Search Results - "Schroyen, Fred"
The importance of correcting for health-related survey non-response when estimating health expectancies: Evidence from The HUNT Study
Published in Demographic research (2024)“…Most studies on health expectancies rely on self-reported health from surveys to measure the prevalence of disabilities or ill health in a population At best,…”
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The legal incidence of ad valorem taxes matters
Published in Journal of economics (Vienna, Austria) (01-07-2024)“…It is well known that, for a specific tax, its economic incidence does not depend on which side of the market has the legal obligation to pay the tax. In this…”
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Optimal hospital payment rules under rationing by waiting
Published in Journal of health economics (01-03-2020)“…We derive optimal rules for paying hospitals for non-emergency care when providers choose quality and capacity, and patient demand is rationed by waiting time…”
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Health insurance, agricultural production and investments
Published in Journal of health economics (01-09-2024)“…We study the effects of health insurance coverage on agricultural production decisions, examining the causal relationships by exploiting a health care reform…”
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The power of money: Wealth effects in contests
Published in Games and economic behavior (01-11-2016)“…The relationship between wealth and power has long been debated. Nevertheless, this relationship has been rarely studied in a strategic game. In this paper, we…”
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Attitudes Towards Large Income Risk in Welfare States: An International Comparison
Published in Economica (London) (01-10-2018)“…Using survey data and the instrument developed by Barsky et al. (1997), we estimate the distribution of attitudes towards income risk in a country where many…”
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Attitudes Towards Income Risk in the Presence of Quantity Constraints
Published in The Geneva risk and insurance review (01-09-2013)“…Considering a consumer with standard preferences, I trace out how quantity constraints on markets impact on relative risk aversion and prudence. I first show…”
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Operational expressions for the marginal cost of indirect taxation when merit arguments matter
Published in International tax and public finance (01-02-2010)“…Marginal indirect tax reform analysis evaluates for each commodity (group) the marginal welfare cost ( MC ) of increasing government revenue by one euro by…”
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Published in Climate change economics (01-01-2020)“…We assess the extent to which Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and R&D on this abatement technology are part of a socially efficient solution to the problem of…”
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Multidimensional Screening in a Monopolistic Insurance Market
Published in The Geneva risk and insurance review (01-03-2014)“…We consider a population of individuals who differ in two dimensions, their risk type (expected loss) and their risk aversion, and solve for the…”
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Optimal pricing and capacity choice for a public service under risk of interruption
Published in Journal of regulatory economics (01-06-2011)“…We develop rules for pricing and capacity choice for an interruptible service that recognize the interdependence between consumers’ perceptions of system…”
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Redistributive taxation and the household: the case of individual filings
Published in Journal of public economics (01-10-2003)“…In this paper I look at the tax treatment of households under individual filings and characterise the efficiency properties of an income tax schedule that…”
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An alternative way to model merit good arguments
Published in Journal of public economics (01-06-2005)“…Besley [J. Public Econ. 35 (1988) 371] uses a scaling approach to model merit good arguments in commodity tax policy. In this paper, I question this approach…”
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The values of relative risk aversion and prudence: A context-free interpretation
Published in Mathematical social sciences (01-07-2009)“…In this paper we apply to multiplicative lotteries the idea of preference for “harm disaggregation” that was used for additive lotteries in order to interpret…”
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Work Requirements and Long-Term Poverty
Published in Journal of public economic theory (01-08-2005)“…We study how work requirements can be used to target transfers to the long‐term poor. Without commitment, time consistency requires all screening measures to…”
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Can a Mixed Health Care System be Desirable on Equity Grounds?
Published in The Scandinavian journal of economics (01-03-2005)“…Should health care provision be public, private, or both? We consider this question in a setting where people differ in their earnings capacity and face some…”
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Pareto efficient income taxation under costly monitoring
Published in Journal of public economics (01-09-1997)“…This paper studies the problem of Pareto efficient fiscal policies when labour supply is elastic and the government has no a priori information on income…”
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The Game Form Approach to Redistribution
Published in Journal of economic surveys (01-06-1997)“…This paper reviews the game form approach to redistributive policies. This approach provides a justification for studying tax systems as good institutional…”
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Redistribution and Small Coalitions of Friends
Published in The Scandinavian journal of economics (01-09-1997)“…When side marketing trade is perfect, linear taxation of retradeable commodities is the only scheme that survives attempts to arbitrage. In this paper, I…”
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Optimal fiscal and public expenditure policy in a two-class economy
Published in Journal of public economics (01-07-1996)“…Optimal taxation and the provision of public goods in a 2-class economy with non-linear income and linear commodity taxes is addressed. As far as optimal…”
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