Search Results - "Skovpen, K"

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  1. 1

    Measurement of the differential t t ¯ production cross section as a function of the jet mass and extraction of the top quark mass in hadronic decays of boosted top quarks by Tumasyan, A, Adam, W, Andrejkovic, J W, Bergauer, T, Chatterjee, S, Damanakis, K, Dragicevic, M, Valle, A Escalante Del, Hussain, P S, Jeitler, M, Krammer, N, Lechner, L, Liko, D, Mikulec, I, Paulitsch, P, Pitters, F M, Schieck, J, Schöfbeck, R, Schwarz, D, Templ, S, Waltenberger, W, Wulz, C-E, Darwish, M R, Janssen, T, Kello, T, Sfar, H Rejeb, Mechelen, P Van, Bols, E S, D'Hondt, J, De Moor, A, Delcourt, M, Faham, H El, Lowette, S, Moortgat, S, Morton, A, Müller, D, Sahasransu, A R, Tavernier, S, Doninck, W Van, Vannerom, D, Clerbaux, B, De Lentdecker, G, Favart, L, Hohov, D, Jaramillo, J, Lee, K, Mahdavikhorrami, M, Makarenko, I, Malara, A, Paredes, S, Pétré, L, Postiau, N, Thomas, L, Bemden, M Vanden, Velde, C Vander, Vanlaer, P, Dobur, D, Knolle, J, Lambrecht, L, Mestdach, G, Niedziela, M, Rendón, C, Roskas, C, Samalan, A, Skovpen, K, Tytgat, M, Bossche, N Van Den, Vermassen, B, Wezenbeek, L, Benecke, A, Bruno, G, Bury, F, Caputo, C, David, P, Delaere, C, Donertas, I S, Giammanco, A, Jaffel, K, Jain, Sa, Lemaitre, V, Mondal, K, Taliercio, A, Tran, T T, Vischia, P, Wertz, S, Alves, G A, Coelho, E, Hensel, C, Moraes, A, Teles, P Rebello, Júnior, W L Aldá, Pereira, M Alves Gallo, Filho, M Barroso Ferreira, Malbouisson, H Brandao, Carvalho, W, Chinellato, J, Da Costa, E M, Da Silveira, G G, De Jesus Damiao, D, Sousa, V Dos Santos

    “…A measurement of the jet mass distribution in hadronic decays of Lorentz-boosted top quarks is presented. The measurement is performed in the lepton + jets…”
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  2. 2

    Constraints on the spin-parity and anomalous HVV couplings of the Higgs boson in proton collisions at 7 and 8 TeV by Khachatryan, Vardan

    “…Our study of the spin-parity and tensor structure of the interactions of the recently discovered Higgs boson is performed using the H→ZZ,Zγ*,γ*γ*→4ℓ,…”
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  3. 3

    Elliptic Flow of Charm and Strange Hadrons in High-Multiplicity p+Pb Collisions at sNN=8.16  TeV by Sirunyan, A M

    Published in Physical review letters (24-08-2018)
    “…The elliptic azimuthal anisotropy coefficient (v2) is measured for charm (D0) and strange (KS0, Λ, Ξ−, and Ω−) hadrons, using a data sample of p+Pb collisions…”
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  4. 4

    Observation of Forward Neutron Multiplicity Dependence of Dimuon Acoplanarity in Ultraperipheral Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV by Sirunyan, A M

    Published in Physical review letters (17-09-2021)
    “…The first measurement of the dependence of γγ → μ+μ− production on the multiplicity of neutrons emitted very close to the beam direction in ultraperipheral…”
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  5. 5

    Jet Shapes of Isolated Photon-Tagged Jets in Pb-Pb and pp Collisions at sNN =5.02 TeV by Sirunyan, A M, Tumasyan, A, Adam, W, Ambrogi, F, Adžić, Petar, Collaboration: CMS Collaboration, others, and

    Published in Physical review letters (17-04-2019)
    “…The modification of jet shapes in Pb-Pb collisions, relative to those in pp collisions, is studied for jets associated with an isolated photon. The data were…”
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  6. 6

