Search Results - "Schöpf, U. J."

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    Reproducibility of coronary calcium quantification in repeat examinations with retrospectively ECG-gated multisection spiral CT by Ohnesorge, B, Flohr, T, Fischbach, R, Kopp, A F, Knez, A, Schröder, S, Schöpf, U J, Crispin, A, Klotz, E, Reiser, M F, Becker, C R

    Published in European radiology (01-06-2002)
    “…High reproducibility is a key requirement for coronary calcium scoring in follow-up examinations. We investigated the inter-examination reproducibility of…”
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    Morphologische und funktionelle Diagnostik der koronaren Herzkrankheit mittels Computertomographie by Baumann, S., Overhoff, D., Tesche, C., Korosoglou, G., Kelle, S., Nassar, M., Buss, S. J., Andre, F., Renker, M., Schoepf, U. J., Akin, I., Waldeck, S., Schoenberg, S. O., Lossnitzer, D.

    Published in Herz (01-02-2023)
    “…Zusammenfassung Die CT(Computertomographie)-Koronarangiographie (cCTA) ist bei Patienten mit niedriger und mittlerer Vortestwahrscheinlichkeit für eine…”
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    Computertomographie bei Patienten mit stabiler Angina Pectoris: Messung der fraktionellen Flussreserve by Renker, M., Schoepf, U. J., Becher, T., Krampulz, N., Kim, W., Rolf, A., Möllmann, H., Hamm, C. W., Henzler, T., Borggrefe, M., Akin, I., Baumann, S.

    Published in Herz (01-02-2017)
    “…Zusammenfassung Die koronare CT-Angiographie (cCTA) hat sich als nichtinvasive Methode zur direkten Darstellung von Erkrankungen der Herzkranzgefäße (KHK)…”
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    Value of multiplanar reformations (MPR)in multi-slice spiral CT of the lung by Eibel, R, Türk, T, Kulinna, C, Schöpf, U J, Brüning, R, Reiser, M F

    “…To evaluate the quality of multiplanar reformations (MPR) of multidetector spiral-CT (MD-CT) data sets of the chest based on anatomic criteria. 90 patients…”
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    Assessment of the effective dose for routine protocols in conventional CT, electron beam CT and coronary angiography by Becker, C, Schätzl, M, Feist, H, Bäuml, A, Schöpf, U J, Michalski, G, Lechel, U, Hengge, M, Brüning, R, Reiser, M

    “…To compare the effective dose applied by sequential CT (SEQ), spiral CT (SCT), electron beam CT (EBT) and coronary angiography for investigations of the chest,…”
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    Image analysis in multislice spiral CT of the lung with MPR and MIP reconstructions by Eibel, R, Brüning, R, Schöpf, U J, Leimeister, P, Stadie, A, Reiser, M F

    Published in Radiologe (01-11-1999)
    “…To test, whether axial, coronal and sagittal MIP and MPR reconstructions of diagnostic quality can be obtained from 1-mm collimation MSCT data of the chest for…”
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    The technical bases and uses of multi-slice CT by Ohnesorge, B, Flohr, T, Schaller, S, Klingenbeck-Regn, K, Becker, C, Schöpf, U J, Brüning, R, Reiser, M F

    Published in Radiologe (01-11-1999)
    “…In this review the technical principles and applications of multi-slice CT are discussed. Multi-slice CT systems allow simultaneous acquisition of up to 4…”
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    Radiation exposure during CT examination of thorax and abdomen. Comparison of sequential, spiral and electron beam computed tomography by Becker, C R, Schätzl, M, Feist, H, Bäuml, A, Brüning, R, Schöpf, U J, Reiser, M F

    Published in Radiologe (01-09-1998)
    “…Comparison of radiation exposure applied by different types of CT scanners for the investigation of the chest and abdomen. Determination of radiation exposure…”
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    CT-Angiographie der Koronarien mit prospektivem EKG-Triggering: Hohe diagnostische Genauigkeit bei niedriger Strahlendosis by Arnoldi, E., Ramos-Duran, L., Abro, J.A., Zwerner, P.L., Nikolaou, K., Reiser, M.F., Costello, P., Schoepf, U.J.

    Published in Radiologe (01-06-2010)
    “…Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Ziel unserer Untersuchungen war es, die CT-Angiographie der Koronarien (Koronar-CTA) unter Verwendung des prospektiven…”
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    Aktueller Stellenwert von CT und MRT in der Koronardiagnostik by Ebersberger, U., Schoepf, U.J., Hoffmann, E., Leber, W.A.

    Published in Der Kardiologe (01-04-2012)
    “…Zusammenfassung Die Herzkatheteruntersuchung ist derzeit der Standard zur Diagnostik der koronaren Herzkrankheit (KHK). Neue Methoden wie die…”
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