Search Results - "Schonharting, V."

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  1. 1

    A precision measurement of direct CP violation in the decay of neutral kaons into two pions by Dosanjh, R.S, Gershon, T.J, Kalmus, G.E, Lazzeroni, C, Munday, D.J, Olaiya, E, Patel, M, Parker, M.A, White, T.O, Wotton, S.A, Bocquet, G, Ceccucci, A, Cuhadar-Dönszelmann, T, Cundy, D, Falaleev, V, Gatignon, L, Gonidec, A, Gorini, B, Grafström, P, Kubischta, W, Norton, A, Panzer-Steindel, B, Wahl, H, Hristov, P, Kekelidze, V, Madigojine, D, Molokanova, N, Potrebenikov, Yu, Rubin, P, Walker, A, Calabrese, R, Dalpiaz, P, Duclos, J, Frabetti, P.L, Gianoli, A, Martini, M, Masetti, L, Petrucci, F, Savrié, M, Scarpa, M, Bizzeti, A, Calvetti, M, Collazuol, G, Iacopini, E, Lenti, M, Ruggiero, G, Veltri, M, Eppard, M, Hirstius, A, Kleinknecht, K, Koch, U, Köpke, L, Lopes da Silva, P, Morales, C, Pellmann, I, Peters, A, Renk, B, Wanke, R, Winhart, A, Chollet, J.C, Fayard, L, Graziani, G, Iconomidou-Fayard, L, Wingerter-Seez, I, Cenci, P, Imbergamo, E, Lubrano, P, Mestvirishvili, A, Nappi, A, Pepe, M, Valdata-Nappi, M, Casali, R, Cerri, C, Cirilli, M, Fantechi, R, Fiorini, L, Giudici, S, Mannelli, I, Sozzi, M, Cheze, J.B, De Beer, M, Derue, F, Formica, A, Gouge, G, Mazzucato, E, Peyaud, B, Vallage, B, Holder, M, Biino, C, Menichetti, E, Pastrone, N, Nassalski, J, Rondio, E, Wislicki, W, Wronka, S, Dibon, H, Markytan, M, Neuhofer, G, Pernicka, M, Widhalm, L

    Published in Physics letters. B (19-09-2002)
    “…The direct CP violation parameter Re(ϵ′/ϵ) has been measured from the decay rates of neutral kaons into two pions using the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS. The…”
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  2. 2

    Measurement of the ratio Γ(KL→π+π−)/Γ(KL→π±e∓ν) and extraction of the CP violation parameter |η by Lai, A., Marras, D., Bevan, A., Dosanjh, R.S., Kalmus, G.E., Munday, D.J., Olaiya, E., Parker, M.A., White, T.O., Ceccucci, A., Cuhadar-Dönszelmann, T., Cundy, D., D'Agostini, G., Doble, N., Gatignon, L., Gonidec, A., Gorini, B., Govi, G., Grafström, P., Kubischta, W., Lacourt, A., Norton, A., Palestini, S., Panzer-Steindel, B., Wahl, H., Cheshkov, C., Gaponenko, A., Hristov, P., Kekelidze, V., Madigozhin, D., Molokanova, N., Tatishvili, G., Tkatchev, A., Martin, V., Walker, A., Contalbrigo, M., Gianoli, A., Savrié, M., Bizzeti, A., Calvetti, M., Graziani, G., Iacopini, E., Lenti, M., Martelli, F., Veltri, M., Becker, H.G., Eppard, K., Fox, H., Kalter, A., Kleinknecht, K., Lopes da Silva, P., Pellmann, I., Renk, B., Schmidt, S.A., Schönharting, V., Schué, Y., Wanke, R., Winhart, A., Wittgen, M., Fayard, L., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Ocariz, J., Unal, G., Wingerter-Seez, I., Anzivino, G., Cenci, P., Imbergamo, E., Lubrano, P., Nappi, A., Piccini, M., Bertanza, L., Carosi, R., Cerri, C., Cirilli, M., Costantini, F., Fantechi, R., Giudici, S., Mannelli, I., De Beer, M., Debu, P., Mazzucato, E., Peyaud, B., Turlay, R., Maier, A., Ziolkowski, M., Arcidiacono, R., Cartiglia, N., Marchetto, F., Pastrone, N., Nassalski, J., Rondio, E., Wislicki, W., Wronka, S., Dibon, H., Fischer, G., Jeitler, M., Markytan, M., Mikulec, I., Pernicka, M., Widhalm, L.

