Search Results - "Silva, Ricardo José Carvalho"

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  1. 1

    Analysis of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with different CFRP lengths by Silva, Ricardo Jose Carvalho, Cabral, Antonio Eduardo Bezerra, Junior, Francisco Eudazio Suriano Da Silva, Filho, Jose Leonezio Lopes De Vasconcelos, Eugenio, David Ermerson Farias

    Published in Acta scientiarum. Technology (01-01-2020)
    “…The application of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) as method of strengthening for concrete structures is replacing the conventional strengthening…”
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  2. 2

    Punching shear in flat slabs by strut and tie model by Silva, Ricardo José Carvalho, Oliveira, Dênio Ramam Carvalho de, Albuquerque, Nívea Gabriela Benevides de, Gomes, Thiago Andrade, Nzambi, Aaron Kadima Lukanu Lwa

    “…Abstract Research on behavior of flat slabs under punching shear, performed by Kinnunen, Regan and Muttoni influenced the main design recommendations…”
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  3. 3

    Punching shear strength of waffle flat slabs by Silva, Ricardo José Carvalho, Oliveira, Dênio Ramam Carvalho de, Albuquerque, Nívea Gabriela Benevides de, Silva Júnior, Francisco Eudázio Suriano da, Leite, Felipe da Silva

    “…Abstract This research aimed to compare the ultimate load of 10 waffle flat slabs with different sizes of solid area and spacing between ribs. For this, a…”
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  4. 4

    Estudo experimental de pilares curtos de concreto armado reforçados com PRFC by Silveira Muniz, Mara Bruna, Silva Carvalho, Ricardo José

    Published in Revista tecnologia (29-06-2018)
    “…Segundo a NBR 6118 (ABNT, 2014), uma estrutura, ou parte dela, atinge um estado limite quando se torna inutilizável ou quando deixa de atender os requisitos…”
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  5. 5

    Experimental analysis of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with steel bars and epoxy structural adhesive by Silva, Ricardo José Carvalho, Muniz, Mara Bruna Silveira, Lima, Ésio Magalhães Feitosa, Silva Júnior, Francisco Eudázio Suriano da, Araújo, Carlos Valbson dos Santos

    Published in Revista ALCONPAT (01-04-2019)
    “…This work was aimed at analyzing the efficiency of the strengthening of reinforced concrete beams with the addition of steel bars and epoxy adhesive. Five…”
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  6. 6

    Contribution to the Study of Aortic Mural Structure of Opossum (Didelphis albiventris) by Martins, Márcia Regina Fernandes Boaro, Pinto e Silva, José Ricardo de Carvalho, Martins, Bruna Boaro

    Published in International journal of morphology (01-03-2010)
    “…Opossum is considered one of the most primitive mammals, with transition evolutive characteristics. In mammals, the aorta artery is referred as the main body…”
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  7. 7

    Experimental and analytical analysis of reinforced concrete columns strengthened with CFRP by dos Santos Araújo, Carlos Valbson, Silva, Ricardo José Carvalho

    “…The technology of the Construction Industry is advancing constantly. Every year, new materials, equipment, and building techniques are introduced. In the…”
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  8. 8

    Craniometria em cães (Canis familiaris). Aspectos em crânios mesaticéfalos by Bruno Cesar Schimming, José Ricardo de Carvalho Pinto e Silva

    “…Neste estudo, foram utilizados 25 crânios de cães adultos, s.r.d., de ambos os sexos, todos mesaticéfalos. Foram realizadas medidas craniométricas para as…”
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  9. 9

    Study on Cranial and Caudal Mesenteric Arteries in Opossum (Didelphis albiventris) by Pinto e Silva, José Ricardo de Carvalho, Martins, Márcia Regina Fernandes Boaro, Guazzelli Filho, Joffre

    Published in International journal of morphology (01-09-2008)
    “…The objective of this study is to describe the cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries in 10 opossuns after Neoprene latex injection. The cranial mesenteric…”
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  10. 10

    Análise de Vigas Contínuas via MNE by Daniel de Almeida Ferreira, Ricardo José carvalho Silva

    Published in Revista tecnologia (01-08-2010)
    “…The structural analisis with the use of Minimal Euclidian Method is presented in this work as an alternative to the Elastic Linear Analisis. Professor Ricardo…”
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    SOFTWARE SOBRE VETORES by Érico Lima Veríssimo, Ricardo José Carvalho Silva

    Published in Revista tecnologia (01-08-2010)
    “…Esta publicagão tem por objetivo apresentar um software desenvolvido pelo aluno Érico Lima Veríssimo em linguagem Pascal, o mesmo tem como finalidades:…”
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  13. 13

    Revisão e Melhoria de um Sistema de Segurança Alimentar HACCP num Supermercado by da Silva Carvalho, José Ricardo

    Published 01-01-2014
    “…Atualmente a população mundial tem vindo a aumentar, e com isso também a necessidade de alimentos é maior. É necessário também que estes se encontrem em…”
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  14. 14

    Análise de Vigas Contínuas via MNE by Daniel de Almeida Ferreira, Ricardo José carvalho Silva

    Published in Revista tecnologia (01-08-2010)
    “…A aplicação da análise estrutural via Mínima Norma Euclidiana é apresentada neste trabalho como alternativa a análise linear elástica. Utilizando os softwares…”
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  15. 15

    ANÁLISE DA RIGIDEZ DAS CONEXÕES DO MODELO DE BIELAS E TIRANTE by Ricardo José Carvalho Silva, Guilherme Sales S. A. Melo, Eldon Londe Mello

    Published in Revista tecnologia (01-08-2010)
    “…A utilização de pórticos com conexões com rigidez variável no modelo de bielas e tirantes, para a análise e dimensionamento de vigas de concreto armado, é…”
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  16. 16

    Ultrastructural Aspects of Spermatids in Isogenic Black Mouse C57BL6J by Fernandes Boaro Martins, Márcia Regina, Carvalho Pinto e Silva, José Ricardo de

    “…The objective of this study was to describe some changes in spermatids differentiating events during spermiogenesis, leading to spermatozoa final formation…”
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  17. 17

    ANATOMICAL STUDY OF THE ABDOMINAL AORTA SACRAL RAMI OF THE OPOSSUM (Didelphis albiventris) by Carvalho Pinto e Silva, José Ricardo de, Fernandes Boaro Martins, Márcia Regina

    “…The objective of this study was to describe the anatomy of the opossum abdominal aorta sacral rami, emphasizing the common iliac arteries, external and…”
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  18. 18

    COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ARTERIAL VASCULARIZATION IN SWINE SPLEEN (Sus scrofa domesticus) by de Carvalho Pinto e Silva, José Ricardo, Fernandes Boaro Martins, Márcia Regina

    Published in Revista Chilena de anatomía (2000)
    “…We studied the arterial vascularization of 20 swine spleens injected with neoprene latex and fixed with a 10% aqueous solution of formalin and dissected. The…”
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  19. 19

    Study on cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries in opossum by de Carvalho Pinto e Silva, Jose Ricardo, Ma, Filho, Joffre Guazzelli

    Published in International journal of morphology (01-09-2008)
    “…The objective of this study is to describe the cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries in 10 opossuns after Neoprene latex injection. The cranial mesenteric…”
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