Search Results - "Schmidt, Morgan J"
Pre-Columbian Urbanism, Anthropogenic Landscapes, and the Future of the Amazon
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (29-08-2008)“…The archaeology of pre-Columbian polities in the Amazon River basin forces a reconsideration of early urbanism and long-term change in tropical forest…”
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The legacy of cultural landscapes in the Brazilian Amazon: implications for biodiversity
Published in Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological sciences (28-02-2007)“…For centuries Amazonia has held the Western scientific and popular imagination as a primordial forest, only minimally impacted by small, simple and dispersed…”
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Fast Response of Amazon Rivers to Quaternary Climate Cycles
Published in Journal of geophysical research. Earth surface (01-11-2021)“…Large alluvial rivers transport water and sediment across continents and shape lowland landscapes. Repeated glacial cycles have dominated Earth's recent…”
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Widespread Amazonian dark earth in the Xingu Indigenous Territory
Published in Nature sustainability (01-10-2024)“…Amazonian dark earth (ADE) is highly nutrient- and carbon-rich soil created by past inhabitants of the Amazon. It would be valuable to know the extent of ADE…”
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Intentional creation of carbon-rich dark earth soils in the Amazon
Published in Science advances (22-09-2023)“…Fertile soil known as Amazonian dark earth is central to the debate over the size and ecological impact of ancient human populations in the Amazon. Dark earth…”
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Results from Pilot Archaeological Fieldwork at the Carrazedo Site, Lower Xingu River, Amazonia
Published in Latin American antiquity (01-09-2016)“…Increasingly, archaeological research in Amazonia is revealing complex precolonial occupation in areas around riverine confluences. In 2014, the first…”
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Reconstructing tropical nature: Prehistoric and modern anthrosols (terra preta) in the Amazon rainforest, Upper Xingu River, Brazil
Published 01-01-2010“…This project investigates the formation of prehistoric anthrosols known as terra preta in Brazil. Terra preta soils were formed by human activities and mark…”
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Dark earths and the human built landscape in Amazonia: a widespread pattern of anthrosol formation
Published in Journal of archaeological science (01-02-2014)“…Ancient anthrosols known as Amazonian dark earths or terra preta are part of the human built landscape and often represent valuable landscape capital for…”
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Reconstructing tropical nature: Prehistoric and modern anthrosols (terra preta) in the Amazon rainforest, Upper Xingu River, Brazil
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