Search Results - "Serra Valdés, Miguel Angel"
Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia: case report
Published in Medwave (01-03-2013)“…Introduction. Traumatic diaphragmatic hernias occur after blunt or penetrating trauma. The case reported in this article is an incidental and unusual diagnosis…”
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COVID-19. De la patogenia a la elevada mortalidad en el adulto mayor y con comorbilidades
Published in Revista habanera de ciencias médicas (01-06-2020)“…Introduction: Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are causing a pandemic associated with…”
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Mistreatment or not the best treatment to the elder. Reality and challenge
Published in MediSur (01-04-2018)“…There is inconsistency in the definition and understanding of abuse to the elder. An appropriate and unified definition is presented by the World Health…”
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Non-communicable Chronic Diseases and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Published in Finlay (01-06-2020)“…In the last 40 years, humanity has been affected by three major pandemics that have provoked many deaths: the increase in the incidence and prevalence rates of…”
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Ética, bioética y el educador en la enseñanza de las ciencias clínicas
Published in Educación médica superior (01-09-2012)“…Se pretende reflexionar en la aplicación de la ética y bioética en la atención médica, por parte de los educadores o formadores de futuros profesionales, con…”
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Risk factors and mortality from hospital acquired pneumonia in the Stroke Intensive Care Unit
Published in Medwave (01-03-2013)“…Introduction. Stroke is the third leading cause of death. Hospital acquired pneumonia is an ongoing challenge due to the current microbiological spectrum,…”
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Genetic and Molecular Biology Implications in the Surgical Treatment of Gastric Cancer
Published in Finlay (01-05-2021)“…Gastric cancer is one of the leading causes of death from neoplasms in the world. Current clinical practice guidelines offer treatment models that involve…”
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Carta al Editor
Published in Ars medica (Santiago, Chile) (02-07-2017)“…No aplica…”
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Yellow Fever: It worth a review in the current epidemiological context
Published in MediSur (01-02-2017)“…Infectious emergent and re-emergent diseases constitute a challenge in this century for all nations. The Republic of Angola, with which we have a close…”
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Non-diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma. Case Presentation
Published in Finlay (01-09-2019)“…Diffuse B-cell lymphoma is the most common type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in adults characterized by its aggressiveness and wide location. The first sign of its…”
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Atherogenic Risk Factors in Medical Students
Published in Finlay (01-12-2020)“…Background: atherosclerosis is a multifactorial origin disease. The study and approach of its modifiable risk factors and action on these factors can…”
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Non Transmissible Chronic Diseases: Current Magnitude and Future Trends
Published in Finlay (01-05-2018)“…The treatment to non-transmissible chronic diseases is currently on of the greatest challenges faced by the health systems worldwide. This is due to the fact…”
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Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Unusual Small Bowel Metastasis with Invagination
Published in Finlay (01-09-2017)“…Malignant tumors, in Cuba, are the second leading cause of death after heart disease. Lung cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide in malignant tumors,…”
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La resistencia microbiana en el contexto actual y la importancia del conocimiento y aplicación en la política antimicrobiana
Published in Revista habanera de ciencias médicas (2017)“…RESUMEN La resistencia actual de los gérmenes a los antimicrobianos constituye un grave problema actual de salud en todo el orbe. Los mecanismos pueden ser…”
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Sociocultural factors related to the decision of the type of delivery in Ecuadorian adolescents
Published in MediSur (01-04-2019)“…Foundation: Confronting motherhood in adolescence has serious implications for the life of the mother and her descendant. It is a process influenced by various…”
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Risk Factors for Stroke-associated Pneumonia: A Prospective Cohort Study
Published in Finlay (01-12-2015)“…Background: stroke-associated pneumonia prolongs hospital stay and is an important risk factor for morbidity and mortality. Objective: to determine risk…”
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Mistreatment or not the best treatment to the elder. Reality and challenge
Published in MediSur (01-04-2018)“…There is inconsistency in the definition and understanding of abuse to the elder. An appropriate and unified definition is presented by the World Health…”
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Clinical Predictors of Hospital-acquired Pneumonia Associated with Acute Ischemic
Published in Finlay (01-06-2015)“…Background: hospital-acquired pneumonia is a constant challenge given the current microbiological spectrum, antimicrobial resistance together with its high…”
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Older Adults: A Proposal for the Management of Community-acquired Pneumonia
Published in MediSur (01-04-2016)“…Background: community-acquired pneumonia is the leading cause of hospitalization among older adults. It has a high fatality rate. At present, there are several…”
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