    Published in Physics letters. B (01-02-2007)
    “…We present a measurement of the ratio of the decay rates Γ(KL→π+π−)/Γ(KL→π±e∓ν), denoted as ΓK2π/ΓKe3. The analysis is based on data taken during a dedicated…”
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    Measurement of $K^{0}_{\mu3}$ form factors by Bevan, A., Dosanjh, R. S., Gershon, T. J., Hay, B., Kalmus, G. E., Lazzeroni, C., Munday, D. J., Olaiya, E., Parker, M. A., White, T. O., Wotton, S. A., Barr, G., Bocquet, G., Ceccucci, A., Cuhadar-Dnszelmann, T., Cundy, D., d'Agostini, G., Doble, N., Falaleev, V., Gatignon, L., Gonidec, A., Gorini, B., Govi, G., Grafstrm, P., Kubischta, O W, Lacourt, A., Norton, A., Palestini, S., Panzer-Steindel, B., Taureg, H., Velasco, M., Wahl, H., Cheshkov, C., Khristov, P. Z., Kekelidze, V., Litov, L., Madigozhin, D. T., Molokanova, N., Potrebenikov, Yu, Stoynev, S., Zinchenko, A., Knowles, I., Martin, V., Sacco, R., Walker, A., Contalbrigo, M., Dalpiaz, P., Duclos, J., Frabetti, P. L., Gianoli, A., Martini, M., Petrucci, F., Savrié, M., Bizzeti, A., Calvetti, M., Collazuol, G., Graziani, G., Iacopini, E., Lenti, M., Ruggiero, G., Veltri, M., Becker, H. G., Eppard, K., Eppard, M., Fox, H., Kalter, A., Kleinknecht, K., Koch, U., Köpke, L., Lopes da Silva, P., Marouelli, O P, Pellmann, I., Peters, A., Renk, B., Schmidt, S. A., Schönharting, V., Schué, Yu, Wanke, R., Winhart, A., Wittgen, M., Chollet, J.C., Fayard, L., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Ocariz, J., Unal, G., Wingerter-Seez, Isabelle, Anzivino, G., Cenci, P., Imbergamo, E., Lubrano, P., Mestvirishvili, A., Nappi, A., Pepé, M., Piccini, M., Bertanza, L., Carosi, R., Casali, R., Cerri, C., Cirilli, M., Costantini, F.

    Published in Physics letters. B (2007)
    “…This paper reports on a new high precision measurement of the form factors of the K_{L}\to \pi^{\pm} \mu^{\mp} \nu_{\mu} decay. The data sample of about…”
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    Measurement of the $\Xi^0 \rightarrow \Lambda gamma$ decay asymmetry and branching fraction by Lai, A., Marras, D., Bevan, A., Dosanjh, R S., Gershon, T J., Hay, B., Kalmus, G E., Lazzeroni, C., Munday, D J., Olaiya, E., Parker, M A., White, T O., Wotton, S A., Barr, G., Bocquet, G., Ceccucci, A., Cuhadar-Donszelmann, T., Cundy, D., d'Agostini, G., Doble, N., Falaleev, V., Gatignon, L., Gonidec, A., Gorini, B., Govi, G., Grafstrom, P., Kubischta, W., Lacourt, A., Norton, A., Palestini, S., Panzer-Steindel, B., Taureg, H., Velasco, M., Wahl, H., Cheshkov, C., Gaponenko, A., Hristov, P., Kekelidze, V D., Madigojine, D., Molokanova, N., Potrebenikov, Yu, Tatishvili, G., Tkatchev, A., Zinchenko, A., Knowles, I., Martin, V., Sacco, R., Walker, A., Contalbrigo, M., Dalpiaz, P., Duclos, J., Frabetti, P L., Gianoli, A., Martini, M., Petrucci, F., Savrie, M., Bizzeti, A., Calvetti, M., Collazuol, G., Graziani, G., Iacopini, E., Lenti, M., Martelli, F., Veltri, M., Becker, H.G., Eppard, K., Eppard, M., Fox, H., Kalter, A., Kleinknecht, K., Koch, U., Kopke, L., Lopesdasilva, P., Marouelli, P., Pellmann, I., Peters, A., Renk, B., Schmidt, S A., Schonharting, V., Schue, Y., Wanke, R., Winhart, A., Wittgen, M., Chollet, J C., Fayard, L., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Ocariz, J., Unal, G., Wingerter-Seez, I., Anzivino, G., Cenci, P., Imbergamo, E., Lubrano, P., Mestvirishvili, A., Nappi, A., Pepe, M., Piccini, M., Bertanza, L., Carosi, R., Casali, R.

