Search Results - "Sousa, Regina Célia"
Prediction of hot flow plastic curves of ISO 5832-9 steel used as orthopedic implants
Published in Materials research (São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil) (01-04-2014)“…An austenitic stainless steel ISO 5832-9 used as a biomaterial was torsion-deformed over the temperature range of 1000-1200 [degrees]C and strain rates of…”
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Use of Direct Current Resistivity Measurements to Assess AISI 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel Sensitization
Published in Materials research (São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil) (01-04-2015)“…This paper describes the feasibility of using direct current electrical resistivity measurements to evaluate AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel sensitization…”
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The University of São Paulo Twin Panel: Current Status and Prospects for Brazilian Twin Studies in Behavioral Research
Published in Twin research and human genetics (01-12-2019)“…The University of São Paulo Twin Panel (Painel USP de Gêmeos), based at the Institute of Psychology of the University of São Paulo, started formally in 2017…”
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Investigation of cytokine polymorphisms on viral infections after renal transplantation exhibit association between IFN‐γ +874 A > T and CMV manifestations
Published in International journal of immunogenetics (01-12-2022)“…We investigated the effects of TNF‐α, IFN‐γ, IL‐10 polymorphisms on viral infections (CMV, BKPyV, HHV‐6, EBV) after renal transplantation. IFN‐γ+874 A > T…”
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Effects of solution heat treatment on grain growth and degree of sensitization of AISI 321 austenitic stainless steel
Published in Journal of materials science (01-04-2006)“…This work investigates the influence of solution temperature on grain growth and degree of sensitization of AISI 321 steel. Samples were solution treated at…”
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Effects of heat treatment on the microhardness of direct composites at different depths of restoration
Published in Revista odonto ciência (2012)“…Purpose: The mechanical properties of direct composites may be improved by heat treatment. This study aimed to verify whether heat treatment influences the…”
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UsefulScience: National Science and Technology Week in rural schools
Published in Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo (01-01-2019)“…This article reports on the execution of the #Useful Science project, part of the National Science Science Week (SNCT) of 2017. This project was executed in…”
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Análise de BTEX em água: comparação entre duas colunas cromatográficas
Published in Revista ambiente & água (2014)“…Este estudo teve como objetivo a implementação e a validação de uma metodologia por CG-DIC para a determinação de Benzeno, Tolueno, Etilbenzeno e Xilenos,…”
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Plastic Instability in ISO 5832-9 High-nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel
Published in ISIJ International (01-01-2015)“…ISO 5832-9 high-nitrogen austenitic stainless steel has shown promising results in the fabrication of temporary and permanent orthopedic prostheses, exhibiting…”
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Reflexões sobre a formação inicial de professores de Física na UFMA
Published in Revista de Ensino de Ciências e Matemática (08-08-2020)“…Este trabalho tem por objetivo refletir sobre aspectos da formação inicial de professores de Física a partir da perspectiva de estudantes do curso de Física…”
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Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of lead(II) ion-selective solid-state membranes
Published in Electrochimica acta (01-04-2006)“…Silver sulphide/lead sulphide membranes were studied using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The influence of the electrolyte concentration and the…”
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Evaluation of levels, sources and distribution of airborne trace metals in seven districts of the Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Published in Atmospheric environment (1994) (01-06-2005)“…The main goal of this work is to assess the concentrations of total suspended particles (TSP) and airborne particulate trace metals in seven districts of the…”
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Educação Ambiental: composição química de águas minerais relacionados aos elementos da tabela periódica
Published in Revista verde de agroecologia e desenvolvimento sustentável (01-12-2018)“…A educação ambiental está entre os temas transversais que devem ser contemplados durante a escolarização. Uma maneira de abordar a educação ambiental é a…”
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Concentration and emission sources of airborne metals in particulate matter in the industrial District of Médio Paraíba, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Published in Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology (01-11-2006)“…Total suspended particles and 12 airborne metals were determined in 4 sampling sites in the industrial region of Médio Paraíba, Brazil. The geometrical means…”
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Controle das emissões de chumbo particulado no entorno de uma reformadora de baterias da cidade do Rio de Janeiro usando ar como indicador
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (2003)“…No período entre abril a julho de 1999, foram realizadas determinações dos níveis de chumbo no ar ambiente nas proximidades de uma reformadora de baterias (RB)…”
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Metals in airborne particulate matter in the industrial district of Santa Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, in an annual period
Published in Atmospheric environment (1994) (2004)“…The main goal of this work is to assess the concentrations of total suspended particles (TSP) and airborne particulate trace metals in the Industrial District…”
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Diferencas de genero na preferencia de pares e brincadeiras de criancas
Published in Psicologia, reflexão e crítica (01-01-2013)“…O dimorfismo sexual na preferência de pares e brincadeiras infantis é registrado desde idades precoces. Crianças com padrões atípicos do seu sexo tendem a…”
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Avaliação da poluição ambiental causada por particulado de chumbo emitido por uma reformadora de baterias na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (01-09-2006)“…Neste estudo, determinou-se o teor de chumbo (Pb) presente no ar ao redor de uma reformadora de baterias, antes e após da instalação do sistema de exaustão. Na…”
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Diferenças de gênero na preferência de pares e brincadeiras de crianças
Published in Psicologia, reflexão e crítica (2013)Get full text
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Diferenças de gênero na preferência de pares e brincadeiras de crianças Gender differences in children's peer and play preferences
Published in Psicologia, reflexão e crítica (01-01-2013)“…O dimorfismo sexual na preferência de pares e brincadeiras infantis é registrado desde idades precoces. Crianças com padrões atípicos do seu sexo tendem a…”
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