    Studies of Beauty Suppression via Nonprompt D0 Mesons in Pb-Pb Collisions at sNN =5.02 TeV by Sirunyan, A M, Tumasyan, A, Adam, W, Ambrogi, F, Adžić, Petar, Collaboration: CMS Collaboration, others, and

    Published in Physical review letters (09-07-2019)
    “…The transverse momentum spectra of D0 mesons from b hadron decays are measured at midrapidity (|y|<1) in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center of…”
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  7. 7

    Constraining Gluon Distributions in Nuclei Using Dijets in Proton-Proton and Proton-Lead Collisions at sNN=5.02  TeV by Sirunyan, A M

    Published in Physical review letters (07-08-2018)
    “…The pseudorapidity distributions of dijets as functions of their average transverse momentum (pTave) are measured in proton-lead (pPb) and proton-proton (pp)…”
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  8. 8

    Search for a pseudoscalar boson decaying into a Z boson and the 125 GeV Higgs boson in llbb final states by Khachatryan, V., Besançon, M., Couderc, F., Dejardin, M., Denegri, D., Fabbro, B., Faure, J.L., Favaro, C., Ferri, F., Ganjour, S., Givernaud, A., Gras, P., Monchenault, G. Hamel De, Jarry, P., Locci, E., Machet, M., Malcles, J., Rander, J., Rosowsky, A., Titov, M., Zghiche, A., Baffioni, S., Beaudette, F., Busson, P., Cadamuro, L., Chapon, E., Charlot, C., Dahms, T., Davignon, O., Filipovic, N., Florent, A., Granier de Cassagnac, R., Lisniak, S., Mastrolorenzo, L., Mine, P., Naranjo, I.N., Nguyen, M., Ochando, C., Ortona, G., Paganini, P., Regnard, S., Salerno, R., Sauvan, J.B., Sirois, Y., Strebler, T., Yilmaz, Y., Zabi, A., Agram, J.-L., Andrea, J., Aubin, A., Bloch, D., Brom, J.-M., Buttignol, M., Chabert, E.C., Chanon, N., Collard, C., Conte, E., Fontaine, J.-C., Gele, D., Goerlach, U., Goetzmann, C., Bihan, A.-C. Le, Merlin, J.A., Skovpen, K., Hove, P. Van, Gadrat, S., Beauceron, S., Beaupere, N., Bernet, C., Boudoul, G., Bouvier, E., Brochet, S., Montoya, C.A. Carrillo, Chasserat, J., Chierici, R., Contardo, D., Courbon, B., Depasse, P., Mamouni, H. El, Fan, J., Fay, J., Gascon, S., Gouzevitch, M., Ille, B., Laktineh, I.B., Lethuillier, M., Mirabito, L., Pequegnot, A.L., Perries, S., Alvarez, J.D. Ruiz, Sabes, D., Sgandurra, L., Sordini, V., Donckt, M. Vander, Verdier, P., Viret, S., Xiao, H.

    Published in Physics letters. B (02-09-2015)
    “…Results are reported on a search for decays of a pseudoscalar A boson into a Z boson and a light scalar h boson, where the Z boson decays into a pair of…”
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  9. 9

    Search for Evidence of the Type-III Seesaw Mechanism in Multilepton Final States in Proton-Proton Collisions at s = 13     TeV by Sirunyan, A. M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Ambrogi, F., Asilar, E., Bergauer, T., Brandstetter, J., Brondolin, E., Dragicevic, M., Erö, J., Flechl, M., Friedl, M., Frühwirth, R., Ghete, V. M., Grossmann, J., Hrubec, J., Jeitler, M., König, A., Krammer, N., Krätschmer, I., Liko, D., Madlener, T., Mikulec, I., Pree, E., Rabady, D., Rad, N., Rohringer, H., Schieck, J., Schöfbeck, R., Spanring, M., Spitzbart, D., Waltenberger, W., Wittmann, J., Wulz, C.-E., Zarucki, M., Chekhovsky, V., Mossolov, V., Suarez Gonzalez, J., De Wolf, E. A., Di Croce, D., Janssen, X., Lauwers, J., Van Haevermaet, H., Van Mechelen, P., Van Remortel, N., Abu Zeid, S., Blekman, F., D’Hondt, J., De Bruyn, I., De Clercq, J., Deroover, K., Flouris, G., Lontkovskyi, D., Lowette, S., Moortgat, S., Moreels, L., Python, Q., Skovpen, K., Tavernier, S., Van Doninck, W., Van Mulders, P., Van Parijs, I., Brun, H., Clerbaux, B., De Lentdecker, G., Delannoy, H., Fasanella, G., Favart, L., Goldouzian, R., Grebenyuk, A., Karapostoli, G., Lenzi, T., Luetic, J., Maerschalk, T., Marinov, A., Randle-conde, A., Seva, T., Vander Velde, C., Vanlaer, P., Vannerom, D., Yonamine, R., Zenoni, F., Zhang, F., Cimmino, A., Cornelis, T., Dobur, D., Fagot, A., Gul, M., Khvastunov, I., Poyraz, D., Roskas, C., Salva, S., Tytgat, M., Verbeke, W., Zaganidis, N., Bakhshiansohi, H., Bondu, O., Brochet, S., Bruno, G., Caudron, A.

