Search Results - "Simons, Matthew T"
A Rydberg atom-based mixer: Measuring the phase of a radio frequency wave
Published in Applied physics letters (18-03-2019)“…Rydberg atoms have been shown to be very useful in performing absolute measurements of the magnitude of a radio frequency (RF) field using electromagnetically…”
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Weak electric-field detection with sub-1 Hz resolution at radio frequencies using a Rydberg atom-based mixer
Published in AIP advances (01-04-2019)“…Rydberg atoms have been used for measuring radio-frequency (RF) electric (E)-fields due to their strong dipole moments over the frequency range of 500 MHz-1…”
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Atom-Based RF Electric Field Metrology: From Self-Calibrated Measurements to Subwavelength and Near-Field Imaging
Published in IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility (01-04-2017)“…We discuss a fundamentally new method for electric (E) field strength (V/m) metrology applicable to the near-field. This new approach is significantly…”
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A quantum-based power standard: Using Rydberg atoms for a SI-traceable radio-frequency power measurement technique in rectangular waveguides
Published in Applied physics letters (27-08-2018)“…In this work, we demonstrate an approach for determining radio-frequency (RF) power using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in a Rydberg atomic…”
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Embedding a Rydberg Atom-Based Sensor Into an Antenna for Phase and Amplitude Detection of Radio-Frequency Fields and Modulated Signals
Published in IEEE access (2019)“…We demonstrate a Rydberg atom-based sensor embedded in a parallel-plate waveguide (PPWG) for amplitude and phase detection of a radio-frequency (RF) electric…”
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A “real-time” guitar recording using Rydberg atoms and electromagnetically induced transparency: Quantum physics meets music
Published in AIP advances (01-06-2019)“…We demonstrate how Rydberg atoms and the phenomena of electromagnetically induced transparency can be used to aid in the recording of a musical instrument in…”
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Inverse transform sampling for efficient Doppler-averaged spectroscopy simulations
Published in AIP advances (01-07-2023)“…We present a thermal velocity sampling method for calculating Doppler-broadened atomic spectra, which more efficiently reaches convergence than regular…”
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Determining the angle-of-arrival of a radio-frequency source with a Rydberg atom-based sensor
Published in Applied physics letters (15-03-2021)“…In this work, we demonstrate the use of a Rydberg atom-based sensor for determining the angle of arrival of an incident radio frequency (RF) wave or signal…”
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Detecting and Receiving Phase-Modulated Signals With a Rydberg Atom-Based Receiver
Published in IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters (01-09-2019)“…The recent developments of Rydberg atom-based sensors with the ability to measure phase have made it possible to receive digital phase-modulated signals. In…”
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Enhancement of electromagnetically induced transparency based Rydberg-atom electrometry through population repumping
Published in Applied physics letters (22-11-2021)“…We demonstrate improved sensitivity of Rydberg electrometry based on electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) with a ground state repumping laser. Though…”
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Rydberg atom-based field sensing enhancement using a split-ring resonator
Published in Applied physics letters (16-05-2022)“…We investigate the use of a split-ring resonator (SRR) incorporated with an atomic-vapor cell to improve the sensitivity and the minimal detectable electric…”
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Independent Rydberg atom sensing using a dual-ladder scheme
Published in Applied physics letters (29-04-2024)“…Rydberg atom-based electric field sensing can provide all-optical readout of radio frequency (RF) fields in a dielectric environment. However, because a single…”
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Rydberg atom-based sensors for radio-frequency electric field metrology, sensing, and communications
Published in Measurement. Sensors (01-12-2021)“…The recent redefinition of the SI bolsters the push towards quantum-based sensors. Rydberg atoms provide a natural link between atomic quantities and…”
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Using radiation pressure to develop a radio-frequency power measurement technique traceable to the redefined SI
Published in Applied physics letters (15-10-2018)“…We discuss a power-measurement technique traceable to the International System of Units (SI) based on radiation pressure (or radiation force) inherent in an…”
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A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Automated Chamber Configuration Replicating mmWave Directional Industrial Channel Behavior
Published in 2023 100th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference (ARFTG) (22-01-2023)“…Industrial wireless channels have different characteristics than home and office channels due to their reflective nature. Moreover, the millimeter-wave…”
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Rydberg Atom Based Sensors: Radio-Frequency Field Detection to Remote Sensing and Other Receiving Applications
Published in 2024 United States National Committee of URSI National Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI NRSM) (09-01-2024)“…Atom-based measurements allow for unprecedented accuracy in measurement systems, and as a result, measurement standards have evolved towards atom-based…”
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Applications with a Rydberg Atom-based Radio Frequency Antenna/Receiver
Published in 2019 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE (01-09-2019)“…We discuss several recent extensions of quantum radio frequency (RF) electric field sensors to antenna/receiver applications. These Rydberg atom-based sensors…”
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Waveguide-integrated Rydberg Atom-based RF Field Detector for Near-field Antenna Measurements
Published in 2019 Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Symposium (AMTA) (21-11-2019)“…We demonstrate simultaneous amplitude and phase measurements of a radio-frequency (RF) field through the use of a Rydberg atom-based sensor embedded inside a…”
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Rydberg states of alkali atoms in atomic vapour as SI-traceable field probes and communications receivers
Published in Nature reviews physics (01-10-2024)“…Rydberg states of alkali atoms are highly sensitive to electric fields because their electron wavefunction has a large spatial extent, leading to large…”
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Publisher Correction: Rydberg states of alkali atoms in atomic vapour as SI-traceable field probes and communications receivers
Published in Nature reviews physics (08-10-2024)Get full text
Journal Article