Search Results - "Simeunovic, Milja"
Planning-Level Optimisation of Headway Regularity
Published in Applied sciences (01-07-2024)“…Headway variability has a negative impact on the public transport passengers’ perception of service quality. However, most of the existing methods aimed at…”
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Journal Article -
Published in Transport (Vilnius, Lithuania) (09-10-2023)“…Organization and management of Public Passenger Transport (PPT) system is a complex process, which significantly impacts the functioning of the system…”
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Journal Article -
The Forecasting Model of the Impact of Shopping Centres in Urban Areas on the Generation of Traffic Demand
Published in Applied sciences (01-10-2024)“…The increase in traffic caused by new development affects the change in traffic conditions on the surrounding roads, and shopping centres are significant…”
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Journal Article -
Influence of Traffic Flow and Meteorological Conditions on Air Pollution – A Case Study
Published in Promet (01-01-2023)“…In this paper, the influence of traffic flow volume and meteorological conditions on carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter (PM), ozone (O3) and sulphur…”
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Journal Article Paper -
The Model of the Optimal Number of Public Transport Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Flow Conditions: A Case Study
Published in Discrete dynamics in nature and society (2021)“…Bus passenger transport is very important for sustainable urban mobility, and due to the characteristics of the street network, it is usually realized in the…”
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Journal Article -
Comparative travel time-space analysis by different transport modes in Novi Sad
Published in Tehnika (Beograd) (2024)“…One of the most important factors in the choice of transport mode is the travel time. When choosing a transport mode, passengers prefer the alternative that…”
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Journal Article -
The influence of traffic conditions on the operation disorder of public transport vehicles
Published in Tehnički vjesnik (01-02-2016)Get full text
Journal Article -
The influence of traffic conditions on the operation disorder of public transport vehicles/Utjecaj uvjeta odvijanja prometa na poremecaj rada vozila javnog prijevoza
Published in Tehnički vjesnik (01-02-2016)“…In situations when in the street network there are no separate areas for the movement of public transport vehicles, traffic conditions influence their…”
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Journal Article -
Historical development оf traffic lights
Published in Put i saobraćaj (17-12-2018)Get full text
Journal Article -
Model and software-based solution for implementing coordinated timed-transfer passenger transport system
Published in 2017 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS) (01-06-2017)“…For a number of users, transfers are an unavoidable aspect of travel, irrespective of the public transport network quality. Transfer time not only extend the…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Modeliranje uticaja režima saobraćajnog toka na elemente rada vozila javnog prevoza
Published 01-01-2016“…Promena parametara saobraćajnog toka utiče na promenu elemenata rada vozila JGPP-a, kada ona saobraćaju u mešovitom saobraćajnom toku. Elementi rada vozila…”
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Dissertation -
Utjecaj uvjeta odvijanja prometa na poremećaj rada vozila javnog prijevoza
Published in Tehnički vjesnik (19-02-2016)“…U situacijama kada na uličnoj mreži ne postoje izdvojene površine za kretanje vozila javnog prijevoza, uvjeti odvijanja prometa utječu na njihov rad i…”
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