Search Results - "Spence, Austin R"
Food restriction and chronic stress alter energy use and affect immunity in an infrequent feeder
Published in Functional ecology (01-11-2015)“…Summary Glucocorticoids are important mediators of energy utilization for key physiological processes, including immune function. Much work has focused on the…”
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Anthropogenic and climatic factors interact to influence reproductive timing and effort
Published in Ecology and evolution (01-05-2024)“…Reproduction, although absolutely essential to a species’ persistence, is in itself challenging. As anthropogenic change increasingly affects every landscape…”
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The challenge of novel abiotic conditions for species undergoing climate‐induced range shifts
Published in Ecography (Copenhagen) (01-11-2020)“…Coincident with recent global warming, species have shifted their geographic distributions to cooler environments, generally by moving along thermal axes to…”
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Anna's hummingbird (Calypte anna) physiological response to novel thermal and hypoxic conditions at high elevations
Published in Journal of experimental biology (15-05-2022)“…Many species have not tracked their thermal niches upslope as predicted by climate change, potentially because higher elevations are associated with abiotic…”
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Body size and environment influence both intraspecific and interspecific variation in daily torpor use across hummingbirds
Published in Functional ecology (01-04-2021)“…Torpor, or a regulated drop in body temperature and metabolic rate, allows animals to inhabit energetically costly environments, but among torpor‐using…”
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DNA metabarcoding reveals broadly overlapping diets in three sympatric North American hummingbirds
Published in Ornithology (11-01-2022)“…Hummingbirds, a highly diverse avian family, are specialized vertebrate pollinators that feed upon carbohydrate-rich nectar to fuel their fast metabolism while…”
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Widespread Torpor Use in Hummingbirds from the Thermally Stable Lowland Tropics
Published in Physiological and biochemical zoology (01-03-2023)“…AbstractTorpor, the temporary reduction of metabolic rate and body temperature, is a common energy-saving strategy in endotherms. Because of their small body…”
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Elevation Correlates With Significant Changes in Relative Abundance in Hummingbird Fecal Microbiota, but Composition Changes Little
Published in Frontiers in ecology and evolution (20-01-2021)“…The microbial communities living on and in vertebrate hosts have myriad effects on their hosts, potentially including fitness and speciation. Microbiomes are…”
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Physiological Correlates of Multiple Parasitic Infections in Side-Blotched Lizards
Published in Physiological and biochemical zoology (01-05-2017)“…We investigated the presence of ectoparasites and hemoparasites in side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana) across a large part of their range and measured how…”
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Long‐term monitoring of two snake species reveals immune–endocrine interactions and the importance of ecological context
Published in Journal of experimental zoology. Part A, Ecological and integrative physiology (01-12-2020)“…While there is huge promise in monitoring physiological parameters in free‐living organisms, we also find high amounts of variability over time and space. This…”
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Evidence for the efficacy of pre-harvest agricultural practices in mitigating food-safety risks to fresh produce in North America
Published in Frontiers in sustainable food systems (05-05-2023)“…Consumption of contaminated produce remains a leading cause of foodborne illness. Increasingly, growers are altering agricultural practices and farm…”
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