Search Results - "Schaub, Peter"

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  1. 1

    Democracy Beyond Secrecy: Assessing the Promises and Pitfalls of Collective Voting by Mueller, Sean, Gerber, Marlène, Schaub, Hans‐Peter

    Published in Swiss political science review (01-03-2021)
    “…This paper assesses collective voting as a specific mode of democratic decision‐making and compares it to secret voting. Under collective voting, voters gather…”
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    Maximising Direct Democracy – by Popular Assemblies or by Ballot Votes? by SCHAUB, HANS‐PETER

    Published in Swiss political science review (01-09-2012)
    “…:  According to a widespread but empirically hitherto untested perception, assembly democracy is the ideal‐typical form for direct democracy. This paper…”
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    The Fairness of Media Coverage in Question: An Analysis of Referendum Campaigns on Welfare State Issues in Switzerland by Marquis, Lionel, Schaub, Hans‐Peter, Gerber, Marlène

    Published in Swiss political science review (01-06-2011)
    “…:  The mass media are assigned an important role in political campaigns on popular votes. This article asks how the press communicates political issues to…”
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    Ein duales Messkonzept für liberale und radikale Demokratiequalität by Dlabac, Oliver, Schaub, Hans-Peter

    “…Zusammenfassung Bisherige Indizes zur Messung von Demokratie stützen sich auf ein liberales Konzept repräsentativer Demokratie, ohne eine zweite grundlegende…”
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    Magnetic resonance imaging of fibroadenoma-like lesions and correlation with Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System and Kaiser scoring system by Becker, Jan H.R., Schoub, Peter K., Minne, Cornelia, Cloete, Daniel J.

    Published in SA journal of radiology (2018)
    “…Background: Multiple breast lesions resembling fibroadenomas are a common imaging finding in patients presenting to the mammography unit at Dr George Mukhari…”
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    Unpacking Income Inequality and Population Health: The Peculiar Absence of Geography by Dunn, James R., Schaub, Peter, Ross, Nancy A.

    Published in Canadian journal of public health (01-07-2007)
    “…Background: A large and growing body of literature investigating the negative relationship between income inequality and population health (at different…”
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    Liberale Romandie, radikale Deutschschweiz? Kantonale Demokratien zwischen Repräsentation und Partizipation by Bühlmann, Marc, Vatter, Adrian, Dlabac, Oliver, Schaub, Hans‐Peter

    Published in Swiss political science review (01-06-2013)
    “…Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die weit verbreitete These, dass Deutschschweizer Kantone vor allem radikaldemokratische Merkmale aufweisen, während die…”
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    Quality of Democracy in the Subnational Laboratory: On the Path to a New Measuring Device. Comments on Sabine Kropp, Vol 4/2008 ZPRL by Buhlmann, Marc, Vatter, Adrian, Dlabac, Oliver, Schaub, Hans-Peter

    Published in Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (01-01-2009)
    “…Sabine Kropp & her team examine the reliability for measuring the quality of democracy in subnational units of Vanhanens Index of Democratization in German…”
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    The quality of democracy in the sub-national laboratory: creating a new measure. Comments on Sabine Kropp et al. (ZParl 4/2008) by Bühlmann, Marc, Vatter, Adrian, Dlabac, Oliver, Schaub, Hans-Peter

    Published in Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (01-01-2009)
    “…Sabine Kropp, Benedikt Giesbers, Nicole Höhmann, Laura Möllers and Matthias Ruschke (ZParl, vol. 39 (2008), no. 4) showed that Vanhanen's `Index of…”
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    Demokratiequalität im subnationalen Labor: Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen Messinstrument. Anmerkungen zu Sabine Kropp u.a. in Heft 4/2008 der ZParl by Bühlmann, Marc, Vatter, Adrian, Dlabac, Oliver, Schaub, Hans-Peter

    Published in Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (01-01-2009)
    “…Sabine Kropp, Benedikt Giesbers, Nicole Höhmann, Laura Möllers and Matthias Ruschke (ZParl, vol. 39 (2008), no. 4) showed that Vanhanen's "Index of…”
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