Search Results - "Slotow Rob"
A pan-African spatial assessment of human conflicts with lions and elephants
Published in Nature communications (20-05-2021)“…African lions ( Panthera leo ) and African savanna ( Loxodonta africana ) and forest ( L. cyclotis ) elephants pose threats to people, crops, and livestock,…”
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Maximising camera trap data: Using attractants to improve detection of elusive species in multi-species surveys
Published in PloS one (29-05-2019)“…Camera traps are a key tool in ecological studies, and are increasingly being used to understand entire communities. However, robust inferences continue to be…”
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The ecosystem service of sense of place: benefits for human well-being and biodiversity conservation
Published in Environmental conservation (01-06-2016)“…Assessing the cultural benefits provided by non-market ecosystem services can contribute previously unknown information to supplement conservation…”
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Nutritional Composition of Edible Insects Consumed in Africa: A Systematic Review
Published in Nutrients (11-09-2020)“…Edible insects are an important protein rich natural resource that can contribute to resilient food security. Edible insects not only play an important role in…”
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Density-dependent natal dispersal patterns in a leopard population recovering from over-harvest
Published in PloS one (13-04-2015)“…Natal dispersal enables population connectivity, gene flow and metapopulation dynamics. In polygynous mammals, dispersal is typically male-biased. Classically,…”
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Leadership in elephants: the adaptive value of age
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (07-11-2011)“…The value of age is well recognized in human societies, where older individuals often emerge as leaders in tasks requiring specialized knowledge, but what part…”
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Coursing hyenas and stalking lions: The potential for inter- and intraspecific interactions
Published in PloS one (03-02-2023)“…Resource partitioning promotes coexistence among guild members, and carnivores reduce interference competition through behavioral mechanisms that promote…”
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Using commonality analysis in multiple regressions: a tool to decompose regression effects in the face of multicollinearity
Published in Methods in ecology and evolution (01-04-2014)“…Summary 1. In the face of natural complexities and multicollinearity, model selection and predictions using multiple regression may be ambiguous and risky…”
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Remote Sensing-Based Outdoor Thermal Comfort Assessment in Local Climate Zones in the Rural-Urban Continuum of eThekwini Municipality, South Africa
Published in Remote sensing (Basel, Switzerland) (22-11-2023)“…Due to the need to continuously monitor and understand the thermal environment and its socioeconomic implications, this study used remotely sensed data to…”
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Social media reveal that charismatic species are not the main attractor of ecotourists to sub-Saharan protected areas
Published in Scientific reports (10-04-2017)“…Charismatic megafauna are arguably considered the primary attractor of ecotourists to sub-Saharan African protected areas. However, the lack of visitation data…”
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Indigenous Knowledge about Consumption of Edible Insects in South Africa
Published in Insects (Basel, Switzerland) (31-12-2020)“…Consumption of edible insects is an indigenous practice that has played an essential role in human nutrition across Africa. The traditional use of insects…”
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Climate change impacts on water sustainability of South African crop production
Published in Environmental research letters (01-08-2022)“…Agricultural production in arid and semi-arid regions is particularly vulnerable to climate change, which, combined with projected food requirements, makes the…”
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The importance of history in understanding large tree mortality in African savannas
Published in Ecography (Copenhagen) (01-01-2022)“…Fire and elephant herbivory are major drivers of large tree mortality in savanna ecosystems. Although the spatial variation of these agents is well studied,…”
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Ecosystem Resilience of a South African Mesic Grassland with Change from Rotational to Continuous Grazing
Published in Diversity (Basel) (29-11-2023)“…Grazing practices affect the soil and vegetation of grasslands, which further influence the provision of ecosystem services and the productivity of grasslands…”
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Spatial structure of depression in South Africa: A longitudinal panel survey of a nationally representative sample of households
Published in Scientific reports (30-01-2019)“…Wider recognition of the mental health burden of disease has increased its importance as a global public health concern. However, the spatial heterogeneity of…”
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Feeding habitat selection by hunting leopards Panthera pardus in a woodland savanna: prey catchability versus abundance
Published in Animal behaviour (01-09-2007)“…We used 44 months of radiotelemetry data to investigate the selection of feeding habitats by leopards in Phinda Private Game Reserve, South Africa. We assessed…”
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Minimizing predation risk in a landscape of multiple predators: effects on the spatial distribution of African ungulates
Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-02-2011)“…Studies that focus on single predator-–prey interactions can be inadequate for understanding antipredator responses in multi-predator systems. Yet there is…”
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A food systems approach and qualitative system dynamics model to reveal policy issues within the commercial broiler chicken system in South Africa
Published in PloS one (29-06-2022)“…Global broiler production and consumption levels continue to rise. South Africa's broiler system is dominated by commercial production and formal retail trade,…”
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Relationship between Village Chicken Availability and Dietary Diversity along a Rural-Urban Gradient
Published in Nutrients (28-06-2024)“…Dietary diversity is one of the fundamental factors of nutritional security and a proxy used to measure diet quality. The objective of this study was to…”
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Seasonal range fidelity of a megaherbivore in response to environmental change
Published in Scientific reports (22-12-2022)“…For large herbivores living in highly dynamic environments, maintaining range fidelity has the potential to facilitate the exploitation of predictable…”
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