Search Results - "Shepovalnikov, A. N."
Functional Connectivity of Cortical Fields at Rest as a Mechanism of Brain Preparation to Purposeful Activity
Published in Human physiology (01-11-2018)“…The relationship between individual characteristics of spontaneous electrical activity of the brain and concentration of attention was studied using the…”
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Disorders of the spatiotemporal organization of the brain's bioelectrical activity in patients with different depressions of consciousness after severe head injury
Published in Human physiology (01-09-2010)“…Specific changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain have been found in 27 patients with different levels of posttraumatic consciousness depression…”
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“Microcyclic” Changes in Brain Bioelectrical Activity at Different Stages of Natural Sleep in Humans
Published in Neuroscience and behavioral physiology (01-05-2014)“…We report here data on a number of systematically recorded phasic EEG phenomena during the sleep–waking cycle, along with data on the heterogeneity of the EEG…”
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Changes in the spatial organization of cortical rhythm vibrations in children under the influence of music
Published in Human physiology (01-11-2015)“…Changes in systemic brain activity under the influence of classic music (minor and major music) were studied based on two groups of healthy children aged five…”
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Characteristics of the spatial organization of oscillations of brain bioelectric potentials in adolescents
Published in Human physiology (01-09-2014)“…Adolescence is characterized by an intense formation of interregional interaction of cortical areas. In this period, the activity of deep brain structures is…”
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Professor Natal’ya N. Traugott’s Contribution to Studies on the Development of Central Speech Mechanisms
Published in Human physiology (01-03-2018)“…The name of Natal’ya Nikolaevna Traugott is closely associated with the history of human higher nervous activity studies in Russia. Destiny gifted to N.N…”
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About a possible role of parasomnias as a factor of stabilization of sleep cycles
Published in Journal of evolutionary biochemistry and physiology (01-12-2009)“…Cyclical organization of sleep is one of necessary conditions of normal human and animal life activity and one of basic manifestations of the circadian cycle…”
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Age-related characteristics of the formation of neurophysiological mechanisms of the phonemic, grammatical, and semantic linguistic levels
Published in Human physiology (01-09-2008)“…The structure of regional interactions of brain bioelectric potentials has been studied during performance by adults ( n = 18) and children aged five to six (…”
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Characteristics of integrative brain activity during various stages of sleep and in transitional states
Published in Human physiology (01-05-2012)“…Electropolygraphic study of natural night sleep was performed in 16 adult subjects using correlation, coherent, cluster, and factor analyses. New evidence…”
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Evolution of the Central Mechanisms of Oral Speech
Published in Journal of evolutionary biochemistry and physiology (01-05-2020)“…The communicative system is most developed in social animals and represents a determinative factor in human evolution. Here we address the possible…”
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Evolution of the Central Mechanismsof Oral Speech
Published in Journal of evolutionary biochemistry and physiology (01-01-2020)“…The communicative system is most developed in social animals and represents a determinative factor in human evolution. Here we address the possible…”
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Reorganization of interhemispheric interactions during verbal-mental activity aimed at synthesis of words and sentences
Published in Human physiology (01-02-2007)“…Correlation and coherence analyses of multichannel electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings from 18 subjects (mean age 25 years) were used for investigating the…”
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Changes in Spatial Organization of Cortical Rhythm Vibrations in Children uner the Influence of Music
Published in Fiziologiia cheloveka (01-11-2015)“…Changes is systemic brain activity under influence of classical music (minor and major music) were studied at two groups of healthy children aged 5-6 years (n…”
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Factors affecting the variability of the central mechanisms for maintaining bilingualism
Published in Human physiology (01-11-2012)“…The article discusses the probable role of many factors that determine the individual variety of the neurophysiological mechanisms that provide the opportunity…”
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"Microcyclic" changes in brain bioelectrical activity during different stages of human natural sleep
Published in Zurnal vyss̆ej nervnoj dejatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova (01-01-2013)“…This study presents data on some phasic EEG phenomena regulary recorded during sleep - wakefulness cycle and heterogeneity of EEG sleep stages forming…”
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Interregional cortical interactions at different stages of natural sleep and the hypnotic state: EEG evidence
Published in Human physiology (01-03-2005)“…The characteristic patterns of EEG spatial organization at different stages of natural sleep and the hypnotic state were studied in 26 volunteers aged 18-22…”
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Formation of interzonal interaction of cortical fields during verbal-mental activity
Published in Journal of evolutionary biochemistry and physiology (01-09-2004)“…Verbal activity as the higher psychic brain function is performed as a result of systemic interactions of many cerebral structures and processes at various…”
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Unusual behaviors in sleep as “compensatory” reactions, aimed at normalizing the sleep-wake cycle
Published in Human physiology (01-11-2013)“…The present article is an attempt to perform a conceptual clinical and physiological analysis of the large spectrum of sleep-related phenomena called…”
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Analysis of the spatial-temporal EEG organization as the way to the knowledge of neurophysiological mechanisms of the integrative brain activity
Published in Zurnal vyss̆ej nervnoj dejatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova (01-11-2007)“…Short results' review of investigations of Laboratory of Neurophysiology of Child of Sechenov Institute is presented in the article. Investigations are based…”
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