Search Results - "Schultze, W D"

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  1. 1

    Effect of parity, stage of lactation, and intramammary infection on concentration of somatic cells and cytoplasmic particles in goat milk by Dulin, A M, Paape, M J, Schultze, W D, Weinland, B T

    Published in Journal of dairy science (01-11-1983)
    “…Aseptic foremilk samples (about 15 ml) were collected biweekly for four samplings and then monthly throughout lactation from 35 does in three herds on Dairy…”
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  2. 2

    Control of new intramammary infection at calving by prepartum teat dipping by Schultze, W D

    Published in Journal of dairy science (01-08-1985)
    “…Cows were subjected to teat dipping in a commercial iodophor germicide twice daily for at least 7 days immediately before calving to assess efficacy of the…”
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  3. 3

    Effects of a selective regimen of dry cow therapy on intramammary infection and on antibiotic sensitivity of surviving pathogens by Schultze, W D

    Published in Journal of dairy science (01-04-1983)
    “…Selective dry cow therapy with 1 million U of procaine penicillin G and 1 g of dihydrostreptomycin in a slow-release base was administered to all quarters of…”
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  4. 4

    Effect of milking without pulsation on teat duct colonization with Streptococcus agalactiae and penetrability to endotoxin by Bramley, A J, Schultze, W D

    Published in Journal of dairy science (01-09-1991)
    “…Forty quarters of 10 cows were milked for a 9-d period with one of four treatments: 1) no liner pulsation, 2) conventional milking, 3) no pulsation for 4 d…”
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  5. 5

    Effect on outcome of intramammary challenge exposure with Staphylococcus aureus of somatic cell concentration and presence of an intramammary device by Schultze, W D, Paape, M J

    Published in American journal of veterinary research (01-03-1984)
    “…Results of experimental Staphylococcus aureus intramammary challenge of all quarters of 6 cows, each fitted with an intramammary device (IMD) in 2 quarters,…”
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  6. 6

    Effect of abraded intramammary device on outcome in lactating cows after challenge exposure with Streptococcus uberis by Paape, M J, Schultze, W D, Corlett, N J, Weinland, B T, Cortlett, N J

    Published in American journal of veterinary research (01-06-1988)
    “…Intramammary devices (IMD) were abraded with medium-grade emery cloth or were left smooth. One IMD of each type was inserted into a mammary quarter of each of…”
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  7. 7

    Changes in penetrability of bovine papillary duct to endotoxin after milking by Schultze, W D, Bright, S C

    Published in American journal of veterinary research (01-12-1983)
    “…The relative penetrability of bovine papillary ducts was assayed using frequency of inflammatory response to implantation of Escherichia coli endotoxin at a…”
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  8. 8

    Radiotelemetry temperature responses of mammary gland and body to intramammary injection of Escherichia coli endotoxin or Streptococcus agalactiae in lactating dairy cows by Lefcourt, A M, Bitman, J, Wood, D L, Stroud, B, Schultze, W D

    Published in American journal of veterinary research (01-05-1993)
    “…To investigate the feasibility of using changes in body or mammary temperature to detect mastitis, radiotransmitters were implanted midway between rear udder…”
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  9. 9

    Effect of intramammary device on new infection rate, milk yield, and milk somatic cell counts in maryland dairy herds by Corlett, N J, Peters, R R, Paape, M J, Schultze, W D

    Published in Journal of dairy science (01-11-1984)
    “…Effectiveness of a polyethylene intramammary device against naturally occurring infections was evaluated in three Maryland herds over 2 yr. Treated cows [62]…”
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  10. 10

    Assay of penetrability of bovine papillary duct implanted with Escherichia coli endotoxin by Schultze, W D

    Published in American journal of veterinary research (01-11-1981)
    “…A method has been developed to assay the relative penetrability to a solute of the papillary duct (streak canal) of the bovine teat. Escherichia coli…”
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  11. 11

    Pharmacokinetics of polymyxin B administered via the bovine mammary gland by Ziv, G, Schultze, W D

    “…Polymyxin B was infused into normal, chronically inflamed, and acutely inflamed quarters of the mammary gland of lactating cows at dosages ranging between 1…”
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  12. 12

    Factors affecting ability of skim milk to support phagocytosis by bovine polymorphonuclear leukocytes by Miller, R H, Paape, M J, Dulin, A M, Schultze, W D, Weinland, B T, Pearson, R E

    Published in Journal of dairy science (01-11-1985)
    “…Milk samples from quarters were collected from 48 Holstein cows at 1.5, 3, 21, and 35 wk postpartum and at 1 wk after drying off. Foremilk samples were…”
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  13. 13

    Dairy herd problem with mastitis caused by a rapidly growing Mycobacterium species by Schultze, W D, Stroud, B H, Brasso, W B

    Published in American journal of veterinary research (01-01-1985)
    “…Intramammary infections by a nonspeciated Mycobacterium of Runyon group IV increased in the dairy herd at the Beltsville, Md, Agricultural Research Center…”
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  14. 14

    Influence of intramammary infusion of polymyxin B on the clinicopathologic course of endotoxin-induced mastitis by Ziv, G, Schultze, W D

    Published in American journal of veterinary research (01-01-1983)
    “…The influence of giving 1 dose of polymyxin B (1.6 X 10(6) U/quarter) by the intramammary route to dairy cows to modify the clinicopathologic course of…”
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  15. 15

    Variation among cows in the ability of milk to support phagocytosis and in the ability of polymorphonuclear leukocytes to phagocytose Staphylococcus aureus by Paape, M J, Pearson, R E, Schultze, W D

    Published in American journal of veterinary research (01-12-1978)
    “…Marked variation existed among cows in the ability of their milk to support phagocytosis and in the ability of polymorphonuclear leukocytes isolated from their…”
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  16. 16

    Mastitis infection from abrupt loss of milking vacuum by Thompson, P D, Schultze, W D, Sauls, J N, Arapis, S C

    Published in Journal of dairy science (01-03-1978)
    “…During a single reversal trial of two 2-wk experimental periods, teats of all glands of 12 Holstein cows were subjected to a milking routine conducive to large…”
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    Characterization and identification of Mycobacterium smegmatis in bovine mastitis by Schultze, W D, Brasso, W B

    Published in American journal of veterinary research (01-05-1987)
    “…Twenty morphologically similar strains of a Mycobacterium sp isolated from milk of cows with bovine mastitis in the US Department of Agriculture dairy herd…”
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  19. 19

    Variation in Wisconsin Mastitis Test Scores of bucket milk samples and relationship to bacterial infections by Bodoh, G W, Pearson, R E, Schultze, W D, Miller, R H

    Published in Journal of dairy science (01-01-1981)
    “…Sources of variation in the Wisconsin Mastitis Test were studied in 4739 bucket milk samples from 111 cows in one herd during 103 days. Quarters of cows were…”
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  20. 20

    Effect of intramammary devices on the outcome of induced Escherichia coli infection of bovine mammary quarters by Bright, S A, Schultze, W D, Paape, M J, Peters, R R

    Published in American journal of veterinary research (01-08-1987)
    “…Eighteen Holstein cows, free of intramammary infection, were fitted with smooth (n = 9) or abraded (n = 9) intramammary devices (IMD) in 2 diagonally opposed…”
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