Search Results - "Silva, Carlos José de Paula"
Is there an association between traumatic dental injury and social capital, binge drinking and socioeconomic indicators among schoolchildren?
Published in PloS one (26-02-2015)“…Traumatic dental injury is defined as trauma caused by forces on a tooth with variable extent and severity. The aim of the present study was to investigate the…”
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Spatial density of adolescents aged 14 years old, victims of dental: A longitudinal study
Published in Dental traumatology (01-04-2021)“…Background/Aim Knowledge about the spatial density of the domiciles of dental trauma victims can assist in the identification of the most vulnerable areas and…”
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Binge drinking, alcohol outlet density and associated factors: a multilevel analysis among adolescents in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (01-01-2020)“…Our study sought to evaluate the prevalence of binge drinking in adolescents and its association with density of alcohol outlets around schools. This…”
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Maxillofacial Injuries as Markers of Interpersonal Violence in Belo Horizonte-Brazil: Analysis of the Socio-Spatial Vulnerability of the Location of Victim's Residences
Published in PloS one (14-08-2015)“…The aim of the present study was to analyze the spatial pattern of cases of maxillofacial injuries caused by interpersonal violence, based on the location of…”
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Dentists' perceptions and attitudes towards emergency care for women in situations of violence: a scope review
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-09-2022)Get full text
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Trends of maxillofacial injuries resulting from physical violence in Brazil
Published in Dental traumatology (01-02-2020)“…Background/Aim A large proportion of interpersonal violence results in maxillofacial injuries. The monitoring of maxillofacial injuries in the context of…”
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Condições de saúde bucal autorrelatadas entre adultos brasileiros: resultados das Pesquisas Nacionais de Saúde de 2013 e 2019
Published in Epidemiologia e serviços de saúde (01-08-2022)“…Resumo Objetivo: Analisar indicadores das condições e comportamentos relacionados à saúde bucal de brasileiros adultos na Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS) 2019…”
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Câncer Bucal: Análise Socioespacial de uma Amostra Brasileira
Published in Revista Brasileira de Cancerologia (21-07-2020)“…Introdução: Medidas socioespaciais são amplamente utilizadas na pesquisa em saúde, mas ainda pouco exploradas em relação ao câncer de boca. Objetivo: Descrever…”
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Spatial and differential income pattern of households of adolescents and young adults who are victims of maxillofacial injuries resulting from firearm aggression
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-04-2018)“…The study investigated the spatial pattern of cases of maxillofacial injury resulting from firearm aggression among teenagers and young adults and analyzed the…”
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Characterization of victims of aggression and transportation accidents treated at the Forensic Medicine and Dentistry Institute - Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil - 2010
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-03-2015)“…The objective of this cross-sectional census study was to characterize agression and land-based transport accidents in a city in the Northeast of Brazil. Data…”
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Maxillofacial injuries as markers of urban violence: a comparative analysis between the genders
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-01-2014)“…Urban violence is a widely discussed topic in various sectors of society, either due to its impact on public health indicators and its influence on the…”
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Dentists’ perceptions and attitudes towards emergency care for women in situations of violence: a scope review
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-09-2022)“…Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate, through a scope review, studies that address the perceptions and attitudes of dentists regarding the care…”
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Self-reported oral health among Brazilian adults: results from the National Health Surveys 2013 and 2019
Published in Epidemiologia e serviços de saúde (2022)“…To evaluate indicators of oral health conditions and behaviours among Brazilian adults in the 2019 National Health Survey (PNS) and analyse the evolution of…”
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Associação do uso de drogas lícitas e ilícitas, sexo e condição socioeconômica entre adolescentes de 12 anos de idade
Published in Cadernos saúde coletiva (01-06-2018)“…BackgroundDrug use among adolescents is on the rise, and the habit has been taking root at an increasingly early age.ObjectiveInvestigate the correlation…”
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Percepção de Saúde Bucal dos Usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde do Município de Coimbra/Minas Gerais
Published in Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia, Pôrto Alegre (01-03-2006)“…O presente estudo buscou verificar a percepção de saúde bucal da população de Coimbra, Minas Gerais, atendida pelo Sistema Único de Saúde. Foram feitas…”
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Consumo de drogas ilícitas como fator de risco para traumatismo dentário em adolescentes
Published in Cadernos saúde coletiva (01-09-2016)“…The dental trauma and consumption of illicit drugs can seriously jeopardize adolescents’ health and are considered serious public health problems.ObjectiveTo…”
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Percepção e atitude do cirurgião-dentista diante do atendimento emergencial a mulheres em situação de violência: uma revisão de escopo
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-09-2022)“…Resumo Avaliar por meio de uma revisão de escopo estudos que abordam a percepção e atitude do cirurgião-dentista diante do atendimento a mulheres em situação…”
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Traumatismos maxilofaciais como marcadores de violência urbana
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-01-2014)“…A violência tem sido um tema amplamente discutido em diversos setores da sociedade, quer pelo reflexo nos indicadores de segurança pública, pela influência no…”
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Published in Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology (01-01-2020)“…This cross-sectional study aimed to analyze the spatial distribution of patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer in relation to specific vulnerability…”
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Padrão espacial e diferencial de renda dos domicílios de adolescentes e adultos jovens vítimas de traumatismo maxilofacial por agressão com arma de fogo
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-04-2018)“…Resumo O estudo investigou o padrão espacial dos casos de traumatismo maxilofacial decorrentes de agressão com arma de fogo em adolescentes e adultos jovens a…”
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