Search Results - "Solovjeva, M. L."
Electroencephalographic characteristics of cognitive-specific alerting attention in verbal learning: III. Localized characteristics of EEG spatial synchronization
Published in Human physiology (2010)“…Electroencephalograms (EEGs) were recorded in 19 standard derivations in 88 healthy subjects (students) in the state of rest with eyes open and during…”
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EEG-Correlates of Mental Attention are Modified by Presence of Specifying Visual Signals
Published in Human physiology (01-09-2018)“…This work continues the study of EEG-correlates of cognitive states with different contributions of sensory and mental attention. The design of the experiments…”
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Electroencephalographic characteristics of cognitive-specific attention in verbal learning--II: General characteristics of EEG spatial synchronization
Published in Human physiology (2009)“…Electroencephalograms (EEGs) were recorded in 19 standard derivations in 88 subjects (students) in states of: rest with the eyes open; memorization (learning)…”
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States of productive and reproductive imagination reflected in the local synchronization of alpha and theta EEG frequencies
Published in Human physiology (01-05-2017)“…Healthy subjects ( n = 83) performed a task involving reproductive imagination (remembrances): they were asked to remember and to have an imaginary walk along…”
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Event-related brain potentials when conjugating Russian verbs: The modularity of language procedures
Published in Human physiology (01-05-2014)“…Within the alternative concepts of “two-system” and “single-system” language models, brain mechanisms for the generation of regular and irregular forms of…”
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Electromyogram of pericranial muscles in frequency bands β and γ comparing various cognitive and emotional states
Published in Human physiology (01-03-2014)“…Results of comparison of power of electromyogram (EMG) of six pericranial muscles in electroencephalographic frequency bands β 1 , β 2 and γ are presented…”
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Induction of emotional states by reading aloud texts with various emotional valences and changes in the EEG power in the β and γ frequency bands
Published in Human physiology (01-09-2011)“…The EEG power in the β 1 , β 2 , and γ frequency bands during reading according to the method of “self-regulatory utterance” was compared in subjects reading…”
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Induction of emotional states by reading aloud texts with various emotional valences and changes in the EEG power in the ? and ? frequency bands
Published in Human physiology (01-09-2011)“…The EEG power in the ?1, ?2, and ? frequency bands during reading according to the method of aself-regulatory utterancea was compared in subjects reading aloud…”
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Common and individual in EEG spectral differences while performing verbal and spatial tasks
Published in Zurnal vyss̆ej nervnoj dejatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova (01-07-2013)“…It is shown previously that types of carried-out spatial-figurative and verbal-logic tasks can be distinguished by means of the trained automatic classifier,…”
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