Search Results - "Sikler, F"

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    Hadron yields and hadron spectra from the NA49 experiment by Jones, P.G., Afanasiev, S.V., Alber, T., Appelshäuser, H., Bächler, J., Barnby, L.S., Bartke, J., Białkowska, H., Blyth, C.O., Bormann, C., Brady, F.P., Brockmann, R., Bunicic, N., Buncic, P., Caines, H.L., Cebra, D., Chan, P., Cooper, G.E., Cramer, J.G., Cramer, P.B., Csato, P., Cyprian, M., Derado, I., Dietz, O., Dunn, J., Eckardt, V., Eckhardt, F., Ferguson, M.I., Fischer, H.G., Flierl, D., Fodor, Z., Foka, P., Freund, P., Fuchs, M., Gabler, F., Gal, J., Gaździcki, M., Grebieszkow, J., Harris, J.W., Hegyi, S., Hill, L.A., Huang, I., Howe, M.A., Hümmler, H., Irmscher, D., Jacobs, P., Jones, P.G., Kadija, K., Kolesnikov, V.I., Lasiuk, B., Lévai, P., Malakhov, A.I., Margetis, S., Markert, C., Melkumov, G.L., Mitchell, J.W., Mock, A., Molnár, J., Nelson, J.M., Odyniec, G., Palla, G., Panagiotou, A.D., Petridis, A., Piper, A., Poskanzer, A.M., Poziombka, S., Prindle, D.J., Pühlhofer, F., Renfordt, R., Retyk, W., Ritter, H.G., Röhrich, D., Roland, C., Roland, G., Rybicki, A., Sandoval, A., Sann, H., Semenov, A.Yu, Schäfer, E., Schmitz, N., Schönfelder, S., Seyboth, P., Seyerlein, J., Sikler, F., Skrzypczak, E., Stock, R., Ströbele, H., Szentpetery, I., Sziklai, J., Toy, M., Trentalange, S., Vassiliou, M., Vranic, D., Weerasundara, D., Wienold, T., Wood, L., Yates, T.A., Zimanyi, J., Zhu, X.-Z., Zybert, R.

    Published in Nuclear physics. A (09-12-1996)
    “…Preliminary inclusive spectra of negative hadrons, net protons and neutral strange particles are presented, measured by the NA49 experiment in central Pb+Pb…”
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    Evidence for an exotic S= -2, Q= -2 baryon resonance in proton-proton collisions at the CERN SPS by Alt, C, Anticic, T, Baatar, B, Barna, D, Bartke, J, Betev, L, Białkowska, H, Billmeier, A, Blume, C, Boimska, B, Botje, M, Bracinik, J, Bramm, R, Brun, R, Buncić, P, Cerny, V, Christakoglou, P, Chvala, O, Cramer, J G, Csató, P, Darmenov, N, Dimitrov, A, Dinkelaker, P, Eckardt, V, Farantatos, G, Filip, P, Flierl, D, Fodor, Z, Foka, P, Freund, P, Friese, V, Gál, J, Gaździcki, M, Georgopoulos, G, Gładysz, E, Hegyi, S, Höhne, C, Kadija, K, Karev, A, Kniege, S, Kolesnikov, V I, Kollegger, T, Korus, R, Kowalski, M, Kraus, I, Kreps, M, van Leeuwen, M, Lévai, P, Litov, L, Makariev, M, Malakhov, A I, Markert, C, Mateev, M, Mayes, B W, Melkumov, G L, Meurer, C, Mischke, A, Mitrovski, M, Molnár, J, Mrówczyński, St, Pálla, G, Panagiotou, A D, Panayotov, D, Perl, K, Petridis, A, Pikna, M, Pinsky, L, Pühlhofer, F, Reid, J G, Renfordt, R, Retyk, W, Roland, C, Roland, G, Rybczyński, M, Rybicki, A, Sandoval, A, Sann, H, Schmitz, N, Seyboth, P, Siklér, F, Sitar, B, Skrzypczak, E, Stefanek, G, Stock, R, Ströbele, H, Susa, T, Szentpétery, I, Sziklai, J, Trainor, T A, Varga, D, Vassiliou, M, Veres, G I, Vesztergombi, G, Vranić, D, Wetzler, A, Włodarczyk, Z, Yoo, I K, Zaranek, J, Zimányi, J

    Published in Physical review letters (30-01-2004)
    “…Results of resonance searches in the Xi(-)pi(-), Xi(-)pi(+), Xi;(+)pi(-), and Xi;(+)pi(+) invariant mass spectra in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s]=17.2…”
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    Inclusive production of charged pions in p+p collisions at 158 GeV/c beam momentum