    Published in Physics letters. B (2004)
    “…In data taken with the NA48 experiment at the CERN SPS in 1999, 730 candidates of the weak radiative hyperon decay Xi0 -> Lambda gamma have been found with an…”
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    Investigation of $K_{L,S} \rightarrow \pi^{+}\pi^{-}e^{+}e^{-}$ decays by Lai, A., Marras, D., Batley, J R., Bevan, A., Dosanjh, R S., Gershon, T J., Hay, B., Kalmus, G E., Lazzeroni, C., Munday, D J., Needham, M D., Olaiya, E., Parker, M A., White, T O., Wotton, S A., Barr, G., Bocquet, G., Ceccucci, A., Cuhadar-Donszelmann, T., Cundy, D., d'Agostini, G., Doble, N., Falaleev, V P., Funk, W., Gatignon, L., Gonidec, A., Gorini, B., Govi, G., Grafstrom, P., Kubischta, W., Lacourt, A., Lenti, M., Luitz, S., Matheys, J P., Mikulec, I., Norton, A., Palestini, S., Panzer-Steindel, B., Schinzel, D., Tatishvili, G., Taureg, H., Velasco, M., Vossnack, O., Wahl, H., Cheshkov, C., Gaponenko, A., Khristov, P Z., Kekelidze, V., Madigojine, D., Molokanova, N., Potrebenikov, Yu, Tkachev, A., Zinchenko, A., Knowles, I., Martin, V., Parsons, H., Sacco, R., Walker, A., Contalbrigo, M., Dalpiaz, P., Duclos, J., Frabetti, P L., Gianoli, A., Martini, M., Petrucci, F., Savrie, M., Scarpa, M., Bizzeti, A., Calvetti, M., Collazuol, G., Graziani, G., Iacopini, E., Martelli, F., Veltri, M., Becker, H G., Bluemer, H., Coward, D., Eppard, M., Fox, H., Hirstius, A., Holtz, K., Kalter, A., Kleinknecht, K., Koch, U., Kopke, L., Lopes da Silva, P., Marouelli, P., Pellmann, I., Peters, A., Schmidt, S A., Schonharting, V., Schue, Y., Wanke, R., Winhart, A., Wittgen, M., Chollet, J C., Fayard, L., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Ocariz, J., Unal, G.

