Search Results - "Sepúlveda Maldonado, José"
Resistance to technological innovation and brand equity in the banking sector
Published in Management & marketing (Bucharest, Romania) (01-03-2024)“…Consolidating strategies in the banking sector to reduce the impact of resistance barriers to technological innovation can bring brands closer to older people,…”
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Satisfaction with life and with food-related life in central Chile
Published in Psicothema (01-05-2014)“…Eating is one of the most frequent human behaviors, but there are few studies that relate eating and subjective well-being. Typologies of people were…”
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Estilos de consumo, actitudes hacia el dinero, y materialismo en adolescentes chilenos y ecuatorianos
Published in Perfiles latinoamericanos : revista de la Sede Académica de México de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (01-07-2021)“…En esta investigación se compara el efecto del modelo de consumo neoliberal en adolescentes, hombres y mujeres, de Quito (Ecuador) y Santiago (Chile). El…”
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Social desirability in the measurement of subjective well-being: A study with Chilean university students
Published in Interdisciplinaria (01-12-2020)“…The present study aimed at determining the association between life satisfaction and subjective happiness while controlling for social desirability, and to…”
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Discrepancia del yo y actitudes hacia la compra compulsiva en estudiantes universitarios chilenos
Published in Interdisciplinaria (01-01-2023)“…El consumo se ha instaurado en las sociedades posmodernas como un medio regulador de las relaciones sociales. En este contexto, la compra compulsiva se…”
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Características emprendedoras personales y alfabetización económica: Una comparación entre estudiantes universitarios del sur de Chile
Published in Interdisciplinaria (2017)“…El objetivo de la investigación que se informa fue comparar las características emprendedoras personales y la alfabetización económica en estudiantes de dos…”
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Discrepancia del yo y actitudes hacia la compra compulsiva en estudiantes universitarios chilenos
Published in Interdisciplinaria (23-12-2022)Get full text
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The impact of attitudes on behavioural change: a multilevel analysis of predictors of changes in consumer behaviour
Published in Revista latinoamericana de psicología (01-01-2021)“…Introduction/objective: The paper sought to identify the predictor variables of changes in habits and behaviours of responsible consumption in students of…”
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Efecto del Endeudamiento Estudiantil en Salud Mental y Bienestar Subjetivo de Estudiantes de Educación Superior de Chile: Efecto del Endeudamiento Estudiantil en Salud Mental y Bienestar Subjetivo de Estudiantes de Educación Superior de Chile
Published in Revista psicogente (01-07-2022)“…Objetivo: Identificar en qué medida la salud mental y bienestar subjetivo son predichas por el endeudamiento por motivos de estudio en estudiantes…”
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Efecto del endeudamiento estudiantil en salud mental y bienestar subjetivo de estudiantes de educación superior de Chile: Effect of student debt on mental health and subjective well-being on chilean university students
Published in Revista psicogente (2022)“…Objective: To evaluate if debt due to university loans predicts mental health and subjective well-being in university students of Temuco, Chile. Method: A…”
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Psychological meaning of eating meat, vegetarianism and healthy diet in university students: a natural semantic network study
Published in Revista Mexicana de trastornos alimentarios (2013)“…The prevailing cognitive models for the promotion of health and prevention of disease through good diet assume that information is an incentive for change…”
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Socialización y transmisión intergeneracional en pautas del consumo de alimentos: su impacto en la identidad cultural alimentaria en mujeres mapuche urbanas de Chile
Published in Ra ximhai (30-06-2016)“…Esta investigación abordó la identidad cultural alimentaria mapuche,enfocándose en la socialización y transmisión intergeneracional de las pautas de consumo de…”
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Published in Ra ximhai (01-01-2016)“…This research addressed the Mapuche food-related cultural identity, focusing on socialization and intergenerational patterns of food consumption in Mapuche…”
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Satisfacción con la alimentación y la vida, un estudio exploratorio en estudiantes de la universidad de la frontera, Temuco-Chile Satisfação com a alimentação e a vida, um estudo exploratório em estudantes da universidade da fronteira, Temuco-Chile Satisfaction with food and life, an exploratory study among students in la frontera university, Temuco-Chile
Published in Psicologia & Sociedade (01-08-2011)“…Con el objetivo de explorar la relación entre la alimentación, como dominio de la vida, y el bienestar subjetivo en estudiantes universitarios, se aplicó una…”
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Simulated Social Worlds : the Effects of Fiction on Theory of Mind
Published 01-01-2019“…One of the greatest human features is the ability to estimate what others are thinking and feeling, and being able to respond to those estimations accordingly…”
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Dissertation -
Satisfaction with life and with food-related life in central Chile/ Satisfacción con la vida y la alimentación en la zona central de Chile
Published in Psicothema (01-04-2014)“…Background: Eating is one of the most frequent human behaviors, but there are few studies that relate eating and subjective well-being. Typologies of people…”
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