Search Results - "Shkolnik, M. I."

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  1. 1

    Cyclonic activity in high latitudes as simulated by a regional atmospheric climate model: added value and uncertainties by Shkolnik, I M, Efimov, S V

    Published in Environmental research letters (01-12-2013)
    “…Decadal long simulations of atmospheric circulation in the high latitudes have been carried out using a multiscale atmospheric modeling system that consists of…”
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  2. 2

    Probabilistic Estimates of Variations in Applied Indicators of the Thermal Regime for the Adaptation to Climate Change in Russia by Khlebnikova, E. I., Shkolnik, I. M., Rudakova, Yu. L.

    Published in Izvestiya. Atmospheric and oceanic physics (01-11-2023)
    “…Possibilities of using the basic technology of probabilistic scenario forecasting of the regional climate to obtain detailed estimates of future changes in…”
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  3. 3

    Expected Changes in Evaporation in the Taiga Zone of European Russia in the XXI Century by Nadyozhina, E. D., Shkol’nik, I. M., Sternzat, A. V., Pikalyova, A. A.

    Published in Water resources (01-10-2023)
    “…Model estimates were made for changes in the actual evaporation of boreal forests in the taiga zone of European Russia caused by climate evolution in the XXI…”
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  4. 4

    Projected Changes in Rare Precipitation Extremes: Results of Regional Climate Modeling for the Territory of Russia by Khlebnikova, E. I., Shkolnik, I. M., Rudakova, Yu. L.

    Published in Russian meteorology and hydrology (01-05-2022)
    “…The problem is considered of estimating expected climatic changes over the territory of Russia in relation to the characteristics of rare precipitation…”
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  5. 5

    Changes in Precipitation Regime over the Territory of Russia: Data of Regional Climate Modeling and Observations by Khlebnikova, E. I., Rudakova, Yu. L., Shkolnik, I. M.

    Published in Russian meteorology and hydrology (01-07-2019)
    “…The study considers the problem of detailing climate projections with respect to changes in the precipitation regime over the territory of Russia by the middle…”
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  6. 6

    Modeling Evolution of Drought Conditions in the 21st Century to Substantiate Measures for Adaption of Russian Agriculture to Climate Impacts by Shkolnik, I. M., Nadyozhina, E. D., Sternzat, A. V., Pikaleva, A. A., Egorov, B. N.

    Published in Russian meteorology and hydrology (01-05-2022)
    “…The spatiotemporal evolution of actual and potential evapotranspiration and water deficit (stress) of the irrigated surfaces during the 21st century influenced…”
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  7. 7

    Agriculture in the Arid Regions of Eurasia and Global Warming: RCM Ensemble Projections for the Middle of the 21st Century by Shkolnik, I. M., Pigol’tsina, G. B., Efimov, S. V.

    Published in Russian meteorology and hydrology (01-08-2019)
    “…The study presents the quantification of changes in agroclimatic conditions for the growth of varieties of cotton, spring wheat, and spring barley in Central…”
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  8. 8

    Climate change projections in Russian regions: The detailing in physical and probability spaces by Kattsov, V. M., Shkolnik, I. M., Efimov, S. V.

    Published in Russian meteorology and hydrology (01-07-2017)
    “…The problem is stated of quantification of the 21st century climate change projections across Russia detailed in the physical and probability spaces. The…”
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  9. 9

    Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on the Economic Development of the Russian Arctic in the 21st Century by Khlebnikova, E. I., Kattsov, V. M., Pikaleva, A. A., Shkolnik, I. M.

    Published in Russian meteorology and hydrology (01-06-2018)
    “…The problem of increasing the informativeness of climate projections in the Russian Arctic in order to meet the current economy needs is considered. The…”
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  10. 10

    Projected climate change impacts on the operation of power engineering facilities in Russia by Tyusov, G. A., Akentyeva, E. M., Pavlova, T. V., Shkolnik, I. M.

