Search Results - "Sousa Lima, Rafael"
Identifying financial patterns of money laundering with social network analysis: a Brazilian case study
Published in Journal of money laundering control (03-01-2022)“…Purpose This study aims to understand how forensic accountants can analyse bank transactions suspected of being involved with money laundering crimes in Brazil…”
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Intellectual disability and impact on oral health: a paired study
Published in Special care in dentistry (01-11-2013)“…ABSTRACT The objective was to assess the oral health status, the treatment needed, and the type of dental health services access of intellectually disabled…”
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Sucrose replacement: a sensory profile and time‐intensity analysis of a tamarind functional beverage with artificial and natural non‐nutritive sweeteners
Published in Journal of the science of food and agriculture (30-01-2021)“…BACKGROUND Tamarind pulp contains polyphenolic compounds that exert antioxidant and anti‐inflammatory effects with a positive impact on human health. The…”
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Does the indoor thermal environment influence the dominant sensation in a functional beverage attribute?
Published in Journal of food science (01-10-2020)“…Different thermal environments can affect human productivity with repercussions on cognitive ability and physiological changes. However, the direct effect of…”
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Temporal sweet taste dominance according to adult body mass index classification
Published in Journal of food science (01-05-2023)“…Excess adipose tissue is associated with basic tastes perception change, which can negatively affect food choices. However, the effect of overweight and…”
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Impact of sweetness on the sensory acceptance of passion fruit nectar in Brazilian geographic regions
Published in International journal of food science & technology (01-06-2021)“…Summary Passion fruit is the fourth most consumed fruit by the Brazilian population, especially in the form of juice, usually associated with the addition of…”
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Consumer Acceptance Studies of Margarine to Guide Product Development in the Food Industry
Published in Foods (29-12-2023)“…Margarine exhibits significant variations in composition, allowing it to cater to diverse consumer segments. This study aimed to characterize the physical and…”
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Preference Drivers for Blackberry Nectar ( Rubus spp., Rosaceae) with Different Sweeteners
Published in Foods (26-01-2023)“…This study determined the dynamic sensory profile and consumer acceptance of blackberry nectar with different sweeteners. The ideal scale was used to determine…”
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Análise de redes sociais contra a corrupção: estudo do orçamento público vinculado à pandemia do Covid-19
Published in Revista de contabilidade e organizações (23-11-2022)“…O combate à pandemia desencadeou quase que imediatamente reações por parte de governos em todo o mundo. Recursos econômicos foram direcionados para manutenção…”
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Fiscalização dos gastos governamentais com o enfrentamento da Covid-19: aplicação da Lei de Newcomb-Benford na execução da despesa pública
Published in Revista Catarinense da Ciência Contábil (18-10-2024)“…A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar as despesas da União em 2020 e 2021 com o enfrentamento da pandemia de Covid-19 em busca por indícios de fraudes. O…”
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Artrodesis Total de la Muñeca con Placa Dorsal Bloqueada de Bajo Perfil y Ángulo Variable: Tasa de Consolidación y Complicaciones de 85 casos Consecutivos
Published in Revista iberoamericana de cirugía de la mano (01-05-2023)“…Introducción La artrodesis de muñeca ha evolucionado con el tiempo con el uso creciente de un implante más rígido y un aumento resultante en las tasas de…”
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Oversight of Government Spending on Combating Covid-19: Application of the Newcomb-Benford Law In Public Expenditure Execution
Published in Revista Catarinense da Ciência Contábil (18-10-2024)“…The research aims to analyze the federal government's expenditures in 2020 and 2021 related to combating the COVID-19 pandemic in search of fraud indicators…”
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Influence of aesthetic coating on the load-deflection ratio of nickel–titanium archwires
Published in Brazilian journal of oral sciences (20-09-2017)“…Aim: To assess the influence of aesthetic surface coating on load-deflection ratios in nickel-titanium (NiTi) orthodontic wires compared with uncoated wires…”
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Social network analysis against corruption: a study of the public budget related to the Covid-19 pandemic
Published in Revista de contabilidade e organizações (18-02-2022)“…O combate a pandemia desencadeou quase que imediatamente reaçöes por parte de govemos em todo o mundo. Recursos económicos foram direcionados para manutençao…”
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Artrodesis Total de la Muñeca con Placa Dorsal Bloqueada de Bajo Perfil y Ángulo Variable: Tasa de Consolidación y Complicaciones de 85 casos Consecutivos
Published in Revista iberoamericana de cirugía de la mano (01-05-2023)“…Introducción La artrodesis de muñeca ha evolucionado con el tiempo con el uso creciente de un implante más rígido y un aumento resultante en las tasas de…”
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Kuhnian Perspective on Accounting Science: the emergence of the paradigm to the period of crisis
Published in Revista Catarinense da Ciência Contábil (01-08-2020)“…The work aims to discuss accounting science from the point of view of Kuhnian theory. The study fits as a theoretical essay, in which, based on bibliographic…”
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Fiscalização dos gastos governamentais com o enfrentamento da Covid-19: aplicação da Lei de Newcomb-Benford na execução da despesa pública
Published in Revista Catarinense da Ciência Contábil (18-10-2024)“…A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar as despesas da União em 2020 e 2021 com o enfrentamento da pandemia de Covid-19 em busca por indícios de fraudes. O…”
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Fiscalização dos gastos governamentais com o enfrentamento da Covid-19
Published in Revista Catarinense da Ciência Contábil (01-10-2024)“…A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar as despesas da União em 2020 e 2021 com o enfrentamento da pandemia de Covid-19 em busca por indícios de fraudes. O…”
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Perspectiva Kuhniana sobre a Ciência Contábil: do surgimento do paradigma ao período de crise
Published in Revista Catarinense da Ciência Contábil (04-08-2020)“…O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a ciência contábil do ponto de vista da teoria Kuhniana. O estudo enquadra-se como ensaio teórico, em que se busca, com…”
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Projeto Saúde: Perfil alimentar e nutricional de idosas de um município do interior do Ceará
Published in Revista brasileira de nutrição esportiva (2013)Get full text
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