Search Results - "Schmidt, I K"
Can current moisture responses predict soil CO2 efflux under altered precipitation regimes? A synthesis of manipulation experiments
Published in Biogeosciences (01-06-2014)“…As a key component of the carbon cycle, soil CO2 efflux (SCE) is increasingly studied to improve our mechanistic understanding of the important carbon flux…”
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Net root growth and nutrient acquisition in response to predicted climate change in two contrasting heathland species
Published in Plant and soil (01-08-2013)“…Background and aims Accurate predictions of nutrient acquisition by plant roots and mycorrhizas are critical in modelling plant responses to climate change…”
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Distance to seed sources and land‐use history affect forest development over a long‐term heathland to forest succession
Published in Journal of vegetation science (01-11-2014)“…QUESTIONS: Is there a spatial pattern in the community structure (stem densities, species richness and species composition) of trees and shrubs during more…”
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Carbon and nitrogen cycles in European ecosystems respond differently to global warming
Published in Science of the total environment (15-12-2008)“…The global climate is predicted to become significantly warmer over the next century. This will affect ecosystem processes and the functioning of semi natural…”
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Synthesizing greenhouse gas fluxes across nine European peatlands and shrublands – responses to climatic and environmental changes
Published in Biogeosciences (04-10-2012)“…In this study, we compare annual fluxes of methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and soil respiratory carbon dioxide (CO2) measured at nine European peatlands (n…”
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Experimental design of multifactor climate change experiments with elevated CO₂, warming and drought: the CLIMAITE project
Published in Functional ecology (01-02-2008)“…1. Recent findings indicate that the interactions among CO₂, temperature and water can be substantial, and that the combined effects on the biological systems…”
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Mineralization and distribution of nutrients in plants and microbes in four arctic ecosystems: responses to warming
Published in Plant and soil (01-05-2002)“…Mineralization and nutrient distribution in plants and microbes were studied in four arctic ecosystems at Abisko, Northern Sweden and Toolik Lake, Alaska,…”
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Quantifying global soil carbon losses in response to warming
Published in Nature (London) (01-12-2016)“…A compilation of global soil carbon data from field experiments provides empirical evidence that warming-induced net losses of soil carbon could accelerate…”
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Fine Root Growth and Vertical Distribution in Response to Elevated CO₂, Warming and Drought in a Mixed Heathland–Grassland
Published in Ecosystems (New York) (01-01-2018)“…Belowground plant responses have received much less attention in climate change experiments than aboveground plant responses, thus hampering a holistic…”
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Responses in microbes and plants to changed temperature, nutrient, and light regimes in the arctic
Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-09-1999)“…Previous research has shown that experimental perturbations of arctic ecosystems simulating direct and indirect effects of predicted environmental changes have…”
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Sinks for nitrogen inputs in terrestrial ecosystems: a meta-analysis of 15N tracer field studies
Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-08-2012)“…Effects of anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition and the ability of terrestrial ecosystems to store carbon (C) depend in part on the amount of N retained in…”
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Differential responses of grass and a dwarf shrub to long-term changes in soil microbial biomass C, N and P following factorial addition of NPK fertilizer, fungicide and labile carbon to a heath
Published in The New phytologist (01-09-1999)“…Microbial immobilization may decrease the inorganic nutrient concentrations of the soil to the extent of affecting plant nutrient uptake and growth. We have…”
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Long-term manipulation of the microbes and microfauna of two subarctic heaths by addition of fungicide, bactericide, carbon and fertilizer
Published in Soil biology & biochemistry (01-05-2000)“…Nutrient availability is a major constraint to plant production and carbon storage in arctic ecosystems, but there are few studies coupling processes in the…”
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Microbial biomass C, N and P in two arctic soils and responses to addition of NPK fertilizer and sugar: implications for plant nutrient uptake
Published in Oecologia (01-06-1996)“…The soil microbial carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) pools were quantified in the organic horizon of soils from an arctic/alpine low-altitude heath…”
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Simulated climate change affecting microorganisms, nematode density and biodiversity in subarctic soils
Published in Plant and soil (01-01-1999)“…Arctic terrestrial ecosystems are strongly dominated by temperature, and global warming is expected to have a particularly strong impact in high latitudes. The…”
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Carbon Dioxide and Methane Exchange of a Subarctic Heath in Response to Climate Change Related Environmental Manipulations
Published in Oikos (01-05-1997)“…Responses of CO2 and CH4 exchange to NPK fertilization, soil warming and shading were investigated at a tree line heath site near Abisko in subarctic Sweden…”
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Author Correction: Crowther et al. reply
Published in Nature (London) (01-08-2018)“…In this Brief Communications Arising Reply, the affiliation for author P. H. Templer was incorrectly listed as ‘Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology,…”
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Effects of labile soil carbon on nutrient partitioning between an arctic graminoid and microbes
Published in Oecologia (01-01-1997)“…We measured partitioning of N and P uptake between soil microorganisms and potted Festuca vivipara in soil from a subarctic heath in response to factorial…”
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Nitrogen uptake by arctic soil microbes and plants in relation to soil nitrogen supply
Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-04-2004)“…In Alaska, evergreen and deciduous shrubs dominate the vegetation of moist acidic arctic tundra (soil pH < 5.5) while graminoids and forbs are important at the…”
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