Search Results - "Simić, Saša"
The broad emission line asymmetry in a low mass ratio of supermassive binary black holes on elliptical orbits
Published in Astronomische Nachrichten (01-01-2022)“…We investigate the broad line profiles emitted from a system supermassive binary black hole (SMBBH) having elliptical orbits and a low mass ratio of m2/m1∼0.1…”
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Line shifts and sub-pc super-massive binary black holes
Published in Astrophysics and space science (01-02-2016)“…Here we discuss the possibility of super-massive binary black hole (SMBBH) detection, using the shifts of the broad lines emitted from a binary system. We…”
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Long-Term Optical Monitoring of Broad-Line AGNs (LoTerm AGN): Case Study of NGC 3516
Published in Physics (Online) (01-03-2024)“…Properties of the broad line region (BLR) in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are commonly used to estimate the mass of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) that…”
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Broad spectral line and continuum variabilities in QSO spectra induced by microlensing of diffusive massive substructure
Published in Advances in space research (01-10-2014)“…We investigate the variability of the continuum and broad lines in QSO spectra (particularly in the Hβ line and continuum at λ 5100Å) caused by microlensing of…”
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Influence of gravitational microlensing on broad absorption lines of QSOs: The case of the Fe K α line
Published in New astronomy reviews (01-07-2009)“…Here we give a brief overview of some investigations of the gravitational microlensing influence on broad absorption spectral lines of lensed QSOs. Especially,…”
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The comparison of an optical and X-ray counterpart of subparsec supermassive binary black holes
Published in Advances in space research (01-07-2024)Get full text
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Preface: Spectral line shapes in astrophysics
Published in Astronomische Nachrichten (01-01-2022)“…The collection of papers in this special issue represents the selected papers presented at the 13th Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics…”
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The Optical Variability of Supermassive Black Hole Binary Candidate PG 1302-102: Periodicity and Perturbation in the Light Curve
Published in The Astrophysical journal (20-01-2019)“…The photometric light curve of PG 1302-102 shows periodic variability, which makes this object one of the most plausible supermassive black hole binary…”
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On possible proxies of AGN light-curves cadence selection in future time domain surveys
Published in Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (01-08-2021)“…ABSTRACT Motivated by upcoming photometric and spectroscopic surveys [Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), Manuakea Spectroscopic…”
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Detection of short-term response of the low ionosphere on gamma ray bursts
Published in Geophysical research letters (16-10-2015)“…In this paper, we study the possibility of detection of short‐term terrestrial lower ionospheric response to gamma ray bursts (GRBs) using a statistical…”
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The LSST Era of Supermassive Black Hole Accretion Disk Reverberation Mapping
Published in The Astrophysical journal. Supplement series (01-10-2022)“…The Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will detect an unprecedentedly large sample of actively accreting supermassive black…”
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The broad emission line asymmetry in low mass ratio of supermassive binary black holes on elliptical orbits
Published 22-11-2021“…We investigate the broad line profiles emitted from a system supermassive binary black hole (SMBBH) having elliptical orbits and low mass ratio of $m_2/m_1\sim…”
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Detecting subparsec super-massive binary black holes: Long termmonitoring perspective
Published 19-05-2021“…Here we consider the perspective to detect sub-pc super-massive binary black-hole (SMBBH) systems using long-term photometric and spectroscopic monitoring…”
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Computer sound card as a tool to study of fast changing electromagnetic phenomena
Published in Computer applications in engineering education (01-03-2013)“…This paper presents an original undergraduate experiment which use capabilities of the PC sound device for observation and data acquisition. We study the rapid…”
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Plastic optical fiber as a tool for experimenting with simple pendulum
Published in Revista brasileira de ensino de física“…In this paper an experiment with plastic optical fiber to control the motion of a simple pendulum was described. The monitoring system of pendulum position is…”
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Detection of short term response of the low ionosphere on gamma ray bursts
Published 30-01-2018“…Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 42, issue 19, 8250-8261, 2015 In this paper, we study the possibility of detection of short term terrestrial lower…”
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Broad spectral line and continuum variabilities in QSO spectra induced by microlensing of diffusive massive substructure
Published 15-11-2013“…We investigate the variability of the continuum and broad lines in QSO spectra (particularly in the H$\beta$ line and continuum at $\lambda$ 5100 \AA ) caused…”
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Mechanism of light curve variability in the gamma ray bursts
Published in Astrophysics and space science (01-06-2007)“…Issue Title: The Multi-Messenger Approach to High-Energy Gamma-Ray Sources: Third Workshop on the Nature of Unidentified High-Energy Sources In this paper we…”
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Influence of gravitational microlensing on broad absorption lines of QSOs: The case of the Fe K$\alpha$ line
Published 29-09-2009“…New Astron.Rev.53:156-161,2009 Here we give a brief overview of some investigations of the gravitational microlensing influence on broad absorption spectral…”
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Spectro-photometric variability of quasars caused by lensing of diffuse massive substructure: Consequences on flux anomaly and precise astrometric measurements
Published 25-03-2013“…MNRAS, 2013 We investigate the spectro-photometric variability of quasars due to lensing of small mass substructure (from several tens to several hundreds…”
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