Search Results - "Sousa, Pedro A.C."
To burn-out or not to burn-out: a cross-sectional study in healthcare professionals in Spain during COVID-19 pandemic
Published in BMJ open (24-02-2021)“…ObjectiveTo assess the prevalence of burn-out syndrome in healthcare workers working on the front line (FL) in Spain during COVID-19.DesignCross-sectional,…”
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Journal Article -
Mining Recurring Concepts in a Dynamic Feature Space
Published in IEEE transaction on neural networks and learning systems (01-01-2014)“…Most data stream classification techniques assume that the underlying feature space is static. However, in real-world applications the set of features and…”
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Journal Article -
From phenotype to genotype in complex brain networks
Published in Scientific reports (22-01-2016)“…Generative models are a popular instrument for illuminating the relationships between the hidden variables driving the growth of a complex network and its…”
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Journal Article -
Assessing the risk of cardiovascular events in patients receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors
Published in Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine (01-12-2022)“…Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have revolutionized cancer treatment. However, despite their excellent therapeutic effect, these medications typically…”
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Journal Article -
MARS: A Personalised Mobile Activity Recognition System
Published in 2012 IEEE 13th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (01-07-2012)“…Mobile activity recognition focuses on inferring the current activities of a mobile user by leveraging the sensory data that is available on today's smart…”
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Conference Proceeding -
How an I-DSS May Help
Published in Journal of decision systems (01-01-2007)“…Operational Risk management, the least covered component of Enterprise Wide Risk Management, needs intelligent tools to implement Comprehensive Emergency…”
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New Data Preparation Process A Case Study for an Exomars Drill
Published in 2006 World Automation Congress (01-07-2006)“…This paper addresses the data preparation process for a drill fuzzy monitoring tool. The objective is to describe how to automatically generate fuzzy…”
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Conference Proceeding -
A Multi-Agent System's Approach to Communication Security in the Web
Published in Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (20-09-2004)“…This paper presents the Split and Merge method, an approach to provide secure communication over the Internet using software agents. Instead of relying…”
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Conference Proceeding