Search Results - "Soldatova, Larisa N."
Automation of Science
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (03-04-2009)“…The basis of science is the hypothetico-deductive method and the recording of experiments in sufficient detail to enable reproducibility. We report the…”
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An ontology of scientific experiments
Published in Journal of the Royal Society interface (22-12-2006)“…The formal description of experiments for efficient analysis, annotation and sharing of results is a fundamental part of the practice of science. Ontologies…”
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EXACT2: the semantics of biomedical protocols
Published in BMC bioinformatics (27-11-2014)“…The reliability and reproducibility of experimental procedures is a cornerstone of scientific practice. There is a pressing technological need for the better…”
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An ontology for a Robot Scientist
Published in Bioinformatics (15-07-2006)“…Motivation: A Robot Scientist is a physically implemented robotic system that can automatically carry out cycles of scientific experimentation. We are…”
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The EXACT description of biomedical protocols
Published in Bioinformatics (01-07-2008)“…Motivation: Many published manuscripts contain experiment protocols which are poorly described or deficient in information. This means that the published…”
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Representation of research hypotheses
Published in Journal of biomedical semantics (17-05-2011)“…Hypotheses are now being automatically produced on an industrial scale by computers in biology, e.g. the annotation of a genome is essentially a large set of…”
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On the formalization and reuse of scientific research
Published in Journal of the Royal Society interface (07-10-2011)“…The reuse of scientific knowledge obtained from one investigation in another investigation is basic to the advance of science. Scientific investigations should…”
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Transformational machine learning: Learning how to learn from many related scientific problems
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (07-12-2021)“…Almost all machine learning (ML) is based on representing examples using intrinsic features. When there are multiple related ML problems (tasks), it is…”
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Generic ontology of datatypes
Published in Information sciences (01-02-2016)“…We present OntoDT, a generic ontology for the representation of scientific knowledge about datatypes. OntoDT defines basic entities, such as datatype,…”
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Imbalanced regression using regressor-classifier ensembles
Published in Machine learning (01-04-2023)“…We present an extension to the federated ensemble regression using classification algorithm, an ensemble learning algorithm for regression problems which…”
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Cheaper faster drug development validated by the repositioning of drugs against neglected tropical diseases
Published in Journal of the Royal Society interface (06-03-2015)“…There is an urgent need to make drug discovery cheaper and faster. This will enable the development of treatments for diseases currently neglected for economic…”
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Closed-loop cycles of experiment design, execution, and learning accelerate systems biology model development in yeast
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (03-09-2019)“…One of the most challenging tasks in modern science is the development of systems biology models: Existing models are often very complex but generally have low…”
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An Ontology for Description of Drug Discovery Investigations
Published in Journal of integrative bioinformatics (01-12-2010)“…The paper presents an ontology for the description of Drug Discovery Investigation (DDI). This has been developed through the use of a Robot Scientist “Eve”,…”
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Modeling biomedical experimental processes with OBI
Published in Journal of biomedical semantics (22-06-2010)“…Experimental descriptions are typically stored as free text without using standardized terminology, creating challenges in comparison, reproduction and…”
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Genesis-DB: a database for autonomous laboratory systems
Published in Bioinformatics advances (2023)“…Abstract Summary Artificial intelligence (AI)-driven laboratory automation—combining robotic labware and autonomous software agents—is a powerful trend in…”
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Are the current ontologies in biology good ontologies?
Published in Nature biotechnology (01-09-2005)“…The failure of many bio-ontologies to follow international standards for ontology design and description is hampering their application and threatens to…”
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Towards Robot Scientists for autonomous scientific discovery
Published in Automated experimentation (04-01-2010)“…We review the main components of autonomous scientific discovery, and how they lead to the concept of a Robot Scientist. This is a system which uses techniques…”
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Special issue on bio-ontologies and phenotypes
Published in Journal of biomedical semantics (17-12-2015)“…The bio-ontologies and phenotypes special issue includes eight papers selected from the 11 papers presented at the Bio-Ontologies SIG (Special Interest Group)…”
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Representation of probabilistic scientific knowledge
Published in Journal of biomedical semantics (15-04-2013)“…The theory of probability is widely used in biomedical research for data analysis and modelling. In previous work the probabilities of the research hypotheses…”
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Selected papers from the 16th Annual Bio-Ontologies Special Interest Group Meeting
Published in Journal of biomedical semantics (2014)“…Over the 16 years, the Bio-Ontologies SIG at ISMB has provided a forum for vibrant discussions of the latest and most innovative advances in the research area…”
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