Search Results - "Spatharis, Sofie"
Effects of long-term exposure to microfibers on ecosystem services provided by coastal mussels
Published in Environmental pollution (1987) (01-11-2020)“…The biofiltration capacity of bivalve populations is known to alleviate the effects of coastal eutrophication. However, this important ecosystem service could…”
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Phytoplankton succession in recurrently fluctuating environments
Published in PloS one (24-03-2015)“…Coastal marine systems are affected by seasonal variations in biogeochemical and physical processes, sometimes leading to alternating periods of reproductive…”
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Environmental DNA: A New Low-Cost Monitoring Tool for Pathogens in Salmonid Aquaculture
Published in Frontiers in microbiology (07-12-2018)“…Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding is a relatively new monitoring tool featuring in an increasing number of applications such as the facilitation of the…”
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Phytoplankton assemblage characteristics in recurrently fluctuating environments
Published in PloS one (23-03-2015)“…Annual variations in biogeochemical and physical processes can lead to nutrient variability and seasonal patterns in phytoplankton productivity and assemblage…”
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Increased contribution of parasites in microbial eukaryotic communities of different Aegean Sea coastal systems
Published in PeerJ (San Francisco, CA) (19-12-2023)“…Protistan communities have a major contribution to biochemical processes and food webs in coastal ecosystems. However, related studies are scarce and usually…”
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Drivers of Pinus halepensis Plant Community Structure across a Post-Fire Chronosequence
Published in Fire (Basel, Switzerland) (01-09-2024)“…The Pinus halepensis (Aleppo pine) forests prevailing in the western part of the Mediterranean Basin are amongst the most severely affected by fire due to…”
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Effects of pulsed nutrient inputs on phytoplankton assemblage structure and blooms in an enclosed coastal area
Published in Estuarine, coastal and shelf science (01-07-2007)“…The response of phytoplankton assemblage structure to terrestrial nutrient inputs was examined for the Gulf of Kalloni in the Northern Aegean Sea, a productive…”
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High‐Resolution Longitudinal eDNA Metabarcoding and Morphological Tracking of Planktonic Threats to Salmon Aquaculture
Published in Environmental DNA (Hoboken, N.J.) (01-09-2024)“…ABSTRACT Salmonid aquaculture, a major component of the Northern European, North American, and Chilean coastal economies, is under threat from challenges to…”
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Assessing the efficiency of clustering algorithms and goodness-of-fit measures using phytoplankton field data
Published in Ecological informatics (01-05-2012)“…Investigation of patterns in beta diversity has received increased attention over the last years particularly in light of new ecological theories such as the…”
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Changes in Microbial (Bacteria and Archaea) Plankton Community Structure after Artificial Dispersal in Grazer-Free Microcosms
Published in Microorganisms (Basel) (03-06-2017)“…Microbes are considered to have a global distribution due to their high dispersal capabilities. However, our knowledge of the way geographically distant…”
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Effects of microplastics on bivalves: Are experimental settings reflecting conditions in the field?
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (01-10-2021)“…Bivalves are the focus of experimental research as they can filtrate a broad size range of microplastics (MPs) with negative consequences for their physiology…”
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Ecological quality scales based on phytoplankton for the implementation of Water Framework Directive in the Eastern Mediterranean
Published in Ecological indicators (01-07-2010)“…Structural changes of phytoplankton communities, often expressed through ecological indices, constitute one of the metrics for the implementation of the…”
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Lumpy species coexistence arises robustly in fluctuating resource environments
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (23-01-2018)“…The effect of life-history traits on resource competition outcomes is well understood in the context of a constant resource supply. However, almost all natural…”
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The effects of artificial light at night (ALAN) on the gaping activity and feeding of mussels
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (01-07-2023)“…Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) is a common environmental pollutant which affects >22 % of the world's coastlines. However, the impact of ALAN wavelengths on…”
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Zipf–Mandelbrot model behavior in marine eutrophication: two way fitting on field and simulated phytoplankton assemblages
Published in Hydrobiologia (01-09-2013)“…Zipf–Mandelbrot (ZM) model, linking the evenness and predictability of communities (parameter gamma) to environmental diversification (parameter beta), was…”
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Temporal phosphate gradients reveal diverse acclimation responses in phytoplankton phosphate uptake
Published in The ISME Journal (01-11-2019)“…Phytoplankton face environmental nutrient variations that occur in the dynamic upper layers of the ocean. Phytoplankton cells are able to rapidly acclimate to…”
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Wavelength-dependent effects of artificial light at night on phytoplankton growth and community structure
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (30-06-2021)“…Artificial light at night (ALAN) is a disruptive form of pollution, impacting physiological and behavioural processes that may scale up to population and…”
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Species extinctions strengthen the relationship between biodiversity and resource use efficiency
Published in Ecological modelling (24-09-2018)“…•Biodiversity has a positive effect on multiple ecosystem functions (BEF), although it is variable.•Using a trait-based, numerical model, we provide a…”
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Nitrogen as the main driver of benthic diatom composition and diversity in oligotrophic coastal systems
Published in The Science of the total environment (01-12-2019)“…Phytoplankton is the main indicator group for eutrophication in coastal ecosystems, however its high dispersal potential does not enable the assessment of…”
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