Search Results - "Seyrek, Ali"
Effects of Different Biochar Amendments on Soil Enzyme Activities and Carbondioxide Emission
Published in Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (16-12-2021)“…Biochar production from organic waste offers an important alternative for waste management, also improves soil properties (bio-physico-chemical) and reduces…”
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Responses of some soil enzymes and cotton plant to foliar application of ferrous sulfate in a calcareous alkaline soil
Published in Journal of plant nutrition (27-08-2023)“…Ferrous sulfate application is important in improvement of agricultural production, elimination of micronutrient deficiencies in human and animal populations,…”
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River terrace development in the NE Mediterranean region (Syria and Turkey): Patterns in relation to crustal type
Published in Quaternary science reviews (15-06-2017)“…It is widely recognized that the optimal development of river terraces globally has been in the temperate latitudes, with NW and Central Europe being areas of…”
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Dating Quaternary volcanism and incision by the River Tigris at Diyarbakır, southeast Turkey
Published in Journal of quaternary science (01-05-2007)“…New high‐precision Ar‐Ar dating of basalt underlying the city of Diyarbakır, southeast Turkey, constrains the Quaternary incision history of the River Tigris,…”
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Late Cenozoic surface uplift revealed by incision by the River Euphrates at Birecik, southeast Turkey
Published in Quaternary international (01-08-2008)“…Incision by the River Euphrates has created a dramatic erosional landscape in the northern Arabian Platform in SE Turkey. We obtain accurate heights of its…”
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Terrace staircases of the River Euphrates in southeast Turkey, northern Syria and western Iraq: evidence for regional surface uplift
Published in Quaternary science reviews (01-11-2007)“…We present the first overall synthesis of the terrace deposits of the River Euphrates in SE Turkey, northern Syria, and western Iraq, combining new…”
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The River Orontes in Syria and Turkey: Downstream variation of fluvial archives in different crustal blocks
Published in Geomorphology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (01-09-2012)“…The geomorphology and Quaternary history of the River Orontes in western Syria and south-central Turkey have been studied using a combination of methods: field…”
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The kinematics of central-southern Turkey and northwest Syria revisited
Published in Tectonophysics (31-03-2014)“…Central-southern Turkey, NW Syria, and adjacent offshore areas in the NE Mediterranean region form the boundary zone between the Turkish, African and Arabian…”
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Late Cenozoic regional uplift and localised crustal deformation within the northern Arabian Platform in southeast Turkey: Investigation of the Euphrates terrace staircase using multidisciplinary techniques
Published in Geomorphology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (01-09-2012)“…We present the results of detailed field investigations of the fluvial succession exposed along the Euphrates valley adjoining the Atatürk Dam in the northern…”
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Corrigendum to “The kinematics of central-southern Turkey and northwest Syria revisited” [Tectonophysics 618 (2014) 35–66]
Published in Tectonophysics (2014)“…The authors regret to inform that there is a need to make correction to the published article and the corrected text is provided here. We would like to…”
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Late Cenozoic surface uplift, basaltic volcanism, and incision by the River Tigris around Diyarbakır, SE Turkey
Published in International journal of earth sciences : Geologische Rundschau (01-04-2009)“…We document the staircase of terraces of the River Tigris in the Diyarbakır area of SE Turkey, in the northern Arabian Platform, and improve control on the…”
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Late Cenozoic regional uplift and localised crustal deformation within the northern Arabian Platform in southeast Turkey: Investigation of the Euphrates terrace staircase using multidisciplinary techniques: Techniques for analysing Late Cenozoic river terrace sequences
Published in Geomorphology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (2012)Get full text
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Late Cenozoic uplift of the Amanos Mountains and incision of the Middle Ceyhan river gorge, southern Turkey; Ar–Ar dating of the Düziçi basalt
Published in Geomorphology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (15-05-2008)“…Using the Ar–Ar technique, we have obtained the first numerical dates for the Pleistocene volcanism along the valley of the River Ceyhan in the Düziçi area of…”
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Kinematics of active left-lateral faulting in SE Turkey from offset Pleistocene river gorges; improved constraint on the rate and history of relative motion between the Turkish and Arabian plates
Published in Journal of the Geological Society (01-01-2006)“…In the Arabian Platform of SE Turkey abundant evidence exists of fluvial incision by c. 110±10 m since the late Early Pleistocene, starting in or around marine…”
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Preservation by basalt of a staircase of latest Pliocene terraces of the River Murat in eastern Turkey: Evidence for rapid uplift of the eastern Anatolian Plateau
Published in Global and planetary change (01-09-2009)“…Unspiked K–Ar dating makes the age of the Çakmaközü basalt in eastern Turkey 1818 ± 39 ka (± 2 σ). This basalt overlies a staircase of four terraces of the…”
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Timing of the quaternary Elazığ volcanism, eastern Turkey, and its significance for constraining landscape evolution and surface uplift
Published in Turkish journal of earth sciences (01-01-2008)“…Anadolu Platosunun doğu kesimi Geç Senozoik'te dikkat çekici bir evrim geçirmifltir. Tektonik yükselmeler daha önce var olan göl havzalarının tahrip olmasına…”
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Harran Ovasında tuzlulaşma eğilimi gösteren toprakların kil mineralojisi
Published in Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi (2005)“…Harran ovası Türkiyenin GAP bölgesi içinde sulanabilir bir bölümünü oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırma, Harran Ovasının güneyinde tuzlulaşma eğitimi gösteren…”
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