Search Results - "Schmook, B."
Governing intensification: the influence of state institutions on smallholder farming strategies in Calakmul, Mexico
Published in Journal of land use science (03-05-2020)“…In forest frontiers, smallholder agrarian livelihoods remain uneasily juxtaposed with conservation interests. Agricultural intensification is often considered…”
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Is There a Continuing Rationale for Swidden Cultivation in the 21st Century?
Published in Human ecology : an interdisciplinary journal (01-02-2013)“…Issue Title: Swidden Agriculture…”
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Land system science and the social–environmental system: the case of Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region (SYPR) project
Published in Current opinion in environmental sustainability (01-04-2016)“…•The complexity of land system science requires integrated, team-based research.•The SYPR project examined a forest frontier with a biosphere reserve in…”
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Smallholders' adaptations to droughts and climatic variability in southeastern Mexico
Published in Environmental hazards (02-10-2015)“…This study explores the temporal and spatial variability and change in rainfall across southeastern Mexico and the mechanisms by which smallholder farmers…”
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Drivers of mangrove deforestation in Mahahual-Xcalak, Quintana Roo, southeast Mexico
Published in Ciencias marinas (01-06-2010)“…Mangroves occur in coastal areas and are therefore vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbance and exhibit high rates of deforestation. Mexico is among the…”
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Edible provenances of Jatropha curcas from Quintana Roo state of Mexico and effect of roasting on antinutrient and toxic factors in seeds
Published in Plant foods for human nutrition (Dordrecht) (1998)“…Seven seed samples of J. curcas, both in raw and roasted state, sold in some villages in Quintana Roo state, Mexico for human consumption were analyzed for…”
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Trends, drivers and impacts of changes in swidden cultivation in tropical forest-agriculture frontiers: A global assessment
Published in Global environmental change (01-05-2012)“…► This review identifies changes in swiddening world-wide over the last 10–15 years, explores the drivers of observed changes, and discusses how patterns of…”
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Agricultural Policy, Market Barriers, and Deforestation: The Case of Mexico’s Southern Yucatán
Published in World development (01-05-2009)“…This paper examines the linkages between agricultural policies and deforestation in a development frontier of Southern Mexico, focusing on support programs…”
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Diversification and Adaptive Capacity across Scales in an Emerging Post-Frontier Landscape of the Usumacinta Valley, Chiapas, Mexico
Published in The international forestry review (01-03-2015)“…This study investigates impacts and implications of recent landscape change in rural Mexico, through a case study in the Usumacinta Valley of eastern Chiapas…”
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Diversification and adaptive capacity across scales in an emerging post-frontier landscape of the Usumacinta Valley, Chiapas, Mexico/Diversification et capacite adaptative a differentes echelles dans un paysage emergeant postfrontiere de la vallee de l'Usumacinta, Chiapas, Mexique/Diversificacion y capacidad de adaptacion a diferentes escalas en un paisaje postfronterizo emergente del Valle del Usumacinta de Chiapas en Mexico
Published in The international forestry review (01-03-2015)“…This study investigates impacts and implications of recent landscape change in rural Mexico, through a case study in the Usumacinta Valley of eastern Chiapas…”
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The Punta Allen cooperative as an emblematic example of a sustainable small-scale fishery in the Mexican Caribbean
Published in Maritime studies (23-06-2015)“…We present an institutional ethnography and historical case study of the Vigía Chico fishing cooperative, located in the community of Punta Allen within the…”
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Deforestation in the southern Yucatán peninsular region: an integrative approach
Published in Forest ecology and management (01-12-2001)“…The tensions between development and preservation of tropical forests heighten the need for integrated assessments of deforestation processes and for models…”
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Heterogeneidad estructural del manglar como respuesta a factores ambientales y antrópicos en el Soconusco, Chiapas, México
Published in Polibotánica (01-06-2019)“…RESUMEN Se presenta una descripción de la heterogeneidad estructural de los manglares en la región del Soconusco, Chiapas, México. Su estructura fue analizada…”
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Migration and Gender: The Case of a Farming "Ejido" in Calakmul, Mexico
Published in Yearbook - Association of Pacific Coast Geographers (01-01-2009)“…As one of Mexico's last agricultural frontiers, southern Mexico's rural farming municipality of Calakmul has long been marked by rural in-migration. In the…”
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Agentes de deforestación de manglar en Mahahual-Xcalak, Quintana Roo, sureste de México
Published in Ciencias marinas (01-06-2010)“…Debido a su localización en la zona costera, los manglares son vulnerables a disturbios antropogénicos y presentan tasas de deforestación altas. México está…”
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Droughts in the Southern Yucatan Peninsula: analysis of the annual and seasonal precipitation variability
Published in Investigaciones geográficas : boletín del Instituto de Geografía (01-08-2012)“…This study analyzes the spatial and temporal variability of precipitation across the Southern Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, addressing the anomalies and trends…”
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