Search Results - "Silva Lopes, Alynne Radoyk"
Cervical cancer and quality of life: an integrative review
Published in Bioscience journal (01-09-2020)“…To analyze the publications regarding the quality of life of women with cervical cancer. This is an integrative review performed in the indexed LILACS, MEDLINE…”
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Cervical cancer and quality of life: an integrative review
Published in Bioscience journal (01-08-2020)“…To analyze the publications regarding the quality of life of women with cervical cancer. This is an integrative review performed in the indexed LILACS, MEDLINE…”
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Associação entre variáveis demográficas e estadiamento de câncer cervical em idosas: estudo retrospectivo
Published in Online Brazilian journal of nursing (25-05-2021)“…Objetivo: Associar as variáveis sociodemográficas de idosas com câncer cervical e estadiamento de um hospital de referência oncológica. Método: Estudo…”
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Educação em saúde com gestantes e puérperas: um relato de experiência
Published in Revista recien (31-03-2020)“…Trata-se de um relato de experiência, com o objetivo de descrever as atividades de educação em saúde realizadas com grupo de gestantes e puérperas. As…”
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