    Published in Physical review letters (01-12-2017)
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    Constraints on the Initial State of Pb-Pb Collisions via Measurements of Z -Boson Yields and Azimuthal Anisotropy at √sNN = 5.02 TeV by Sirunyan, A M

    Published in Physical review letters (03-09-2021)
    “…The CMS experiment at the LHC has measured the differential cross sections of Z bosons decaying to pairs of leptons, as functions of transverse momentum and…”
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  12. 12

    Studies of Charm Quark Diffusion inside Jets Using Pb-Pb and pp Collisions at sNN=5.02  TeV by Sirunyan, A M

    Published in Physical review letters (04-09-2020)
    “…The first study of charm quark diffusion with respect to the jet axis in heavy ion collisions is presented. The measurement is performed using jets with…”
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  13. 13

    K S 0 and Λ ( Λ ‾ ) two-particle femtoscopic correlations in PbPb collisions at s NN = 5.02 TeV by Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Andrejkovic, J.W., Bergauer, T., Chatterjee, S., Damanakis, K., Dragicevic, M., Escalante Del Valle, A., Hussain, P.S., Jeitler, M., Krammer, N., Lechner, L., Liko, D., Mikulec, I., Paulitsch, P., Schieck, J., Schöfbeck, R., Schwarz, D., Sonawane, M., Templ, S., Waltenberger, W., Wulz, C.-E., Darwish, M.R., Janssen, T., Kello, T., Rejeb Sfar, H., Van Mechelen, P., Bols, E.S., D'Hondt, J., De Moor, A., Delcourt, M., El Faham, H., Lowette, S., Morton, A., Müller, D., Sahasransu, A.R., Tavernier, S., Van Doninck, W., Van Putte, S., Vannerom, D., Clerbaux, B., De Lentdecker, G., Favart, L., Hohov, D., Jaramillo, J., Lee, K., Mahdavikhorrami, M., Makarenko, I., Malara, A., Paredes, S., Pétré, L., Postiau, N., Thomas, L., Vanden Bemden, M., Vander Velde, C., Vanlaer, P., Dobur, D., Knolle, J., Lambrecht, L., Mestdach, G., Rendón, C., Samalan, A., Skovpen, K., Tytgat, M., Van Den Bossche, N., Vermassen, B., Wezenbeek, L., Benecke, A., Bruno, G., Bury, F., Caputo, C., David, P., Delaere, C., Donertas, I.S., Giammanco, A., Jaffel, K., Jain, Sa, Lemaitre, V., Mondal, K., Taliercio, A., Tran, T.T., Vischia, P., Wertz, S., Alves, G.A., Coelho, E., Hensel, C., Moraes, A., Rebello Teles, P., Aldá Júnior, W.L., Alves Gallo Pereira, M., Barroso Ferreira Filho, M., Brandao Malbouisson, H., Carvalho, W., Chinellato, J., Da Costa, E.M., Da Silveira, G.G., De Jesus Damiao, D., Dos Santos Sousa, V., Fonseca De Souza, S., Martins, J.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-10-2024)
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  14. 14