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    Search for the decay $K_{s} \to \pi^{0}\gamma\gamma by Lai, A., Marras, D., Batley, R., Bevan, A., Dosanjh, R S., Gershon, T J., Kalmus, G E., Munday, D J., Olaiya, E., Parker, M A., White, T., Wotton, S A., Barr, G., Bocquet, G., Ceccucci, A., Cuhadar-Donszelmann, T., Cundy Donald, C., Doble, N., Falaleev, V P., Gatignon, L., Gonidec, A., Gorini, B., Govi, G., Grafstrom, P., Kubischta, W., Lacourt, A., Lenti, M., Norton, A., Palestini, S., Panzer-Steindel, B., Tatishvili, G T., Taureg, H., Velasco, M., Wahl, H., Cheshkov, C., Khristov, P Z., Kekelidze, V., Madigojine, D., Molokanova, N., Potrebenikov Yu, K., Tkachev, a L., Zinchenko, a I., Knowles, I., Lazzeroni, C., Martin, V., Sacco, R., Walker, A., Contalbrigo, M., Dalpiaz, P., Duclos, J., Frabetti, P L., Gianoli, A., Martini, M., Masetti, L., Petrucci, F., Savrie, M., Bizzeti, A., Calvetti, M., Collazuol, G., Graziani, G., Iacopini, E., Becker, H G., Eppard, M., Fox, H., Holtz, K., Kalter, A., Kleinknecht, K., Koch, U., Kopke, L., Lopes da Silva, P., Marouelli, P., Pellmann, I., Peters, A., Renk, B., Schmidt, S A., Schonharting, V., Schue, Y., Wanke, R., Winhart, A., Wittgen, M., Chollet, J C., Fayard, L., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Ocariz, J., Unal, G., Wingerter, I., Anzivino, G., Cenci, P., Imbergamo, E., Lubrano, P., Mestvirishvili, A., Nappi, A., Pepe, M., Piccini, M., Carosi, R., Casali, R., Cerri, C., Cirilli, M., Costantini, F., Fantechi, R.

    Published in Physics letters. B (2002)
    “…A search for the decay K_S -> pi0gammagamma has been made using the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS. Using data collected in 1999 during a 40-hour run with a…”
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    Precise measurement of the decay $K_{L} \to\pi^{0}\gamma\gamma by Lai, A., Marras, D., Batley, J R., Bevan, A., Dosanjh, R S., Gershon, T J., Hay, B., Kalmus, G E., Lazzeroni, C., Munday, D J., Needham, M D., Olaiya, E., Parker, M A., White, T O., Wotton, S A., Barr, G., Bocquet, G., Ceccucci, A., Cuhadar-Donszelmann, T., Cundy, D., d'Agostini, G., Doble, N., Falaleev, V P., Funk, W., Gatignon, L., Gonidec, A., Gorini, B., Govi, G., Grafstrom, P., Kubischta, W., Lacourt, A., Lenti, M., Luitz, S., Matheys, J P., Mikulec, I., Norton, A., Palestini, S., Panzer-Steindel, B., Schinzel, D., Tatishvili, G., Taureg, H., Velasco, M., Vossnack, O., Wahl, H., Cheshkov, C., Gaponenko, A., Khristov, P Z., Kekelidze, V., Madigojine, D., Molokanova, N., Potrebenikov, Yu, Tkachev, A., Zinchenko, A., Knowles, I., Martin, V., Parsons, H., Sacco, R., Walker, A., Contalbrigo, M., Dalpiaz, P., Duclos, J., Frabetti, P L., Gianoli, A., Martini, M., Petrucci, F., Savrie, M., Scarpa, M., Bizzeti, A., Calvetti, M., Collazuol, G., Graziani, G., Iacopini, E., Martelli, F., Veltri, M., Becker, H G., Bluemer, H., Coward, D., Eppard, M., Fox, H., Hirstius, A., Holtz, K., Kalter, A., Kleinknecht, K., Koch, U., Kopke, L., Lopes da Silva, P., Marouelli, P., Pellmann, I., Peters, A., Schmidt, S A., Schonharting, V., Schue, Y., Wanke, R., Winhart, A., Wittgen, M., Chollet, J C., Crepe, S., Fayard, L., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Ocariz, J.

    Published in Physics letters. B (2002)
    “…The decay rate of $\klpgg$ has been measured with the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS. A total of $2558$ $\klpgg$ candidates have been observed with a residual…”
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  9. 9

