Search Results - "Somos, I.L."
Power semiconductors empirical diagrams expressing life as a function of temperature excursion
Published in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers); (United States) (01-01-1993)“…Life expectancy for power semiconductor devices under cyclical power is discussed in practical terms as it has evolved over several decades. Predictions of…”
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Journal Article Conference Proceeding -
Power semiconductors-a new method for predicting the on-state characteristic and temperature rise during multicycle fault currents
Published in IEEE transactions on industry applications (01-11-1995)“…Solid-state switches are being designed for use on AC transmission lines for tighter control of power flow and increased use of transmission capacity in…”
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Journal Article -
A thermal analogue of higher accuracy and factory test method for predicting and supporting thyristor fault suppression ratings
Published in Conference Record of the 1988 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (1988)“…Because sophisticated computer modeling is not easily accessible, a one-dimensional thermal analogue is often used for routine calculations of virtual junction…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Power semiconductors-a new method for predicting the on-state characteristic and temperature rise during multi-cycle fault currents
Published in Conference Record of the 1993 IEEE Industry Applications Conference Twenty-Eighth IAS Annual Meeting (1993)“…A concept, test procedure, and evaluation method are described for determining the on-state voltage of thyristors (or diodes) over a very wide temperature…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Two-dimensional heat flow in a GTO having a highly interdigitated emitter
Published in Fifth Annual IEEE Semiconductor Thermal and Temperature Measurement Symposium (1989)“…Thermal analogs of thyristors having the form of transmission lines are used routinely for calculating thermal phenomena, but they cannot be used for a…”
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Conference Proceeding