    Constraints on anomalous Higgs boson couplings from its production and decay using the WW channel in proton–proton collisions at \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\sqrt{s} = 13~\text {TeV}$$\end{document}s=13TeV by Hayrapetyan, A., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Andrejkovic, J. W., Bergauer, T., Chatterjee, S., Damanakis, K., Dragicevic, M., Hussain, P. S., Jeitler, M., Krammer, N., Li, A., Liko, D., Mikulec, I., Schieck, J., Schöfbeck, R., Schwarz, D., Sonawane, M., Templ, S., Waltenberger, W., Wulz, C.-E., Darwish, M. R., Janssen, T., Van Mechelen, P., Bols, E. S., D’Hondt, J., Dansana, S., De Moor, A., Delcourt, M., El Faham, H., Lowette, S., Makarenko, I., Müller, D., Sahasransu, A. R., Tavernier, S., Tytgat, M., Van Onsem, G. P., Van Putte, S., Vannerom, D., Clerbaux, B., Das, A. K., De Lentdecker, G., Favart, L., Gianneios, P., Hohov, D., Jaramillo, J., Khalilzadeh, A., Lee, K., Mahdavikhorrami, M., Malara, A., Paredes, S., Pétré, L., Postiau, N., Thomas, L., Vanden Bemden, M., Vander Velde, C., Vanlaer, P., De Coen, M., Dobur, D., Hong, Y., Knolle, J., Lambrecht, L., Mestdach, G., Mota Amarilo, K., Rendón, C., Samalan, A., Skovpen, K., Van Den Bossche, N., van der Linden, J., Wezenbeek, L., Benecke, A., Bethani, A., Bruno, G., Caputo, C., Delaere, C., Donertas, I. S., Giammanco, A., Jaffel, K., Jain, Sa, Lemaitre, V., Lidrych, J., Mastrapasqua, P., Mondal, K., Tran, T. T., Wertz, S., Alves, G. A., Coelho, E., Hensel, C., De Oliveira, T. Menezes, Moraes, A., Rebello Teles, P., Soeiro, M., Aldá Júnior, W. L., Alves Gallo Pereira, M., Barroso Ferreira Filho, M., Brandao Malbouisson, H., Carvalho, W., Chinellato, J., Da Costa, E. M.

    “…A study of the anomalous couplings of the Higgs boson to vector bosons, including \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym}…”
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  15. 15

    Observation of the \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{{\Lambda }} _{\text {b}}^{{0}}} \rightarrow {{\text {J}/\uppsi }} {{{\Xi }} ^{{-}}} {{\text {K}} ^{{+}}} $$\end{document}Λb0→J/ψΞ-K+ decay by Hayrapetyan, A., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Andrejkovic, J. W., Bergauer, T., Chatterjee, S., Damanakis, K., Dragicevic, M., Valle, A. Escalante Del, Hussain, P. S., Jeitler, M., Krammer, N., Liko, D., Mikulec, I., Schieck, J., Schöfbeck, R., Schwarz, D., Sonawane, M., Templ, S., Waltenberger, W., Wulz, C.-E., Darwish, M. R., Janssen, T., Mechelen, P. Van, Bols, E. S., D’Hondt, J., Dansana, S., De Moor, A., Delcourt, M., El Faham, H., Lowette, S., Makarenko, I., Müller, D., Sahasransu, A. R., Tavernier, S., Tytgat, M., Van Putte, S., Vannerom, D., Clerbaux, B., De Lentdecker, G., Favart, L., Hohov, D., Jaramillo, J., Khalilzadeh, A., Lee, K., Mahdavikhorrami, M., Malara, A., Paredes, S., Pétré, L., Postiau, N., Thomas, L., Bemden, M. Vanden, Velde, C. Vander, Vanlaer, P., De Coen, M., Dobur, D., Hong, Y., Knolle, J., Lambrecht, L., Mestdach, G., Rendón, C., Samalan, A., Skovpen, K., Bossche, N. Van Den, Wezenbeek, L., Benecke, A., Bruno, G., Caputo, C., Delaere, C., Donertas, I. S., Giammanco, A., Jaffel, K., Jain, Sa, Lemaitre, V., Lidrych, J., Mastrapasqua, P., Mondal, K., Tran, T. T., Wertz, S., Alves, G. A., Coelho, E., Hensel, C., De Oliveira, T. Menezes, Moraes, A., Teles, P. Rebello, Soeiro, M., Júnior, W. L. Aldá, Pereira, M. Alves Gallo, Filho, M. Barroso Ferreira, Malbouisson, H. Brandao, Carvalho, W., Chinellato, J., Da Costa, E. M., Da Silveira, G. G., De Jesus Damiao, D., De Souza, S. Fonseca, Martins, J., Herrera, C. Mora, Amarilo, K. Mota

