Search Results - "Silva, Jéssica Alves"
Hepatic ultrasonography in three breeds of healthy calves: Nellore, Curraleiro Pe‐duro and Pantaneiro
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-01-2021)“…An ultrasonography was performed in 21 healthy male calves of Nellore (n = 8), Curraleiro Pe‐duro (n = 7) and Pantaneiro (n = 6) breeds, between 8 and…”
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IL-17-Expressing CD4^+ and CD8^+ T Lymphocytes in Human Toxoplasmosis
Published in Mediators of Inflammation (01-01-2014)“…This study aimed to measure the synthesis of Th1 and Th2 cytokines by mononuclear cells after culture with live T. gondii and identified Th17 (CD4+) and Tc17…”
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Spondias sp: Shedding Light on Its Vast Pharmaceutical Potential
Published in Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) (16-02-2023)“…Many plants are used by the population through popular knowledge passed from generation to generation for the treatment of various diseases. However, there is…”
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Co-Encapsulation of Drugs for Topical Application-A Review
Published in Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) (01-02-2023)“…Achieving the best possible outcome for the therapy is the main goal of a medicine. Therefore, nanocarriers and co-delivery strategies were invented to meet…”
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Temporal trends of maternal near miss in Brazil between 2000 and 2012
Published in Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil (01-03-2019)“…Abstract Objectives: to identify the temporal trends and regional variations in maternal near miss in Brazil. Methods: ecological study of temporal trends. The…”
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Association of Ang/Tie2 pathway mediators with endothelial barrier integrity and disease severity in COVID-19
Published in Frontiers in physiology (21-02-2023)“…Endothelial barrier (EB) disruption contributes to acute lung injury in COVID-19, and levels of both VEGF-A and Ang-2, which are mediators of EB integrity,…”
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Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Land and Pasture Vulnerability in Dairy Basins in Northeastern Brazil
Published in AgriEngineering (01-09-2024)“…The objective of this study is to evaluate the spatio-temporal dynamics of land vulnerability and pasture areas in the dairy basins of the states of Pernambuco…”
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Earwax metabolomics: An innovative pilot metabolic profiling study for assessing metabolic changes in ewes during periparturition period
Published in PloS one (25-08-2017)“…Important metabolic changes occur during transition period of late pregnancy and early lactation to meet increasing energy demands of the growing fetus and for…”
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The effect of topical application of Stryphnodendron adstringens (Martius) Coville extract and oral biotin supplementation on recovery of wounds from digital dermatitis surgery
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-01-2015)“…Digital dermatitis can impair the health and milk yield of dairy cattle. Treatment of digital dermatitis involves corrective trimming and footbaths. The…”
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Impacts of agriculture in the largest irrigated perimeter region from Latin America: effects on land degradation in the Samambaia River Basin
Published in Arabian journal of geosciences (2024)“…The increasing demand for water resources has resulted in environmental degradation and conflicting interests among diverse users. This research aimed to…”
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Conhecimentos sobre enteroparasitoses entre gestantes atendidas em uma unidade de saúde de Maceió - AL em 2017
Published in Revista Principia (17-07-2020)“…As infecções parasitárias podem causar a morte do infectado dependendo do grau de patogenicidade, o que justifica a investigação do conhecimento sobre essas…”
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Cost of nursing assistence in intensive-care unit of an university hospital
Published in Revista de pesquisa, cuidado é fundamental (2012)“…Objectives: To estimate intervention's cost of nursing care in ICU patients of a University Hospital, identify the average time of nursing care to patients in…”
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Caracterização tecnológica de catalisadores automotivos desativados visando o aproveitamento de Pt, Pd e Rh
Published in Tecnologia em metalurgia, materiais e mineração (2020)“…A utilização de catalisadores automotivos vem aumentando nas últimas décadas. Com as rigorosas legislações de controle de emissões de gases poluentes, o número…”
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Potencial visual evocado por padrão reverso com tabuleiro de xadrez em gatos domésticos adultos
Published in Ciência rural (01-05-2015)“…O potencial visual evocado por padrão reverso (PVE-PR) é um método objetivo, não invasivo e estabelecido para as investigações funcionais. Este trabalho teve…”
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Characterization of water status and vegetation cover change in a watershed in Northeastern Brazil
Published in Journal of South American earth sciences (01-10-2023)“…The existing water scarcity in the Brazilian semiarid region, associated with anthropic activities, imply in the degradation of the watersheds present in the…”
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Identification of early signs of change/mental disorders in puerpera to promote self-care / Identificação de sinais precoces de alteração/ transtornos mentais em puérperas para promoção do autocuidado
Published in Revista de pesquisa, cuidado é fundamental (12-01-2024)“…Objetivo: identificar sinais precoces de alterações e/ou transtornos mentais em puérperas para promoção do autocuidado. Método: a população estudada foram…”
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Panorama of health conditions in a female prison of northeast brazil / Panorama das condições de saúde de um presídio feminino do nordeste brasileiro
Published in Revista de pesquisa, cuidado é fundamental (01-06-2021)“…Objetivo: avaliar as condições de saúde de um presídio do nordeste. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo descritivo, exploratório com delineamento de análise…”
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Práticas, saberes e intervenção: prevenção e controle de mosquitos vetores entre escolares de Maceió/AL
Published in Revista Principia (29-03-2021)“…Infectious and Parasitic Diseases are a global public health problem. In the State of Alagoas the presence of many rivers, streams, lakes and lagoons favor the…”
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Estudo clínico-oftálmico e citológico de felinos domésticos com conjuntivite e mantidos em adensamento populacional
Published in PUBVET (09-08-2018)“…Conjunctivitis spread easily among cats, especially in shelters and homes with large numbers of animals, this reality is objective of this study was to make an…”
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Cytokines production by PBMC from pregnant and non pregnant women after addition lives tachyzoites of Toxoplasma gondii (67.9)
Published in The Journal of immunology (1950) (01-05-2012)“…Introduction: During pregnancy, mother’s immune system modulates immune response in order to allow the maintenance of fetal tolerance. Besides, this…”
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