Search Results - "Sorkin, V M"
Criteria of primary multiple bilateral tumors of mammary gland, their clinical significance in diagnosis of primary and metastatic tumors
Published in Klinična hìrurgìâ (Kiïv) (01-11-2001)“…Clinical data and results of morphological investigation of the mammarial gland (MG) tumor in 158 women with bilateral affection are summarized. For diagnosis…”
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Observation of successful surgical treatment of seven tumors in a woman patient with genetically complicated heredity
Published in Klinična hìrurgìâ (Kiïv) (01-02-2001)Get more information
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The primary-multiple malignant tumors inpatients with mammary gland cancer
Published in Klinična hìrurgìâ (Kiïv) (01-05-2000)“…Of 5073 patients with mammarial gland cancer (MGC) observed during 20 years of follow-up in 409 (8.1%) polyneoplasia was revealed. In 21 (5.1%) of 409 patients…”
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Histological structure of a tumor as a criterion of primary multiplicity in bilateral cancer of mammary glands
Published in Klinična hìrurgìâ (Kiïv) (01-04-2001)“…Comparative estimation of histological structure of contralateral tumors in 104 patients with primary and in 54--with metastatic mammarial gland cancer (MGC)…”
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Breast cancer in women with prior malignant tumors
Published in Likars'ka sprava (01-09-2001)“…Indices have been studied for a relative risk of development of subsequent metachronic breast cancer (BC) in 15627 sick female subjects presenting with…”
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Results of esophageal cancer surgical treatment in multiple primary neoplasms
Published in Hirurgija (Moskva) (1998)“…Available are the results of surgical treatment of 11 patients with cancer of the esophagus revealed metachronously through 6 months--3 years after treatment…”
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The frequency of detection of and criteria for primary multiple malignant tumors in patients with mammary gland cancer
Published in Klinična hìrurgìâ (Kiïv) (1998)“…The method of calculation of the primarily-multiple malignant tumors (PMMT) frequency depending on their occurrence succession was supposed. The frequency of…”
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The incidence of bilateral multiple primary breast cancer among the female inhabitants of Crimea
Published in Likars'ka sprava (01-08-1998)“…A method is proposed for calculation of PMSO frequency depending on succession of origination of polyneoplasias. The incidence rate of synchronous bilateral…”
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The characteristics of the intestinal Escherichia microflora in patients with acute intestinal infections
Published in Žurnal mikrobiologii, ėpidemiologii i immunobiologii (01-05-1993)“…The content of enterobacteria in fecal samples obtained from 1,146 patients with acute enteric infections was studied. In the first days of the disease about…”
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The hemagglutinating activity of bacteria in the genus Klebsiella and the morphofunctional characteristics of their fimbriae
Published in Žurnal mikrobiologii, ėpidemiologii i immunobiologii (01-06-1991)“…The hemagglutinating activity of 77 Klebsiella strains from the international collection, grown in a culture medium prepared on the basis of soy-bean flour…”
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Fucosylation of serum proteins in stomach cancer
Published in Voprosy meditsinskoi khimii (01-07-1987)“…Content of fucose and of fucosylated protein fractions was studied in blood serum of healthy donors as well as in blood serum of patients with chronic…”
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Modified albumin as a diagnostic and prognostic test
Published in Voprosy onkologij (1988)Get more information
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