Search Results - "Searcy, William A"
Syntactic rules predict song type matching in a songbird
Published in Behavioral ecology and sociobiology (2023)“…Song type matching has been hypothesized to be a graded signal of aggression; however, it is often the case that variation in matching behavior is unrelated to…”
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Neotropical wrens learn new duet rules as adults
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (30-11-2016)“…Although song development in songbirds has been much studied as an analogue of language development in humans, the development of vocal interaction rules has…”
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Song Function and the Evolution of Female Preferences: Why Birds Sing, Why Brains Matter
Published in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (01-06-2004)“…: Analyzing the function of song and its evolution as a communication signal provides an essential backdrop for understanding the physiological and neural…”
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Early development of vocal interaction rules in a duetting songbird
Published in Royal Society open science (01-02-2018)“…Exchange of vocal signals is an important aspect of animal communication. Although birdsong is the premier model for understanding vocal development, the…”
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Swamp sparrows modulate vocal performance in an aggressive context
Published in Biology letters (2005) (23-04-2009)“…Vocal performance refers to the proficiency with which a bird sings songs that are challenging to produce, and can be measured in simple trilled songs by their…”
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The evolution of vocal learning
Published in Current opinion in neurobiology (01-10-2014)“…Highlights • Comparative evidence supports two explanations for the origin of vocal learning. • In one, vocal learning is favored by sexual selection for…”
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Soft Song in Song Sparrows: Acoustic Structure and Implications for Signal Function
Published in Ethology (01-07-2008)“…In many species of songbirds, males sometimes produce songs at distinctly lower amplitude than in normal singing. Depending on the species, these 'soft songs'…”
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Human-wild bird cooperation
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (08-12-2023)“…Honeyguides learn distinct signals made by honey hunters from different cultures…”
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test for repertoire matching in eastern song sparrows
Published in Journal of avian biology (01-03-2016)“…Repertoire matching occurs when one songbird replies to another with a song type that the two birds share. Repertoire matching has previously been demonstrated…”
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Published in The Auk (01-01-2005)“…Thus, it is ironic that interest in development waned, to some degree, as the science of ethology that Tinbergen helped establish gave rise to the more…”
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Quality of song learning affects female response to male bird song
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (22-09-2002)“…Bird song is unusual as a sexually selected trait because its expression depends on learning as well as genetic and other environmental factors. Prior work has…”
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Song as an aggressive signal in songbirds
Published in Animal behaviour (01-12-2009)“…Birdsong is often regarded as an aggressive signal. More specifically, particular singing behaviours are hypothesized to be threatening, including song type…”
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Long-distance dependencies in birdsong syntax
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (26-01-2022)“…Songbird syntax is generally thought to be simple, in particular lacking long-distance dependencies in which one element affects choice of another occurring…”
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Variation in vocal production learning across songbirds
Published in Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological sciences (25-10-2021)“…Songbirds as a whole are considered to be vocal production learners, meaning that they modify the structure of their vocalizations as a result of experience…”
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Animal Behavior: The Raised-by-Wolves Predicament
Published in Current biology (02-12-2019)“…Social learning poses a particular problem for brood parasites, which are raised by adults of another species. Brood-parasitic cowbirds use a password, a…”
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Constraints on song type matching in a songbird
Published in Behavioral ecology and sociobiology (01-08-2019)“…In an eastern population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), song type matching occurs at above chance levels but does not signal aggressiveness. One…”
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Full life course analysis of birdsong reveals maturation and senescence of highly repeatable song characteristics
Published in Behavioral ecology (08-11-2019)“…Abstract Signalers may benefit in some contexts from advertising their ages, for example in courting potential mates. Receivers in turn may benefit from…”
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Geographic Song Discrimination in Relation to Dispersal Distances in Song Sparrows
Published in The American naturalist (01-03-2002)“…Whether geographic variation in signals actually affects communication between individuals depends on whether discriminable differences in signals occur over…”
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Sounds of senescence: male swamp sparrows respond less aggressively to the songs of older individuals
Published in Behavioral ecology (20-03-2020)“…Abstract Age-related changes in assessment signals occur in a diverse array of animals, including humans. Age-related decline in vocal quality in humans is…”
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Song repertoire size in male song sparrows correlates with detour reaching, but not with other cognitive measures
Published in Animal behaviour (01-06-2011)“…Song learning is a cognitive task in which juvenile birds acquire, store and use information about adult song to shape their own song production. Comparative…”
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