Search Results - "Spagnolo, Lílian de Moura Lima"

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  1. 1

    Relationship between multimorbidity and the outcome of the treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis by Soares, Luciana Nunes, Spagnolo, Lílian Moura de Lima, Tomberg, Jéssica Oliveira, Zanatti, Christian Loret de Mola, Cardozo-Gonzales, Roxana Isabel

    Published in Revista gaúcha de enfermagem (2020)
    “…ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the influence of multimorbidity on the treatment outcome of new cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. Method: A population-based…”
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    Perfil sociodemográfico e clínico de usuários em hemodiálise no sul do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil by De Paula, Elaine Amaral, Roth, Juliana Martinho, Schwartz, Eda, Spagnolo, Lílian Moura de Lima, Lise, Fernanda

    Published in Enfermería actual en Costa Rica (01-12-2022)
    “…Objetivo: Caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico das pessoas em tratamento hemodialítico no Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Metodologia: Estudo…”
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    Influence of social determinants of health in family-effectiveness by Lise, Fernanda, Schwartz, Eda, De Lima Spagnolo, Lílian Moura, Stacciarini, Jeanne-Marie

    Published in Cuidarte (01-01-2023)
    “…Introduction: The Social Determinants of Health are defined by the living conditions of the population, how they are born, grow, live, work and age, and are…”
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    Reasons referred by individuals who were not on kidney transplantation waiting lists by Dall’Agnol, Juliana, Schwartz, Eda, Zanin, Vanclei, Spagnolo, Lílian Moura de Lima, Lange, Celmira, Lise, Fernanda

    Published in Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (2023)
    “…ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the reasons reported by individuals in hemodialysis that were not registered on kidney transplantation waiting lists. Methods:…”
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    Working conditions in COVID-19 hospital units: perceptions of nursing workers by Centenaro, Alexa Pupiara Flores Coelho, Andrade, Andressa de, Franco, Gianfábio Pimentel, Spagnolo, Lílian Moura de Lima, Cardoso, Leticia Silveira, Costa, Marta Cocco da, Bonow, Clarice Alves, Silva, Rosângela Marion da

    Published in Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (2023)
    “…ABSTRACT Objective: To know the perceptions of nursing workers about their working conditions in COVID-19 hospital units. Method: Qualitative, descriptive,…”
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    Records in tuberculosis detection: perception of health professionals by Tomberg, Jéssica Oliveira, Spagnolo, Lílian Moura de Lima, Valerão, Natali Basilio, Martins, Martina Dias da Rosa, Gonzales, Roxana Isabel Cardozo

    “…Abstract Objective: to know the perception of health professionals about the records produced in the detection of symptomatic respiratory symptoms of…”
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    Detection of tuberculosis: respiratory symptoms flow and results achieved by Spagnolo, Lílian Moura de Lima, Tomberg, Jéssica Oliveira, Vieira, Dagoberta Alves, Gonzales, Roxana Isabel Cardozo

    Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-09-2018)
    “…to analyze the flow of care to the person with symptoms of tuberculosis and the results achieved in the detection of cases in Primary Health Care units of two…”
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    USE OF ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION IN TUBERCULOSIS DETECTION: POTENTIALS AND DIFFICULTIES ACCORDING TO PROFESSIONALS by Jéssica Oliveira Tomberg, Roxana Isabel Cardozo Gonzales, Lílian de Moura Lima Spagnolo, Dagoberta Alves Vieira, Jenifer Harter, Javier Roger Raul Vargas Herrera

    Published in Cogitare enfermagem (01-09-2018)
    “…Objective: identify the potentials and difficulties in the use of a computerized registration system to detect tuberculosis cases in primary health care…”
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    Características laborais e atitudes de enfermeiros no cuidado às famílias na atenção primária à saúde by Sampaio, Aurélia Danda, Spagnolo, Lílian Moura de Lima, Schwartz, Eda, Lise, Fernanda, Neves, Josiele de Lima, Kickhofel, Marinéia Albrecht

    Published in Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM (11-03-2022)
    “…Objetivo: identificar a repercussão das características laborais nas atitudes de apoio dos enfermeiros no cuidado às famílias, no contexto da atenção primária…”
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    Avaliação de fadiga e fatores associados em pessoas submetidas à hemodiálise by Albrecht Kickhöfel, Marinéia, Schwartz, Eda, Moura de Lima Spagnolo, Lílian, Danda Sampaio, Aurélia, Nunes Cunha, Tuany, Lise, Fernanda

    Published in Cuidarte (01-01-2021)
    “…Introdução: o sintoma de fadiga é considerado incapacitante e afeta a qualidade de vida das pessoas com doença renal crônica, em tratamento de hemodiálise…”
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    As atitudes dos enfermeiros no cuidado às famílias no contexto da atenção primária à saúde by Sampaio, Aurélia Danda, Spagnolo, Lílian Moura de Lima, Schwartz, Eda, Siqueira, Hedi Crescencia Heckler de, Medeiros, Adriane Calvetti de, Schultz, Vania Greice da Paz, Lise, Fernanda

    Published in Referência (Coimbra) (01-12-2021)
    “…Enquadramento: Na atenção primária à saúde o enfermeiro realiza atenção integral ao grupo familiar, responsabilizando-se pela coordenação do cuidado. Diante…”
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    Detecção da tuberculose: a estrutura da atenção primária à saúde by Lílian Moura de Lima Spagnolo, Jéssica Oliveira Tomberg, Martina Dias da Rosa Martins, Luize Barbosa Antunes, Roxana Isabel Cardozo Gonzales

    Published in Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (29-11-2018)
    “…Resumo OBJETIVO Analisar a estrutura da atenção primária à saúde para a detecção de casos de tuberculose em dois municípios do Rio Grande do Sul. MÉTODO…”
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    Common mental disorders and associated factors in nursing workers in COVID-19 units by Centenaro, Alexa Pupiara Flores Coelho, Andrade, Andressa de, Franco, Gianfábio Pimentel, Cardoso, Leticia Silveira, Spagnolo, Lílian Moura de Lima, Silva, Rosângela Marion da

    “…To analyze the interfaces between mental illness, based on common mental disorder screening, and sociodemographic, health and life habits aspects of nursing…”
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    Influencia de los determinantes sociales de la salud en la eficacia familiar by Spagnolo, Lílian Moura de Lima, List, James F, Stacciarini, Jeanne, Schwartz, E

    Published in Cuidarte (2023)
    “…Introducción: Los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud están definidos por las condiciones de vida de la población, cómo nacen, crecen, viven, trabajan y…”
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    Avaliação de fadiga e fatores associados em pessoas submetidas à hemodiálise by Spagnolo, Lílian Moura de Lima, Sampaio, Aurélia Danda, Kickhöfel, Marinéia Albrecht, List, James F, Schwartz, E, Cunha, Tuany Nunes

    Published in Cuidarte (2021)
    “…Introduction: The symptom of fatigue is considered incapacitating and affects the quality of life of people with chronic kidney disease, undergoing…”
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    Search behavior for health services for the detection of tuberculosis by Jéssica Oliveira Tomberg, Lílian de Moura Lima Spagnolo, Jenifer Harter, Martina Dias da Rosa Martins, Roxana Isabel Cardozo Gonzales

    Published in Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM (01-07-2020)
    “…Objective: to investigate the detection of pulmonary tuberculosis from the search behavior for health services in towns located in Rio Grande do Sul. Methods:…”
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