Search Results - "Scocozza, Magalí F."
Electrochemical Actuation of a DyP Peroxidase: A Facile Method for Drastic Improvement of the Catalytic Performance
Published in ACS catalysis (02-06-2023)“…Dye decolorizing peroxidases (DyP) have attracted interest for applications such as dye-containing wastewater remediation and biomass processing. So far,…”
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Autocatalytic Mechanism in the Anaerobic Reduction of Metmyoglobin by Sulfide Species
Published in Inorganic chemistry (24-07-2023)“…The mechanism of the metal centered reduction of metmyoglobin (MbFeIII) by sulfide species (H2S/HS–) under an argon atmosphere has been studied by a…”
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Direct Electrochemical Generation of Catalytically Competent Oxyferryl Species of Classes I and P Dye Decolorizing Peroxidases
Published in International journal of molecular sciences (20-11-2021)“…This work introduces a novel way to obtain catalytically competent oxyferryl species for two different dye-decolorizing peroxidases (DyPs) in the absence of H…”
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Reduction of metmyoglobin by inorganic disulfide species
Published in Journal of inorganic biochemistry (01-08-2023)“…The mechanism of the metal centered reduction of metmyoglobin (MbFeIII) by inorganic disulfide species has been studied by combined spectroscopic and kinetic…”
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Correlated electric field modulation of electron transfer parameters and the access to alternative conformations of multifunctional cytochrome c
Published in Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (01-02-2022)“…•Electric fields modulate cytochrome c electron transfer and conformational dynamics.•Kinetic electron transfer and conformational parameters of Cyt c are…”
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Superoxide versus peroxide activation of dye decolorizing peroxidases for bioelectrocatalysis
Published in Bioresource technology reports (01-06-2024)“…Here we show that dye decolorizing peroxidases can be electrochemically activated for substrate oxidation without addition of exogenous H2O2, yielding…”
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Loops around the Heme Pocket Have a Critical Role in the Function and Stability of BsDyP from Bacillus subtilis
Published in International journal of molecular sciences (01-10-2021)“…Bacillus subtilis BsDyP belongs to class I of the dye-decolorizing peroxidase (DyP) family of enzymes and is an interesting biocatalyst due to its high redox…”
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Optimized Biocompatible Gold Nanotriangles with NIR Absorption for Photothermal Applications
Published in ACS applied nano materials (28-01-2022)“…Gold nanotriangles (Au NTs) present singular plasmonic properties that are particularly attractive for photothermal applications. However, most syntheses rely…”
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The role of molecular crowding in long-range metalloprotein electron transfer: Dissection into site- and scaffold-specific contributions
Published in Electrochimica acta (20-01-2019)“…Here we report the effect of molecular crowding on long-range protein electron transfer (ET) and disentangle the specific responses of the redox site and the…”
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