Search Results - "Shimchuk, G."

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  1. 1

    Experimental Electronuclear Setup at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics by Kozodaev, A M, Shvedov, O V, Konev, V N, Sharkov, B Yu, Vasil'ev, V V, Volkov, E B, Lazarev, N V, Raskopin, A M, Shimchuk, G G, Bogdanov, P V, Kiryushin, A I, Petrunin, V V, Azhnin, E I, Tyurin, E I, Titaev, I I, Severgin, Yu P, Konstantinov, A Yu

    Published in Atomic energy (New York, N.Y.) (01-01-2003)
    “…The purpose and current construction status, at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, of an experimental electronuclear setup, combining a…”
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    Latest Results on Radiation Tolerance of Diamond Detectors by Oh, Alexander, Oh, A., Bachmair, F., Bäni, L., Bartosik, M., Beacham, J., Bellini^, V., Belyaev, V., Bentele, B., Bergonzo, P., Bes, A., Brom, J-M., Bruzzi, M., Cerv, M., Chau, C., Chiodini, Gabriele, Chren, D., Cindro{, V., Claus, G., Collot, J., Costa, S., Dabrowski, A., D'Alessandro, R., deBoer, W., Dehning, B., Dobos, D., Eremin, V., Forcolin, G., Forneris, J., Frais-Kölbl, H., Gastal, M., Goffe, M., Golubev, A., Gonella, L., Gorišek, A., Grigoriev, E., Grosse-Knetter, J., Guthoff, M., Haughton, I., Hidas, D., Hoeferkamp, M., Hofmann, T., Hosslet, J., Hostachy, J-Y., Jansen, H., Janssen, J., Kagan, H., Kass, R., Kassel, F., Kis, M., Kramberger, G., Kuleshov, S., Lacoste, A., Lagomarsino, S., LoGiudice, A., Maazouzi, C., Mandic, I., Menichelli, M., Mikuž, M., Moss, J., Murphy, S., Olivero, P., Passeri, D., Pauluzzi, M., Pernegger, H., Perrino, R., Picollo, F., Pomorski, M., Potenza, R., Quadt, A., Re, A., Roe, S., Sapinski, M., Scaringella, M., Schnetzer, S., Scorzoni, A., Seidel, S., Servoli, L., Sfyrla, A., Sopko, B., Spagnolo, S., Spanier, S., Stone, R., Sutera, C., Taylor, A. Russ, Traeger, M., Trischuk, William, Tuve, C., Uplegger, L., Velthuis, J., Venturi, N., Vittone, E., Wallny, R., Weilhammer, P., Weingarten, J., Weiss, C., Wermes, N., Gan, K. K., Smith, D. S., Wang, J. C.

    Published in Pos : proceedings of science (02-08-2019)
    “…At present most experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are planning upgrades in the next 5-10 years for their innermost tracking layers as well as…”
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    Permeability of the blood-brain barrier in the rat after local proton irradiation by Lundqvist, H, Rosander, K, Lomanov, M, Lukjashin, V, Shimchuk, G, Zolotov, V, Minakova, E

    Published in Acta radiologica. Oncology (1982)
    “…Rats were irradiated laterally through the brain with 200 MeV protons. The beam was of circular cross-section with a diameter of 5 or 7 mm. The doses were 50,…”
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    Spiral comb filter by Khoroshkov, V S, Breev, V M, Zolotov, V A, Luk'iashin, V E, Shimchuk, G G

    Published in Meditsinskaia radiologiia (01-08-1987)
    “…The paper is concerned with some considerations on ridge filters used for proton beam therapy. Such filters are able to transform the beam energy spectrum and…”
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  10. 10