Search Results - "Sfair, Julia Caram"
Water availability mediates functional shifts across ontogenetic stages in a regenerating seasonally dry tropical forest
Published in Journal of vegetation science (01-11-2020)“…Questions Community assembly in regenerating forests is a key topic in ecology. Most studies examine the assembly process, assessing adult individuals along…”
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Effects of grazing on functional diversity along secondary succession in a tropical dry forest (Caatinga, Brazil)
Published in Applied vegetation science (01-04-2024)“…Aim Livestock production is among the main anthropogenic disturbances in seasonally dry tropical forests. However, its effects on plant functional composition…”
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Plant Knowledge and Current Uses of Woody Flora in Three Cultural Groups of the Brazilian Semiarid Region: Does Culture Matter?
Published in Economic botany (01-12-2017)“…Patterns of plant use in human populations are context-specific and influenced by many different ecological and social factors like plant diversity and…”
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Estimated degradation of the Caatinga based on modern pollen rain deposited in reservoirs
Published in Acta Botânica Brasílica (01-01-2022)“…ABSTRACT The vegetation cover is the result of many biological and abiotic interactions. To identify the different factors that cause changes is crucial when…”
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Breaking the misconception of a dry and lifeless semiarid region: the diversity and distribution of aquatic flora in wetlands of the Brazilian Northeast
Published in Acta Botânica Brasílica (01-03-2021)“…ABSTRACT The semiarid region of northeastern Brazil possesses a set of wetlands characterized by hydrographic basins with deficient drainage networks, a few…”
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Bryophyte richness of soil islands on rocky outcrops is not driven by island size or habitat heterogeneity
Published in Acta Botânica Brasílica (01-04-2018)“…ABSTRACT The species-area relationship (SAR) is one of the oldest and most studied ecological models, having even served as the foundation of the Theory of…”
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Nested liana-tree network in three distinct neotropical vegetation formations
Published in Perspectives in plant ecology, evolution and systematics (20-11-2010)“…Despite the increasing number of studies on lianas, few of them have focused on liana and host-tree (phorophyte) interactions from a network perspective. Most…”
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Functional structure of an herbaceous community on a natural regeneration gradient in a seasonally dry tropical forest
Published in Acta oecologica (Montrouge) (01-05-2024)“…The capability of plants to modify phenotypic characteristics through interactions with the environment can contribute to functional stability, particularly…”
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A importância da luz na ocupação de árvores por lianas
Published in Rodriguésia (01-06-2013)“…Lianas interagem de forma negativa com as árvores, uma vez que aumentam suas taxas de mortalidade. Seria esperado, portanto, que árvores apresentassem…”
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The impact of grazing on biodiversity and forest succession in the Brazilian dry forest region is constrained by non-equilibrium dynamics
Published in The Science of the total environment (10-10-2024)“…The impacts of grazing on rangelands have historically been studied within the framework of the equilibrium model, which predicts significant impacts of…”
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The role of seed rain and soil seed bank in the regeneration of a Caatinga dry forest following slash-and-burn agriculture
Published in Journal of arid environments (01-04-2023)“…Land-use changes have contributed to an increased interest in understanding the drivers of forest regeneration in human-modified landscapes. This is…”
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Observed and dark diversity of plants’ life-forms are driven by climate and human impacts in a tropical dry forest
Published in Biodiversity and conservation (01-02-2024)“…Species richness is the most commonly used metric to quantify biodiversity. However, examining dark diversity, the group of absent species which can…”
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The stress gradient hypothesis explains plant-plant interaction networks in edapho climatic gradients
Published in Acta oecologica (Montrouge) (01-08-2022)“…The stress-gradient hypothesis (SGH) predicts a shift from facilitation to competition as the environment turns from severe to favorable. Different authors…”
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