    Published in Russian meteorology and hydrology (01-12-2017)
    “…The aspects ofthe impact ofcurrent and future (in the middle of the 21st century) climate change on the operational safety and efficiency of traditional energy…”
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  11. 11

    Evaporation from Irrigated Lands in Arid Regions as Inferred from the Regional Climate Model and Atmospheric Boundary Layer Model Simulations by Nadyozhina, E. D., Shkolnik, I. M., Sternzat, A. V., Egorov, B. N., Pikaleva, A. A.

    Published in Russian meteorology and hydrology (01-06-2018)
    “…The applicability is analyzed of the modeling system consisting of the MGO regional climate model and multilevel atmospheric boundary layer model for the…”
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  12. 12

    Using 320-slice perfusion computed tomography in visuali zation of prostate cancer by Sosnowski, N. V., Rozengauz, E. V., Shkolnik, M. I., Nesterov, D. V., Arzumanov, A. A.

    “…Visualization of prostate cancer remains an actual problem in urology and oncology. Purpose of the study – evaluation of prostate cancer visualization using…”
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  13. 13

    The frequency of radiation damage in patients with prostate cancer who received the combined treatment after closure of cystostomy by Sidorova, S. Д., Shkolnik, M. I., Bogomolov, O. A., Zharinov, G. M.

    “…Objective: to analyze the frequency of radiation damage in patients with prostate cancer who underwent combined hormonal and radiationtreatment after closing…”
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  14. 14

    Snow cover and permafrost evolution in Siberia as simulated by the MGO regional climate model in the 20th and 21st centuries by Shkolnik, I M, Nadyozhina, E D, Pavlova, T V, Molkentin, E K, Semioshina, A A

    Published in Environmental research letters (01-01-2010)
    “…An approach to ground thermodynamics description using a coupled system of atmospheric regional climate and ground heat transfer models is improved by…”
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  15. 15

    Changes in climate extremes on the territory of Siberia by the middle of the 21st century: An ensemble forecast based on the MGO regional climate model by Shkol’nik, I. M., Meleshko, V. P., Efimov, S. V., Stafeeva, E. N.

    Published in Russian meteorology and hydrology (01-02-2012)
    “…The results are analyzed of the ensemble forecast of temperature and precipitation extremes on the territory of Siberia by the middle of the 21st century based…”
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  16. 16

    Regional model assessments of fire risks under global climate changes by Mokhov, I I, Chernokulsky, A V, Shkolnik, I M

    Published in Doklady earth sciences (01-12-2006)
    “…One of the most hazardous regional consequences of global warming of the climate is re, in particular forest res and peat res [1]. Regional biospheric changes,…”
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  17. 17

    Regional climate changes as the factors of impact on the objects of construction and infrastructure by Khlebnikova, E. I., Sall’, I. A., Shkol’nik, I. M.

    Published in Russian meteorology and hydrology (01-11-2012)
    “…Considered are the changes in the climate impact on the objects of construction and infrastructure on the territory of Russia. The focus is on the changes in…”
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  18. 18

    Investigation of parameterization effect on the methane flux estimation from the regional climate model of the main geophysical observatory for the territory of Russia by Nadezhina, E. D., Mol’kentin, E. K., Kiselev, A. A., Semioshina, A. A., Shkol’nik, I. M.

    Published in Russian meteorology and hydrology (01-06-2011)
    “…An effect is studied of parameterization method of the methane flux from the wetlands of Siberia on the results of model estimates carried out using the…”
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  19. 19

    High-resolution Ensemble Climate Projections of Water Deficit in Arid Regions by the Mid-21st Century by Pikaleva, A. A., Shkol’nik, I. M., Sternzat, A. V., Egorov, B. N., Nadezhina, E. D.

    Published in Russian meteorology and hydrology (01-12-2020)
    “…Future changes in water deficit in Central Asia are analyzed based on the ensemble simulations with the system of the regional climate model (RCM) and…”
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  20. 20

    The MGO climate model for Siberia by Shkolnik, I M, Meleshko, V P, Kattsov, V M

    Published in Russian meteorology and hydrology (01-06-2007)
    “…Validation results of the MGO regional climate model (RCM) with 50-km resolution for Siberia are discussed. For the specification of side boundary conditions,…”
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