Search Results - "Smith, Aimee Hoffmann"

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  1. 1

    The Implications of Contemporary Research on COVID-19 for Volatility and Portfolio Management by Outlaw, Dominique, Smith, Aimee Hoffmann, Wang, Na

    Published in Journal of portfolio management (2021)
    “…This article synthesizes recent and ongoing finance and economics research on pandemic and disaster risk related to COVID-19. Characterized by pronounced…”
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    Journal Article
  2. 2

    The role of directors with related supply chain industry experience in corporate acquisition decisions by Burns, Natasha, Minnick, Kristina, Smith, Aimee Hoffmann

    “…We examine the extent to which directors with supply chain experience (DSCs) on corporate boards create informational advantages that improve strategies and…”
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    Journal Article
  3. 3

    How Much Do Corporate Defendants Really Lose? A New Verdict on the Reputation Loss Induced by Corporate Litigation by Haslem, Bruce, Hutton, Irena, Smith, Aimee Hoffmann

    Published in Financial management (22-06-2017)
    “…Using a novel sample of 83,260 lawsuits filed in US Federal District courts, we extend the results of prior studies investigating market value and reputational…”
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    Journal Article
  4. 4

    CEO Inside Debt and Insider Trading by Brisker, Eric R., Outlaw, Dominique, Smith, Aimee Hoffmann

    “…We examine insider trading to test existing theory about how insiders perceive CEO pensions and deferred compensation (inside debt). Managerial compensation…”
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    Journal Article
  5. 5

    The effect of securities litigation on external financing by Autore, Don M., Hutton, Irena, Peterson, David R., Smith, Aimee Hoffmann

    “…Using a comprehensive sample of securities litigation, we examine the effect of financial fraud on the subsequent use of external financing. We find that firms…”
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    Journal Article
  6. 6

    Two essays on the consequences of corporate litigation by Smith, Aimee Hoffmann

    Published 01-01-2013
    “…This dissertation consists of two related essays examining the consequences of corporate litigation for U.S. public firms. In the first essay, we use a…”
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  7. 7

    Two essays on the consequences of corporate litigation by Smith, Aimee Hoffmann

    “…This dissertation consists of two related essays examining the consequences of corporate litigation for U.S. public firms. In the first essay, we use a…”
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