Search Results - "Souza, Ligia F. T."
Temperature and pH mediate stoichiometric constraints of organically derived soil nutrients
Published in Global change biology (01-02-2022)“…It remains unclear how warming will affect resource flows during soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition, in part due to uncertainty in how exoenzymes produced…”
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Earth’s soil harbours ancient carbon
Published in Nature geoscience (01-08-2020)“…Organic carbon in the top metre of Earth’s soils is far older than previously thought, averaging 4,800 years old. These radiocarbon-derived age estimates…”
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Root distributions, precipitation, and soil structure converge to govern soil organic carbon depth distributions
Published in Geoderma (01-09-2023)“…•Greater precipitation promotes gradual changes in SOC with depth in native prairies.•Agricultural lands in the same region exhibit similar but non-significant…”
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Is macroporosity controlled by complexed clay and soil organic carbon?
Published in Geoderma (01-09-2023)“…Multi-scale evidence of rapid, climate-induced soil structural changes occurring at yearly to decadal timescales is mounting. As a result, it has become…”
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