    New measurements of the $\eta$ and $K^0$ masses by Lai, A., Marras, D., Batley, J R., Bevan, A., Dosanjh, R S., Gershon, T J., Hay, B., Kalmus, G E., Lazzeroni, C., Munday, D J., Needham, M D., Olaiya, E., Parker, M A., White, T O., Wotton, S A., Barr, G., Bocquet, G., Ceccucci, A., Cuhadar-Donszelmann, T., Cundy, D., d'Agostini, G., Doble, N., Falaleev, V P., Funk, W., Gatignon, L., Gonidec, A., Gorini, B., Govi, G., Grafstrom, P., Kubischta, W., Lacourt, A., Lenti, M., Luitz, S., Matheys, J P., Mikulec, I., Norton, A., Palestini, S., Panzer-Steindel, B., Schinzel, D., Tatishvili, G., Taureg, H., Velasco, M., Vossnack, O., Wahl, H., Cheshkov, C., Gaponenko, A., Khristov, P Z., Kekelidze, V., Madigojine, D., Molokanova, N., Potrebenikov, Yu, Tkachev, A., Zinchenko, A., Knowles, I., Martin, V., Parsons, H., Sacco, R., Walker, A., Contalbrigo, M., Dalpiaz, P., Duclos, J., Frabetti, P L., Gianoli, A., Martini, M., Petrucci, F., Savrie, M., Scarpa, M., Bizzeti, A., Calvetti, M., Collazuol, G., Graziani, G., Iacopini, E., Martelli, F., Veltri, M., Becker, H G., Bluemer, H., Coward, D., Eppard, M., Fox, H., Hirstius, A., Holtz, K., Kalter, A., Kleinknecht, K., Koch, U., Kopke, L., Lopes da Silva, P., Marouelli, P., Pellmann, I., Peters, A., Schmidt, S A., Schonharting, V., Schue, Y., Wanke, R., Winhart, A., Wittgen, M., Chollet, J C., Crepe, S., Fayard, L., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Ocariz, J.

    Published in Physics letters. B (2002)
    “…New measurements of the $\eta$ and $K^0$ masses have been performed using decays to 3$\pi^0$ with the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS. Using symmetric decays to…”
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    Search for the decay $K_{s} \to \pi^{0}e^{+}e^{-} by Lai, A., Marras, D., Batley, R., Bevan, A., Dosanjh, R S., Gershon, T J., Hay, B., Kalmus, G E., Munday, D J., Olaiya, E., Parker, M A., White, T O., Wotton, S A., Barr, G., Bocquet, G., Ceccucci, A., Cuhadar-Donszelmann, T., Cundy, D., Doble, N., Falaleev, V., Gatignon, L., Gonidec, A., Gorini, B., Govi, G., Grafstrom, P., Kubischta, W., Lacourt, A., Lenti, M., Norton, A., Palestini, S., Panzer-Steindel, B., Tatishvili, G., Taureg, H., Velasco, M., Wahl, H., Cheshkov, C., Gaponenko, A., Khristov, P Z., Kekelidze, V., Madigojine, D., Molokanova, N., Potrebenikov, Yu, Tkachev, A., Zinchenko, A., Knowles, I., Lazzeroni, C., Martin, V., Sacco, R., Walker, A., Contalbrigo, M., Dalpiaz, P., Duclos, J., Frabetti, P L., Gianoli, A., Martini, M., Petrucci, F., Savrie, M., Bizzeti, A., Calvetti, M., Collazuol, G., Graziani, G., Iacopini, E., Becker, H G., Eppard, M., Fox, H., Holtz, K., Kalter, A., Kleinknecht, K., Koch, U., Kopke, L., Lopes da Silva, P., Marouelli, P., Pellmann, I., Peters, A., Renk, B., Schmidt, S A., Schonharting, V., Schue, Y., Wanke, R., Winhart, A., Wittgen, M., Chollet, J C., Fayard, L., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Ocariz, J., Unal, G., Wingerter-Seez, I., Anzivino, G., Cenci, P., Imbergamo, E., Lubrano, P., Mestvirishvili, A., Nappi, A., Pepe, M., Piccini, M., Carosi, R., Casali, R., Cerri, C., Cirilli, M., Costantini, F.

