Search Results - "Shchepin, E."

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  1. 1

    Summation of Unordered Arrays by Shchepin, E. V.

    “…An approach to the summation of unordered number and matrix arrays based on ordering them by absolute value (greedy summation) is proposed. Theorems on…”
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    Journal Article
  2. 2

    The Leibniz Differential and the Perron–Stieltjes Integral by Shchepin, E. V.

    “…We implement Leibniz’s idea about the differential as the length of an infinitesimally small elementary interval (a monad) in a form satisfying modern…”
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  3. 3

    Lower Bounds for the Square-to-Linear Ratio for Plane Peano Curves by Shchepin, E. V., Mychka, E. Yu

    Published in Mathematical Notes (01-07-2021)
    “…It is proved that, for any map of the unit interval onto the unit square, there exist two points in the interval such that the squared Euclidean distance…”
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  4. 4

    Convexity of Suns in Tangent Directions by Alimov, A. R., Shchepin, E. V.

    Published in Doklady. Mathematics (2019)
    “…A direction is called a tangent direction to the unit sphere if the conditions that and is a supporting line to at the point s imply that is a semitangent line…”
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    Minimal Self-Similar Peano Curve of Genus 5 × 5 by Malykhin, Yu. V., Shchepin, E. V.

    Published in Doklady. Mathematics (01-03-2020)
    “…The paper presents a plane regular fractal Peano curve with a Euclidean square-to-line ratio ( L 2 -locality) of , which is minimal among all known curves of…”
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    L∞-Locality of Three-Dimensional Peano Curves by Korneev, A. A., Shchepin, E. V.

    “…A theory and corresponding algorithms are developed for fast and exact calculation of the L ∞ -locality (i.e., the greatest cube-to-linear ratio in the maximum…”
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    Journal Article Conference Proceeding
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    On homogeneity of Nτ by Karassev, A., Shchepin, E., Valov, V.

    Published in Topology and its applications (15-04-2023)
    “…It is shown that any homeomorphism between two compact subsets of Nτ can be extended to an autohomeomorphism of Nτ…”
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    “…The main theorem of this paper generalizes a classic Aumann's characterization of compact convex sets, via the acyclicity of their hypersections, to arbitrary…”
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    Attainment of maximum cube-to-linear ratio for three-dimensional Peano curves by Shchepin, E. V.

    Published in Mathematical Notes (01-11-2015)
    “…The class of so-called q -adic Peano curves is defined, which is large enough to include the polyfractal curves. The cube-to-linear ratio for this class…”
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  11. 11

    On the complexity of constructing multiprocessor little-preemptive schedules by Shchepin, E. V.

    “…We present a full and correct proof of the fact that the problem of constructing an optimal schedule for the open shop problem with at most m − 3 preemptions…”
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  12. 12

    Chain development of metric compacts by Malykhin, Yu.V., Shchepin, E.V.

    Published in Topology and its applications (15-04-2017)
    “…Chain distance between points in a metric space is defined as the infimum of ε such that there is an ε-chain connecting these points. We call a mapping of a…”
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    On Hölder maps of cubes by Shchepin, E. V.

    Published in Mathematical Notes (01-06-2010)
    “…A map of metric spaces f: X → Y satisfying the inequality for some C and α and all x, y ∈ X is called a Hölder map with exponent α . V. I. Arnold posed the…”
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  14. 14

    On homogeneity of Cantor cubes by Shchepin, E, Valov, V

    Published 25-11-2021
    “…It is established that any homeomorphism between two closed negligible subset of $D^\tau$ can be extended to an autohomeomorphism of $D^\tau$…”
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    Extending homeomorphisms on Cantor cubes by Shchepin, E, Valov, V

    Published 10-11-2021
    “…We discuss the question of extending homeomorphism between closed subsets of the Cantor discontinuum $D^\tau$. It is established that any homeomorphism $f$…”
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  16. 16

    Chain development by Malykhin, Yu. V., Shchepin, E. V.

    “…In a finite set X with distance, we introduce a so-called chain distance. This distance generates a partition of X into clusters such that any point inside…”
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    On homogeneity of $\mathbb N^\tau by Karassev, A, Shchepin, E, Valov, V

    Published 14-05-2022
    “…It is shown that any homeomorphism between two compact subsets of $\mathbb N^\tau$ can be extended to an autohomeomorphism of $\mathbb N^\tau$…”
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    Journal Article
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    Minimal Peano curve by Shchepin, E. V., Bauman, K. E.

    “…A Peano curve p ( x ) with maximum square-to-linear ratio | p ( x )− p ( y )| 2 /| x − y | equal to 5 2/3 is constructed; this ratio is smaller than that of…”
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    Local sections of Serre fibrations with 3-manifold fibers by Brodskiy, N., Chigogidze, A., Shchepin, E.V.

    Published in Topology and its applications (01-03-2010)
    “…It was proved by H. Whitney in 1933 that a Serre fibration of compact metric spaces admits a global section provided every fiber is homeomorphic to the unit…”
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