Search Results - "Slack, Jonathan MW"
Animal regeneration: ancestral character or evolutionary novelty?
Published in EMBO reports (01-09-2017)“…An old question about regeneration is whether it is an ancestral character which is a general property of living matter, or whether it represents a set of…”
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Requirement for Wnt and FGF signaling in Xenopus tadpole tail regeneration
Published in Developmental biology (15-04-2008)“…We have investigated the requirement for the FGF and Wnt/beta-catenin pathways for Xenopus tadpole tail regeneration. Pathways were modified either by…”
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Regeneration of neural crest derivatives in the Xenopustadpole tail
Published in BMC developmental biology (24-05-2007)Get full text
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Control of muscle regeneration in the Xenopus tadpole tail by Pax7
Published in Development (Cambridge) (01-06-2006)“…The tail of the Xenopus tadpole will regenerate completely after transection. Much of the mass of the regenerate is composed of skeletal muscle, but there has…”
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Transformation of jaw muscle satellite cells to cardiomyocytes
Published in Differentiation (London) (01-01-2017)“…In the embryo a population of progenitor cells known as the second heart field forms not just parts of the heart but also the jaw muscles of the head. Here we…”
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Hnf4a is a key gene that can generate columnar metaplasia in oesophageal epithelium
Published in Differentiation (London) (01-01-2017)“…Barrett's metaplasia is the only known morphological precursor to oesophageal adenocarcinoma and is characterized by replacement of stratified squamous…”
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Origin of muscle satellite cells in the Xenopus embryo
Published in Development (Cambridge) (01-03-2011)“…We have studied the origin of muscle satellite cells in embryos of Xenopus laevis. Fate mapping at the open neural plate stage was carried out using orthotopic…”
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Transgenic Analysis of Signaling Pathways Required for Xenopus Tadpole Spinal Cord and Muscle Regeneration
Published in Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007) (01-10-2012)“…The Xenopus tadpole has the capacity fully to regenerate its tail after amputation. Previously, we have established that this regeneration process requires the…”
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Regeneration of neural crest derivatives in the Xenopus tadpole tail
Published in BMC developmental biology (24-05-2007)“…After amputation of the Xenopus tadpole tail, a functionally competent new tail is regenerated. It contains spinal cord, notochord and muscle, each of which…”
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Micro-Computed Tomography for Visualizing Limb Skeletal Regeneration in Young Xenopus Frogs
Published in Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007) (01-10-2012)“…For studies of vertebrate limb regeneration it is often desirable to visualize the regenerated skeleton, which is mostly cartilage, and also section the…”
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All-trans retinoic acid suppresses exocrine differentiation and branching morphogenesis in the embryonic pancreas
Published in Differentiation (London) (2007)“…Recent evidence has shown that retinoic acid (RA) signalling is required for early pancreatic development in zebrafish and frog but its role in later…”
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Regeneration‐specific expression pattern of three posterior Hox genes
Published in Developmental dynamics (01-02-2003)“…Homeobox genes encode positional information during primary and secondary axis formation during development. For this reason, the Hox genes have attracted…”
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In vitro culture of embryonic mouse intestinal epithelium: cell differentiation and introduction of reporter genes
Published in BMC developmental biology (25-05-2006)“…Study of the normal development of the intestinal epithelium has been hampered by a lack of suitable model systems, in particular ones that enable the…”
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In vitroculture of embryonic mouse intestinal epithelium: cell differentiation and introduction of reporter genes
Published in BMC developmental biology (25-05-2006)Get full text
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An amphibian with ambition: a new role for Xenopus in the 21st century
Published in Genome biology (2001)“…Much of our knowledge about the mechanisms of vertebrate early development comes from studies using Xenopus laevis. The recent development of a remarkably…”
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Intestine in the lung
Published in Journal of biology (London, England) (2004)“…The phenomenon of metaplasia, in which one tissue type is converted into another, is beginning to be explained in molecular terms. The transformation of lung…”
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An amphibian with ambition: a new role for Xenopus in the 21st century
Published in (19-09-2001)“…Much of our knowledge about the mechanisms of vertebrate early development comes from studies using Xenopus laevis. The recent development of a remarkably…”
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