    Published in Physics letters. B (2001)
    “…A search for the decay $\kspiee$ has been made using the NA48 detector at the CERN SPS. Using data collected in 1999 during a 40-hour run with a high-intensity…”
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    Measurement of the quadratic slope parameter in the $K_{L} \rightarrow 3\pi^{0}$ decay Dalitz plot by Lai, A., Marras, D., Musa, L., Bevan, A., Dosanjh, R S., Gershon, T J., Hay, B., Kalmus, G E., Munday, D J., Needham, M D., Olaiya, E., Parker, M A., White, T O., Wotton, S A., Barr, G., Blumer, H., Bocquet, G., Ceccucci, A., Cundy, D., d'Agostini, G., Doble, N., Falaleev, V., Gatignon, L., Gonidec, A., Govi, G., Grafstrom, P., Kubischta, W., Lacourt, A., Lenti, M., Luitz, S., Norton, A., Palestini, S., Panzer-Steindel, B., Tatishvili, G., Taureg, H., Velasco, M., Wahl, H., Cheshkov, C., Khristov, P Z., Kekelidze, V D., Madigojine, D., Molokanova, N., Potrebenikov, Yu, Zinchenko, A., Knowles, I., Lazzeroni, C., Martin, V., Parsons, H., Sacco, R., Walker, A., Contalbrigo, M., Dalpiaz, P., Duclos, J., Frabetti, P L., Gianoli, A., Martini, M., Petrucci, F., Savrie, M., Bizzeti, A., Calvetti, M., Collazuol, G., Graziani, G., Iacopini, E., Becker, H G., Eppard, M., Fox, H., Holtz, K., Kalter, A., Kleinknecht, K., Koch, U., Kopke, L., Pellmann, I., Peters, A., Renk, B., Schmidt, S A., Schonharting, V., Schue, Y., Wanke, R., Winhart, A., Chollet, J C., Crepe, S., Fayard, L., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Ocariz, J., Unal, G., Wingerter, I., Anzivino, G., Cenci, P., Imbergamo, E., Lubrano, P., Mestvirishvili, A., Nappi, A., Pepe, M., Piccini, M., Carosi, R., Casali, R., Cerri, C., Cirilli, M., Costantini, F., Fantechi, R.

    Published in Physics letters. B (2001)
    “…A value of \( (-6.1\pm 0.9_{stat}\pm 0.5_{syst})\times 10^{-3} \) is obtained for the quadratic slope parameter \( h \) in the \( K_{L}\rightarrow 3\pi ^{0} \)…”
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    A measurement of the transverse polarization of$\Lambda$-hyperons produced in inelastic pN-reactions at 450 GeV proton energy by Fanti, V., Lai, A., Marras, D., Musa, L., Nappi, B., Hay, A., Moore, K.N., Moore, R.W., Munday, D.J., Needham, M.D., Parker, M.A., White, T.O., Wotton, G., Barr, S.A., Blumer, H., Bocquet, G., Bremer, J., Ceccucci, A., Cogan, J., Cundy, D., Doble, N., Fischer, G., Funk, W., Gatignon, L., Gonidec, A., Govi, G., Grafstrom, P., Lacourt, A., Luitz, S., Marzulli, V., Matheys, J.P., Norton, A., Palestini, S., Panzer-Steindel, B., Schinzel, D., Taureg, H., Velasco, M., Vossnack, O., Wahl, H., Wirrer, G., Gaponenko, A., Kekelidze, V., Madigozhin, D., Mestvirishvili, A., Molokanova, N., Potrebenikov, Yu, Tatishvili, G., Tkachev, A., Zinchenko, O., Boyle, A., Knowles, I.G., Martin, V.J., Parsons, H., Contalbrigo, M., Dalpiaz, P., Duclos, J., Formica, A., Frabetti, P.L., Gianoli, A., Martini, M., Petrucci, F., Savrie, M., Bizzeti, A., Calvetti, M., Collazuol, G., Graziani, G., Iacopini, E., Lenti, M., Michetti, A., Talamonti, C., Coward, D., Ebersberger, C., Fox, H., Kalter, A., Kleinknecht, K., Koch, U., Kopke, L., Renk, B., Scheidt, J., Schmidt, Julien, Schue, Y., Schonharting, V., Wilhelm, R., Wittgen Orsay, M., Chollet, J. C., Crepe, S., Fayard, L., Iconomidou-Fayard, L., Ocariz, J., Unal, G., Wingerter, I., Anzivino, G., Cenci, P., Lubrano, P., Calafiura, P., Carosi, R., Casali, R., Cerri, C., Cirilli, M., Costantini, F.

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