    “…Using proton–proton collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym}…”
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  16. 16

    Search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson to a pair of pseudoscalars in the μ μ b b and τ τ b b final states by Hayrapetyan, A, Tumasyan, A, Adam, W, Andrejkovic, J W, Bergauer, T, Chatterjee, S, Damanakis, K, Dragicevic, M, Del Valle, A Escalante, Hussain, P S, Jeitler, M, Krammer, N, Liko, D, Mikulec, I, Schieck, J, Schöfbeck, R, Schwarz, D, Sonawane, M, Templ, S, Waltenberger, W, Wulz, C-E, Darwish, M R, Janssen, T, Van Mechelen, P, Bols, E S, D'Hondt, J, Dansana, S, De Moor, A, Delcourt, M, El Faham, H, Lowette, S, Makarenko, I, Müller, D, Sahasransu, A R, Tavernier, S, Tytgat, M, Van Putte, S, Vannerom, D, Clerbaux, B, De Lentdecker, G, Favart, L, Hohov, D, Jaramillo, J, Khalilzadeh, A, Lee, K, Mahdavikhorrami, M, Malara, A, Paredes, S, Pétré, L, Postiau, N, Thomas, L, Bemden, M Vanden, Velde, C Vander, Vanlaer, P, De Coen, M, Dobur, D, Hong, Y, Knolle, J, Lambrecht, L, Mestdach, G, Rendón, C, Samalan, A, Skovpen, K, Van Den Bossche, N, Wezenbeek, L, Benecke, A, Bruno, G, Caputo, C, Delaere, C, Donertas, I S, Giammanco, A, Jaffel, K, Jain, Sa, Lemaitre, V, Lidrych, J, Mastrapasqua, P, Mondal, K, Tran, T T, Wertz, S, Alves, G A, Coelho, E, Hensel, C, Menezes De Oliveira, T, Moraes, A, Rebello Teles, P, Soeiro, M, Aldá Júnior, W L, Alves Gallo Pereira, M, Barroso Ferreira Filho, M, Brandao Malbouisson, H, Carvalho, W, Chinellato, J, Da Costa, E M, Da Silveira, G G, De Jesus Damiao, D, Fonseca De Souza, S, Martins, J, Mora Herrera, C, Mota Amarilo, K, Mundim, L

    “…A search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson ( ) with a mass of 125 to a pair of light pseudoscalars is performed in final states where one pseudoscalar…”
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  17. 17

