Search Results - "Schäpers, Alexander"
Odour maps in the brain of butterflies with divergent host-plant preferences
Published in PloS one (25-08-2011)“…Butterflies are believed to use mainly visual cues when searching for food and oviposition sites despite that their olfactory system is morphologically similar…”
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Embracing Colonizations: A New Paradigm for Species Association Dynamics
Published in Trends in ecology & evolution (Amsterdam) (01-01-2018)“…Parasite–host and insect–plant research have divergent traditions despite the fact that most phytophagous insects live parasitically on their host plants. In…”
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Experience-dependent mushroom body plasticity in butterflies: consequences of search complexity and host range
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (15-11-2017)“…An ovipositing insect experiences many sensory challenges during her search for a suitable host plant. These sensory challenges become exceedingly pronounced…”
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Personality and foraging decisions in fallow deer, Dama dama
Published in Animal behaviour (01-01-2011)“…Recent studies have examined the ecological and evolutionary bases for variation in animal personality. However, only a few such studies have examined how…”
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Selective attention by priming in host search behavior of 2 generalist butterflies
Published in Behavioral ecology (04-03-2019)“…We show that females of 2 generalist butterflies improve their search efficacy after previous encounters of the same host in a way similar to search-image…”
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Female fecundity variation affects reproducibility of experiments on host plant preference and acceptance in a phytophagous insect
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (22-02-2017)“…Reproducibility is a scientific cornerstone. Many recent studies, however, describe a reproducibility crisis and call for assessments of reproducibility across…”
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Specialist and generalist oviposition strategies in butterflies: maternal care or precocious young?
Published in Oecologia (01-02-2016)“…Herbivorous insects specialized on a narrow set of plants are believed to be better adapted to their specific hosts. This hypothesis is supported by…”
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Role of Olfactory Cues for the Search Behavior of a Specialist and Generalist Butterfly
Published in Journal of insect behavior (2015)“…Searching for resources is often a challenging task, especially for small organisms such as insects. Complex stimuli have to be extracted from the environment…”
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Organization of the Olfactory System of Nymphalidae Butterflies
Published in Chemical senses (01-05-2013)“…Olfaction is in many species the most important sense, essential for food search, mate finding, and predator avoidance. Butterflies have been considered a…”
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Experience-dependent mushroom body plasticity in butterflies: consequences of search complexity and host range
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (15-11-2017)“…An ovipositing insect experiences many sensory challenges during her search for a suitable host plant. These sensory challenges become exceedingly pronounced…”
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Female fecundity variation affects reproducibility of experiments on host plant preference and acceptance in a phytophagous insect
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (22-02-2017)“…Reproducibility is a scientific cornerstone. Many recent studies, however, describe a reproducibility crisis and call for assessments of reproducibility across…”
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