Search Results - "Skår, M."
Carbon storage in rare ecosystems relative to their encroaching forests in western Lower Michigan
Published in PloS one (17-06-2024)“…Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are impacting global temperatures, ecological systems, and human societies. Natural carbon sequestration through the…”
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A serologic study of canine herpes virus-1 infection in the Norwegian adult dog population
Published in Theriogenology (01-07-2012)“…Canine herpes virus-1 (CHV1) causes a fatal hemorrhagic disease in neonatal puppies and is associated with reproductive problems in female dogs. This serologic…”
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A river runs through the landscape: Everyday use in an ever changing environment
Published in Journal of rural studies (01-10-2021)“…The meaning of riverine landscapes to society has evolved to serve our ever-changing needs, from harvesting and transporting resources to arenas for outdoor…”
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Crowd-sourced data link land use and soil moisture to temperature and relative humidity in southwest Michigan (USA)
Published in Theoretical and applied climatology (2021)“…Land use practices have replaced much of the natural ecosystems of Michigan with cropland and urban settlements. These modifications can alter regional…”
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Children and nearby nature: A nationwide parental survey from Norway
Published in Urban forestry & urban greening (01-06-2016)“…•This paper is about children and opportunities for play environments where they live.•There are comprehensive literature about advantages of free unstructured…”
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'There is nowhere to take the child': a qualitative study of community members' views on managing early childhood substance use in Mbale, Uganda
Published in BMC public health (15-06-2022)“…Harmful alcohol use by 5-8-year-old children has been identified in Mbale District, Uganda. To further examine this finding, the present study explores the…”
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Are little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) impacted by dietary exposure to microcystin?
Published in Harmful algae (01-05-2022)“…•We confirm bats’ route of exposure to microcystin via diet of aquatic insects.•Bats excrete more microcystin in feces than they bioaccumulate in their…”
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Lessons learnt from school-based health promotion projects in low- and middle-income countries
Published in Child : care, health & development (01-11-2015)“…Background Non‐communicable diseases (NCD) are now the leading cause of death worldwide. As habits and lifestyle are established in childhood and adolescence,…”
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Evaluating toxicity risk in sediments after remediation at a Superfund megasite using a Triad approach
Published in Environmental monitoring and assessment (01-11-2019)“…The Pine River downstream of the Velsicol Superfund site has been contaminated with various hydrophobic organic pollutants for more than 50 years. Remediation…”
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Do invasive dreissenid mussels influence spatial and temporal patterns of toxic Microcystis aeruginosa in a low-nutrient Michigan lake?
Published in Lake and reservoir management (03-07-2018)“…Gaskill JA, Woller-Skar MM. 2018. Do invasive dreissenid mussels influence spatial and temporal patterns of toxic Microcystis aeruginosa in a low-nutrient…”
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Investigating Heat Exchange in Ecosystems with Bottle Biology
Published in The American biology teacher (01-01-2018)“…Logistics often limit the number of field-based labs that include different types of ecosystems. Moreover, few lab classes allow students the opportunity to…”
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Do different traumatic events invoke different kinds of post-traumatic stress symptoms?
Published in European journal of psychotraumatology (01-02-2021)“…Background: Characteristics of the traumatic event may influence the levels of and specific manifestation of particular symptoms of post-traumatic stress…”
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Microcystin Detected in Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus)
Published in The American midland naturalist (01-10-2015)“…Recent studies documented the potential transfer of microcystin, a hepatotoxin produced by some cyanobacteria, from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems. Using…”
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An inquiry-based activity to show the importance of sample size and random sampling
Published in Science scope (Washington, D.C.) (01-04-2017)Get full text
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Multiple queens and biased sex ratios in the independent‐founding Ropalidia Guérin‐Méneville, 1831 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) wasps
Published in Austral entomology (01-02-2015)“…The social wasp genus Ropalidia includes both ‘swarm‐founding’ species with large, multi‐queen colonies, and ‘independent‐founding’ species that have smaller…”
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The Pharmacophore of Short Cationic Antibacterial Peptides
Published in Journal of medicinal chemistry (24-04-2003)“…Cationic antibacterial peptides have been proclaimed as new drugs against multiresistant bacteria. Their limited success so far is partially due to the size of…”
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Politicising plants: Dwelling and invasive alien species in domestic gardens in Norway
Published in Norsk geografisk tidsskrift (01-01-2014)“…Qvenild, M., Setten, G. & Skår, M. 2014. Politicising plants: Dwelling and invasive alien species in domestic gardens in Norway. Norsk Geografisk…”
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Challenges and successes of using Two-Eyed Seeing to teach Indigenous science at a predominantly white institution
Published in Journal of Great Lakes research (01-06-2023)“…Two-Eyed Seeing, or Etuaptmumk (in Mi’kmaw), is an approach to learning and science that braids both Indigenous and Western knowledges and ways of knowing…”
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Important structural features of 15-residue lactoferricin derivatives and methods for improvement of antimicrobial activity
Published in Biochemistry and cell biology (01-02-2002)“…This review focuses on important structural features affecting the antimicrobial activity of 15-residue derivatives of lactoferricins. Our investigations are…”
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Motivation for mountain biking in Norway: Change and stability in late-modern outdoor recreation
Published in Norsk geografisk tidsskrift (01-03-2008)“…The paper presents empirical data on motivation for mountain biking in Norway. In the study a mountain biker was defined as a person who had cycled on rough…”
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