    Measurement of multijet azimuthal correlations and determination of the strong coupling in proton-proton collisions at \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\sqrt{s}=13\,\text {Te}\hspace{-.08em}\text {V} $$\end{document}s=13TeV by Hayrapetyan, A., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Andrejkovic, J. W., Bergauer, T., Chatterjee, S., Damanakis, K., Dragicevic, M., Hussain, P. S., Jeitler, M., Krammer, N., Li, A., Liko, D., Mikulec, I., Schieck, J., Schöfbeck, R., Schwarz, D., Sonawane, M., Templ, S., Waltenberger, W., Wulz, C.-E., Darwish, M. R., Janssen, T., Van Mechelen, P., Bols, E. S., D’Hondt, J., Dansana, S., De Moor, A., Delcourt, M., El Faham, H., Lowette, S., Makarenko, I., Müller, D., Sahasransu, A. R., Tavernier, S., Tytgat, M., Van Onsem, G. P., Van Putte, S., Vannerom, D., Clerbaux, B., Das, A. K., De Lentdecker, G., Favart, L., Hohov, D., Jaramillo, J., Khalilzadeh, A., Lee, K., Mahdavikhorrami, M., Malara, A., Paredes, S., Pétré, L., Postiau, N., Thomas, L., Vanden Bemden, M., Vander Velde, C., Vanlaer, P., De Coen, M., Dobur, D., Hong, Y., Knolle, J., Lambrecht, L., Mestdach, G., Amarilo, K. Mota, Rendón, C., Samalan, A., Skovpen, K., Van Den Bossche, N., van der Linden, J., Wezenbeek, L., Benecke, A., Bethani, A., Bruno, G., Caputo, C., Delaere, C., Donertas, I. S., Giammanco, A., Jaffel, K., Jain, Sa, Lemaitre, V., Lidrych, J., Mastrapasqua, P., Mondal, K., Tran, T. T., Wertz, S., Alves, G. A., Coelho, E., Hensel, C., De Oliveira, T. Menezes, Moraes, A., Teles, P. Rebello, Soeiro, M., Júnior, W. L. Aldá, Pereira, M. Alves Gallo, Filho, M. Barroso Ferreira, Malbouisson, H. Brandao, Carvalho, W., Chinellato, J., Da Costa, E. M., Da Silveira, G. G.

    “…A measurement is presented of a ratio observable that provides a measure of the azimuthal correlations among jets with large transverse momentum…”
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  18. 18

    Search for \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\text {Z}{}{}} {\text {Z}{}{}} $$\end{document}ZZ and \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin} by Hayrapetyan, A., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Andrejkovic, J. W., Bergauer, T., Chatterjee, S., Damanakis, K., Dragicevic, M., Hussain, P. S., Jeitler, M., Krammer, N., Li, A., Liko, D., Mikulec, I., Schieck, J., Schöfbeck, R., Schwarz, D., Sonawane, M., Templ, S., Waltenberger, W., Wulz, C.-E., Darwish, M. R., Janssen, T., Van Mechelen, P., Bols, E. S., D’Hondt, J., Dansana, S., De Moor, A., Delcourt, M., Lowette, S., Makarenko, I., Müller, D., Tavernier, S., Tytgat, M., Van Onsem, G. P., Van Putte, S., Vannerom, D., Clerbaux, B., Das, A. K., De Lentdecker, G., Evard, H., Favart, L., Gianneios, P., Hohov, D., Jaramillo, J., Khalilzadeh, A., Khan, F. A., Lee, K., Mahdavikhorrami, M., Malara, A., Paredes, S., Thomas, L., Vanden Bemden, M., Vander Velde, C., Vanlaer, P., De Coen, M., Dobur, D., Hong, Y., Knolle, J., Lambrecht, L., Mestdach, G., Amarilo, K. Mota, Rendón, C., Samalan, A., Skovpen, K., Van Den Bossche, N., van der Linden, J., Wezenbeek, L., Benecke, A., Bethani, A., Bruno, G., Caputo, C., Delaere, C., Donertas, I. S., Giammanco, A., Jain, Sa, Lemaitre, V., Lidrych, J., Mastrapasqua, P., Tran, T. T., Wertz, S., Alves, G. A., Coelho, E., Hensel, C., De Oliveira, T. Menezes, Moraes, A., Teles, P. Rebello, Soeiro, M., Júnior, W. L. Aldá, Pereira, M. Alves Gallo, Filho, M. Barroso Ferreira, Malbouisson, H. Brandao, Carvalho, W., Chinellato, J., Da Costa, E. M., Da Silveira, G. G., De Jesus Damiao, D., De Souza, S. Fonseca, De Souza, R. Gomes

