Search Results - "Silva, Robson José da"

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    Feeding habits of Carabidae (Coleoptera) associated with herbaceous plants and the phenology of coloured cotton by Matta, Danilo Henrique da, Cividanes, Francisco Jorge, Silva, Robson José da, Batista, Mariana Nardin, Otuka, Alessandra Karina, Correia, Ezequias Teófilo, Matos, Sidnéia Terezinha Soares de

    Published in Acta scientiarum. Agronomy (01-04-2017)
    “…The carabids (Coleoptera: Carabidae) are recognized as polyphagous predators and important natural enemies of insect pests. However, little is known about the…”
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    Marco temporal, Supremo Tribunal Federal e direitos dos povos indígenas: um retrocesso anunciado by Libois, Rachel Dantas, Silva, Robson José da

    “…O presente artigo busca demonstrar a tese do marco temporal como desconstrução do novo paradigma presente na Constituição Federal de 1988 a respeito dos povos…”
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    Oncotic colpocytology stained with Harris-Shorr in the observation of vaginal microorganisms by Storti-Filho, Agenor, Estivalet Svidizinski, Terezinha Inez, da Silva Souza, Robson José, de Mello, Ione Cristina Jorge, da Costa Souza, Paola, Lopes Consolaro, Marcia Edilaine

    Published in Diagnostic cytopathology (01-06-2008)
    “…The purpose of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of oncotic colpocytology stained with Harris–Shorr in the identification of the cervicovaginal microflora…”
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    TEMPERATURA E SUBSTRATO NA GERMINAÇÃO DE SEMENTES DE FLOR-DE-SEDA by José Robson da Silva, Marcos Antônio de Andrade Medeiros, Ítala Jane Bezerra do Nascimento, Maria Clarete Cardoso Ribeiro, Glauber Henrique de Sousa Nunes

    Published in Caatinga (01-01-2009)
    “…Silk flower [Calotropis procera (Aiton) R. Br.] is a very common plant in the north-eastern Brazil, used in the animal ration in the period of food scarcity,…”
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    INTERAÇÃO GENÓTIPO x AMBIENTE EM MELANCIA NO ESTADO DO RIO GRANDE DO NORTE by José Robson da Silva, Glauber Henrique de Sousa Nunes, Maria Zuleide de Negreiros, Joge Ferreira Torres, Mara Suyane Marques Dantas

    Published in Caatinga (01-01-2008)
    “…The present work aimed to study the environment genotype interaction and estimate the componentssimple and complex of interaction as well as identify…”
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    AVALIAÇÃO DO POTENCIAL FISIOLÓGICO DE SEMENTES DE MAXIXE by José Robson da Silva, Salvador Barros Torres, Marcos Antônio de Andrade Medeiros, Isaac Rannyer Sousa de Oliveira

    Published in Caatinga (01-01-2008)
    “…The present work had as objective verifies different methods for evaluation of the physiologic potential of gherkin seeds. Two lots of seeds aged were used…”
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    AVALIAÇÃO DO POTENCIAL FISIOLÓGICO DE SEMENTES DE MAXIXE by Robson da Silva, José, Barros Torres, Salvador, Antonio de Andrade Medeiros, Marcos, Rannyer Sousa de Oliveira, Isaac

    Published in Caatinga (10-08-2008)
    “…O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar, mediante diferentes testes de vigor, o potencial fisiológico de sementes de maxixe. Foram utilizados dois lotes…”
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    Fertility life table of Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae) in Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch) and Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera, Aphididae) by da Silva, RJ, Bueno, VHP, Silva, D B, Sampaio, M V

    Published in Revista brasileira de entomologia (01-03-2008)
    “…The evaluation of the growth potential of Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) is important for its use in biological control programs of aphids. This work aimed…”
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