saliency, legitimacy, and credibility in northern Canada
Published in Environmental challenges (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (01-12-2021)“…•Sustainability science practices and outputs are interpreted in the local context.•Relationships, perspectives, worldview, and history shape how research is…”
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Effective Protection of Open Space: Does Planning Matter
Published in Environmental management (New York) (01-07-2009)“…High quality plans are considered a crucial part of good land use planning and often used as a proxy measure for success in plan implementation and goal…”
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Same time, same place: analyzing temporal and spatial trends in urban metabolism using proximate counties in the North Carolina Triangle
Published in Urban ecosystems (01-03-2016)“…Urban ecosystems’ demands for energy and materials are rapidly growing, as is the burden of wastes produced in utilizing these resources. Current consumption…”
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Is Wildfire Policy in the United States Sustainable?
Published in Journal of forestry (01-03-2007)“…Beginning in 2000, wildfire policy in the United States shifted from focusing almost exclusively on suppression to embracing multiple goals, including…”
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