Search Results - "Song, Hongxian"
Novel role for caspase 1 inhibitor VX765 in suppressing NLRP3 inflammasome assembly and atherosclerosis via promoting mitophagy and efferocytosis
Published in Cell death & disease (31-05-2022)“…Atherosclerosis is a maladaptive chronic inflammatory disease, which remains the leading cause of death worldwide. The NLRP3 inflammasome constitutes a major…”
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Novel Role for Tranilast in Regulating NLRP3 Ubiquitination, Vascular Inflammation, and Atherosclerosis
Published in Journal of the American Heart Association (16-06-2020)“…Background Aberrant activation of the NLRP3 (nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, leucine-rich repeat-containing receptor family pyrin domain-containing…”
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Dominant plant species play an important role in regulating bacterial antagonism in terrestrial Antarctica
Published in Frontiers in microbiology (23-03-2023)“…In Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems, dominant plant species (grasses and mosses) and soil physicochemical properties have a significant influence on soil…”
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Microbial interactions play an important role in regulating the effects of plant species on soil bacterial diversity
Published in Frontiers in microbiology (15-09-2022)“…Plant species and microbial interactions have significant impacts on the diversity of bacterial communities. However, few studies have explored interactions…”
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Contrasting influences of two dominant plants, Dasiphora fruticosa and Ligularia virguarea , on aboveground and belowground communities in an alpine meadow
Published in Frontiers in microbiology (14-04-2023)“…Soil organisms are abundant, phylogenetically and functionally diverse, and interact to catalyse and regulate critical soil processes. Understanding what…”
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Direct and indirect effects of dominant plants on ecosystem multifunctionality
Published in Frontiers in plant science (02-03-2023)“…Biodiversity is essential for the provision of multiple ecosystem functions simultaneously (ecosystem multifunctionality EMF). Yet, it remains unclear whether…”
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Comprehensive analysis of gene expression and DNA methylation for preeclampsia progression
Published in Journal of the Chinese Medical Association (01-04-2021)“…The purpose of our study is to identify novel preeclampsia (PE)-related methylation genes and uncover the molecular mechanism of PE. All the datasets of gene…”
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Effects of plant taxonomic position on soil nematode communities in Antarctica
Published in Conservation biology (01-08-2024)“…Antarctica terrestrial ecosystems are facing the most threats from global climate change, which is altering plant composition greatly. These transformations…”
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Comprehensive analysis of gene expression and DNA methylation for preeclampsia progression
Published in Journal of the Chinese Medical Association (15-02-2021)Get full text
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The loss of above- and belowground biodiversity in degraded grasslands drives the decline of ecosystem multifunctionality
Published in Applied soil ecology : a section of Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-04-2022)“…It is well established that grassland degradation negatively affects ecosystem functioning. Many studies have explored the changes of individual functions…”
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Contrasting responses of α- and β-multifunctionality to aboveground plant community in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Published in The Science of the total environment (20-03-2024)“…The aboveground plant communities are crucial in driving ecosystem functioning, particularly being the primary producers in terrestrial ecosystems. Numerous…”
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Warming enhances the negative effects of shrub removal on phosphorus mineralization potential
Published in The Science of the total environment (10-05-2024)“…Shrubs have developed various mechanisms for soil phosphorus utilization. Shrub encroachment caused by climate warming alters organic phosphorus mineralization…”
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Grazing induces positive direct effect of shrubs on nematode diversity but suppresses indirect effects through microbial pathways
Published in Plant and soil (01-07-2024)“…Background and aims Dominant plants shape belowground communities, which in turn influences ecosystem functioning. Similarly, herbivores affect belowground…”
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Contrasting effects of two phenotypes of an alpine cushion plant on understory species drive community assembly
Published in The Science of the total environment (10-02-2023)“…In alpine systems, cushion plants act as foundation species by ameliorating local environmental conditions. Empirical studies indicate that contrasting…”
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Contrasting responses of nematode composition, richness and biomass to long-term warming
Published in The Science of the total environment (10-10-2023)“…It is well established that climate warming has become a growing issue globally, posing a threat to native ecosystems. Alpine ecosystems, such as meadows of…”
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Nitrogen addition reduces the positive effect of Ligularia virgaurea on seed germination of alpine species on the Tibetan Plateau
Published in Plant and soil (01-08-2024)“…Background and aims Nitrogen (N) deposition and native allelopathic plants may affect seed germination and growth of species through their effects on soil…”
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Contrasting mechanisms of non‐vascular and vascular plants on spatial turnover in multifunctionality in the Antarctic continent
Published in The Journal of ecology (01-07-2024)“…Dominant plants play crucial roles in supporting the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Plants can influence the spatial heterogeneity of environmental…”
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Warming affects herbaceous germination, early survival, and growth by shifting plant-soil microbe interactions in an alpine ecosystem
Published in Plant and soil (01-06-2023)“…Background and aims Plant interactions with soil microbes are important drivers of biodiversity and dynamics of alpine plant communities. However, little is…”
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Rheum officinale (a traditional Chinese medicine) for chronic kidney disease
Published in Cochrane database of systematic reviews (11-07-2012)“…Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major public health issue worldwide. Standard therapies to delay CKD progression include dietary protein restriction and…”
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