Search Results - "Souza, Mariana Peixoto"
Treatment Satisfaction, Patient Preferences, and the Impact of Suboptimal Disease Control in a Large International Rheumatoid Arthritis Cohort: SENSE Study
Published in Patient preference and adherence (30-04-2021)“…Patients' needs and perspectives are important determinants of treatment success in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Assessing patients' perspectives can help…”
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Rasch analysis of the participation scale (P-scale): usefulness of the P-scale to a rehabilitation services network
Published in BMC public health (08-12-2017)“…A person's participation is acknowledged as an important outcome of the rehabilitation process. The Participation Scale (P-Scale) is an instrument that was…”
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Effect of biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs on body composition in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published in Advances in rheumatology (London, England) (23-05-2022)“…Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) generates an inflammatory profile that predisposes to total and visceral fatty accumulation and reduced fat free mass (FFM). This…”
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Characteristics and functional demands of patients at a local rehabilitation network: analysis from first contact
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-10-2016)“…The cross sectional study aims to create the patients' profile and understand their demands for seeking public rehabilitation services from Belo Horizonte…”
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2017 recommendations of the Brazilian Society of Rheumatology for the pharmacological treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
Published in Advances in rheumatology (London, England) (24-05-2018)“…The objective of this document is to provide a comprehensive update of the recommendations of Brazilian Society of Rheumatology on drug treatment of rheumatoid…”
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Functioning of young patients with cerebral palsy: Rasch analysis of the pediatric evaluation of disability inventory computer adaptive test daily activity and mobility
Published in Health and quality of life outcomes (18-11-2020)“…People with cerebral palsy experience limitations in performing activities of daily living. Rehabilitation practitioners seek valid instruments to measure…”
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Reduced version of the Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC) for inpatients, “6-clicks”: Brazilian-Portuguese cross-cultural adaptation and measurement properties
Published in Revista brasileira de fisioterapia (São Carlos (São Paulo, Brazil)) (01-05-2020)“…•The “6-clicks” was translated and cross-cuturally adapted into Brazilian-Portuguese language.•The measurement properties of “6-clicks” into…”
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Cross-cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese of the Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care (AM-PAC) short forms for outpatients in rehabilitation
Published in Revista brasileira de fisioterapia (São Carlos (São Paulo, Brazil)) (01-03-2018)“…•AM-PAC evaluate mobility, daily activity and applied cognition, according to ICF.•The translation process followed the procedures of specific guidelines.•The…”
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Whole-body vibration and musculoskeletal diseases in professional truck drivers
Published in Fisioterapia em movimento (01-03-2016)“…Abstract Background: Most occupational diseases do not fit the paradigm of medical interpretation of the health-disease process based on linear causality, in…”
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Implantação de ações de reabilitação funcional em uma instituição federal de ensino superior
Published in Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional (2020)“…Resumo Introdução: a reabilitação funcional (RF) se apresenta como um elo entre os cuidados de saúde e as demandas do contexto laboral e envolve,…”
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Características e demandas funcionais de usuários de uma rede local de reabilitação: análise a partir do acolhimento
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-10-2016)“…Resumo Este estudo transversal objetiva traçar o perfil e conhecer as demandas dos usuários que buscaram os serviços públicos de reabilitação de Belo…”
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Características e demandas funcionais de usuários de uma rede local de reabilitação: análise a partir do acolhimento
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-10-2016)“…Resumo Este estudo transversal objetiva traçar o perfil e conhecer as demandas dos usuários que buscaram os serviços públicos de reabilitação de Belo…”
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Acidentes de trabalho envolvendo mãos: casos atendidos em um serviço de reabilitação
Published in Fisioterapia e pesquisa (2008)“…O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar os casos de lesões na mão relacionadas ao trabalho atendidos no Setor de Terapia da Mão do Hospital Maria Amélia Lins, em…”
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Acidentes de trabalho envolvendo mãos: casos atendidos em um serviço de reabilitação
Published in Fisioterapia e pesquisa (2008)“…O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar os casos de lesões na mão relacionadas ao trabalho atendidos no Setor de Terapia da Mão do Hospital Maria Amélia Lins, em…”
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Implementação de ferramenta para a organização do fluxo dos usuários na rede pública de reabilitação: inovar para aumentar a efetividade
Published in JMPHC | Journal of Management & Primary Health Care | ISSN 2179-6750 (05-01-2017)“…O Sistema Único de Saúde organiza seus serviços de forma integrada e em diferentes níveis de complexidade, nas chamadas Redes de Atenção à Saúde, dentre elas,…”
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Identificação das demandas funcionais dos usuários de serviços públicos de reabilitação: sistematizando o acolhimento
Published in JMPHC | Journal of Management & Primary Health Care | ISSN 2179-6750 (05-01-2017)“…Desde as últimas décadas o Brasil vivencia o aumento das doenças crônicas e da expectativa de vida que, associadas à crescente urbanização e industrialização,…”
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