    “…A search for \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy}…”
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    Search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson to a pair of pseudoscalars in the \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\upmu \upmu \text{ b } \text{ b } $$\end{document}μμbb and \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy by Hayrapetyan, A., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Andrejkovic, J. W., Bergauer, T., Chatterjee, S., Damanakis, K., Dragicevic, M., Del Valle, A. Escalante, Hussain, P. S., Jeitler, M., Krammer, N., Liko, D., Mikulec, I., Schieck, J., Schöfbeck, R., Schwarz, D., Sonawane, M., Templ, S., Waltenberger, W., Wulz, C.-E., Darwish, M. R., Janssen, T., Van Mechelen, P., Bols, E. S., D’Hondt, J., Dansana, S., De Moor, A., Delcourt, M., El Faham, H., Lowette, S., Makarenko, I., Müller, D., Sahasransu, A. R., Tavernier, S., Tytgat, M., Van Putte, S., Vannerom, D., Clerbaux, B., De Lentdecker, G., Favart, L., Hohov, D., Jaramillo, J., Khalilzadeh, A., Lee, K., Mahdavikhorrami, M., Malara, A., Paredes, S., Pétré, L., Postiau, N., Thomas, L., Bemden, M. Vanden, Velde, C. Vander, Vanlaer, P., De Coen, M., Dobur, D., Hong, Y., Knolle, J., Lambrecht, L., Mestdach, G., Rendón, C., Samalan, A., Skovpen, K., Van Den Bossche, N., Wezenbeek, L., Benecke, A., Bruno, G., Caputo, C., Delaere, C., Donertas, I. S., Giammanco, A., Jaffel, K., Jain, Sa, Lemaitre, V., Lidrych, J., Mastrapasqua, P., Mondal, K., Tran, T. T., Wertz, S., Alves, G. A., Coelho, E., Hensel, C., Menezes De Oliveira, T., Moraes, A., Rebello Teles, P., Soeiro, M., Aldá Júnior, W. L., Alves Gallo Pereira, M., Barroso Ferreira Filho, M., Brandao Malbouisson, H., Carvalho, W., Chinellato, J., Da Costa, E. M., Da Silveira, G. G., De Jesus Damiao, D., Fonseca De Souza, S., Martins, J., Mora Herrera, C., Mota Amarilo, K.

    “…A search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson ( \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts}…”
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    Journal Article
  20. 20

    Measurement of the mass dependence of the transverse momentum of lepton pairs in Drell-Yan production in proton-proton collisions at s = 13 Te V by Tumasyan, A, Adam, W, Andrejkovic, J W, Bergauer, T, Chatterjee, S, Dragicevic, M, Valle, A Escalante Del, Frühwirth, R, Jeitler, M, Krammer, N, Lechner, L, Liko, D, Mikulec, I, Paulitsch, P, Pitters, F M, Schieck, J, Schöfbeck, R, Spanring, M, Templ, S, Waltenberger, W, Wulz, C-E, Darwish, M R, De Wolf, E A, Janssen, T, Kello, T, Lelek, A, Sfar, H Rejeb, Mechelen, P Van, Putte, S Van, Remortel, N Van, Blekman, F, Bols, E S, D'Hondt, J, Delcourt, M, Faham, H El, Lowette, S, Moortgat, S, Morton, A, Müller, D, Sahasransu, A R, Tavernier, S, Doninck, W Van, Mulders, P Van, Beghin, D, Bilin, B, Clerbaux, B, De Lentdecker, G, Favart, L, Grebenyuk, A, Kalsi, A K, Lee, K, Mahdavikhorrami, M, Makarenko, I, Moureaux, L, Pétré, L, Popov, A, Postiau, N, Starling, E, Thomas, L, Bemden, M Vanden, Velde, C Vander, Vanlaer, P, Vannerom, D, Wezenbeek, L, Cornelis, T, Dobur, D, Knolle, J, Lambrecht, L, Mestdach, G, Niedziela, M, Roskas, C, Samalan, A, Skovpen, K, Tytgat, M, Vermassen, B, Vit, M, Bethani, A, Bruno, G, Bury, F, Caputo, C, David, P, Delaere, C, Donertas, I S, Giammanco, A, Jaffel, K, Jain, Sa, Lemaitre, V, Mondal, K, Prisciandaro, J, Taliercio, A, Teklishyn, M, Tran, T T, Vischia, P, Wertz, S, Alves, G A, Hensel, C, Moraes, A, Júnior, W L Aldá, Pereira, M Alves Gallo, Filho, M Barroso Ferreira

    “…The double differential cross sections of the Drell-Yan lepton pair ( , dielectron or dimuon) production are measured as functions of the invariant mass ,…”
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