    “…New results on the production of charged pions in p+p interactions are presented. The data come from a sample of 4.8 million inelastic events obtained with the…”
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    Stopping and collective effects at SPS energies by Wienold, T., Afanasiev, S.V., Alber, T., Appelshäuser, H., Bächler, J., Barnby, L.S., Bartke, J., Białkowska, H., Blyth, C.O., Bormann, C., Brady, F.P., Brockmann, R., Buncic, N., Buncic, P., Caines, H.L., Cebra, D., Chan, P., Cooper, G.E., Cramer, J.G., Cramer, P.B., Csato, P., Cyprian, M., Derado, I., Dietz, O., Dunn, J., Eckardt, V., Eckhardt, F., Ferguson, M.I., Fischer, H.G., Flierl, D., Fodor, Z., Foka, P., Freund, P., Fuchs, M., Gabler, F., Gal, J., Gaździcki, M., Grebieszkow, J., Harris, J.W., Hegyi, S., Hill, L.A., Huang, I., Howe, M.A., Hümmler, H., Irmscher, D., Jacobs, P., Jones, P.G., Kadija, K., Kolesnikov, V.I., Lasiuk, B., Lévai, P., Malakhov, A.I., Margetis, S., Markert, C., Melkumov, G.L., Mitchell, J.W., Mock, A., Molnár, J., Nelson, J.M., Odyniec, G., Palla, G., Panagiotou, A.D., Petridis, A., Piper, A., Poskanzer, A.M., Poziombka, S., Prindle, D.J., Pühlhofer, F., Renfordt, R., Retyk, W., Ritter, H.G., Röhrich, D., Roland, C., Roland, G., Rybicki, A., Sandoval, A., Sann, H., Semenov, A.Yu, Schäfer, E., Schmitz, N., Schönfelder, S., Seyboth, P., Seyerlein, J., Sikler, F., Skrzypczak, E., Stock, R., Ströbele, H., Szentpetery, I., Sziklai, J., Toy, M., Trentalange, S., Vassiliou, M., Vranic, D., Weerasundara, D., Wienold, T., Wood, L., Yates, T.A., Zimanyi, J., Zhu, X.-Z., Zybert, R.

    Published in Nuclear physics. A (09-12-1996)
    “…We discuss preliminary data on stopping for central Pb + Pb collisions at 158 GeV/nucleon. The (net) proton rapidity density measured by the NA49 Time…”
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    Measurements of hadron production at CMS by Siklér, F.

    Published in EPJ Web of conferences (01-01-2011)
    “…First results on hadron production using the 0.9, 2.36 and 7 TeV data are presented. The topics covered include spectra and multiplicity distributions of…”
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    Event-by-event fluctuations of the Kaon-to-Pion ratio in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon by Afanasiev, S V, Anticic, T, Bächler, J, Barna, D, Barnby, L S, Bartke, J, Barton, R A, Betev, L, Bialkowska, H, Billmeier, A, Blume, C, Blyth, C O, Boimska, B, Botje, M, Bracinik, J, Brady, F P, Bramm, R, Brun, R, Buncic, P, Carr, L, Cebra, D, Cooper, G E, Cramer, J G, Csató, P, Eckardt, V, Eckhardt, F, Ferenc, D, Filip, P, Fischer, H G, Fodor, Z, Foka, P, Freund, P, Friese, V, Ftacnik, J, Gál, J, Gazdzicki, M, Georgopoulos, G, Gladysz, E, Harris, J W, Hegyi, S, Hlinka, V, Höhne, C, Igo, G, Ivanov, M, Jacobs, P, Janik, R, Jones, P G, Kadija, K, Kolesnikov, V I, Kollegger, T, Kowalski, M, Lasiuk, B, van Leeuwen, M, Lévai, P, Malakhov, A I, Margetis, S, Markert, C, Mayes, B W, Melkumov, G L, Mischke, A, Molnár, J, Nelson, J M, Odyniec, G, Pálla, G, Panagiotou, A D, Petridis, A, Pikna, M, Pinsky, L, Poskanzer, A M, Prindle, D J, Pühlhofer, F, Reid, J G, Renfordt, R, Retyk, W, Ritter, H G, Röhrich, D, Roland, C, Roland, G, Rybicki, A, Sammer, T, Sandoval, A, Sann, H, Schäfer, E, Schmitz, N, Seyboth, P, Siklér, F, Sitar, B, Skrzypczak, E, Snellings, R, Squier, G T, Stock, R, Strmen, P, Ströbele, H, Susa, T, Szarka, I, Szentpétery, I, Sziklai, J, Toy, M, Trainor, T A, Trentalange, S

    Published in Physical review letters (05-03-2001)
    “…We present the first measurement of fluctuations from event to event in the production of strange particles in collisions of heavy nuclei. The ratio of charged…”
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    Energy dependence of multiplicity fluctuations in heavy ion collisions at 20A to 158A GeV by Alt, C., Blume, C., Bramm, R., Dinkelaker, P., Flierl, D., Kliemant, M., Kniege, S., Lungwitz, B., Mitrovski, M., Renfordt, R., Schuster, T., Stock, R., Strabel, C., Stroebele, H., Utvic, M., Wetzler, A., Anticic, T., Kadija, K., Nicolic, V., Susa, T.

    Published in Physical review. C, Nuclear physics (26-09-2008)
    “…Multiplicity fluctuations of positively, negatively, and all charged hadrons in the forward hemisphere were studied in central Pb+Pb collisions at…”
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    Transverse momentum fluctuations in nuclear collisions at 158A GeV by Anticic, T., Kadija, K., Susa, T., Baatar, B., Kolesnikov, V.I., Malakhov, A.I., Melkumov, G.L., Barna, D., Csato, P., Fodor, Z., Gal, J., Hegyi, S., Levai, P., Molnar, J., Palla, G., Sikler, F., Szentpetery, I., Sziklai, J., Varga, D., Veres, G.I.

    Published in Physical review. C, Nuclear physics (01-09-2004)
    “…Results are presented on event-by-event fluctuations in transverse momentum of charged particles, produced at forward rapidities in p+p, C+C, Si+Si, and Pb+Pb…”
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    Energy dependence of transverse momentum fluctuations in Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) at 20A to 158A GeV by NA49 Collaboration, Anticic, T.

    Published in Physical review. C, Nuclear physics (15-04-2009)
    “…Results are presented on event-by-event fluctuations of transverse momenta p{sub T} in central Pb+Pb interactions at 20A, 30A, 40A, 80A, and 158A GeV. The…”
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